80 % Muslims are on welfare in the west. 80 million immigrated sucking the wealth out of Europe


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Guess how many christian Europeans or Americans are recipients of welfare in Muslim countries?Probably zero, because Muslims never feed their enemies: non-Muslims. But why Europeans must feed IQ 60 inbreeding poor educated parasites which sky-high birth rates produce only new parasites who never will work?
Just imagine, stupid Europeans give money to Ali ( Muhammad, Fatima etc. ) and he / she as thanks kill, rap, cheat, bomb.
If Europeans want to survive they shall prohibit any socialist party, abolish EU, establish strong State Christianity and throw all Muslim parasites away. Otherwise in ten - fifteen years Europe ceases out to exist.

Go back to your fairy-tales, Baron.
And remember what Jesus said: Love thy neighbor.
Hey may have said, 'love thy neigbour'. I'm not sure the biblical injunction is to pay thy neighbours gas and cable bill.
Why Christians must feed these wild animals?
Abolish EU, prohibit leftism and Islam, install State Fundamental Christianity and Tradition Values - make Europeans Free again!

A bloke in the pub told me that the supermarkets have a secret barcode that they scan to give THEM a 25% discount on their shop. Its disgraceful.
I read where Antifa was seeking redistribution of the wealth. Redistribution indicates to me that at one time the wealth was distributed between all as if equal. Was there ever a time like that? Was money taken from some people making them poor and others rich?

The only way to redistribute wealth, other then confiscation, is to have something of value to sell to those who have money. Such as labor, product, new invention...etc. This talk of redistribution to me indicates that Antifa and such have given up on the idea that they will ever account for anything and they must resort to stealing wealth.

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