80 % of Georgians want to join the European Union. Thats why Moscow imperialists hate them I Georgia is Europe 🇬🇪🇪🇺 Muscovy is Asia

do you support Georgians?

  • Yes, Georgia is Europe 🇬🇪🇪🇺 . Muscovy is Asia

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • no

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Yup, another lie that “80%” of them want to join the EU.

What happened to democracy? Shouldn’t their elected government reflect this?

Why don’t they just vote them out of office?

Or could it be this is just more anti-Russian/pro-EU propaganda?

Let me guess, Western countries will support a coup and overthrow of the elected government in Georgia just like they did in Ukraine in 2014. Because you know, we respect “democracy” so much? It will of course lead to destabilization and civil war in Georgia so the US State Department can plant a puppet regime there, just like they did in Ukraine.

Attempts by the CIA to promote another Kyiv2014 proving to be a dismal failure .

The Kyiv Nazis are desperate for pressure to be taken away from their abject performance in UkeyLand
Maybe they want to start another war with Russia?
they want to be part of the Free World. and you (MAGA) want to appease Moscow empire

Left photo from Maidan 2014 Kiev, right photo from Tbilisi, now.
The same stinking Soros methodology.
Frankly Fukuyama

: Save Georgian Democracy from Muscovite 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 predatory imperialism !

Georgia - the law on foreign agents passed...
84 MPs in favor, 30 against.

It is possible that the President's veto will follow, but this will only prolong, but will not change the result.
It is already obvious that the influence of foreign agents in Georgia, whose leader Mishiko Saakashvili is imprisoned, has significantly decreased. Therefore, the time has come to get rid of overseas influence.
And this is good!
Georgia - the law on foreign agents passed...
84 MPs in favor, 30 against.

It is possible that the President's veto will follow, but this will only prolong, but will not change the result.
It is already obvious that the influence of foreign agents in Georgia, whose leader Mishiko Saakashvili is imprisoned, has significantly decreased. Therefore, the time has come to get rid of overseas influence.
And this is good!
The US created attempted colour revolution continues .
Standard US Fakery to deflect from the Kyiv debacle .

They tried it in Khazakstan but it was a dismal failure and they started it in 2008 when they pretended Russia was invading .
Kyiv 2014 everybody knows about

More scripted Theatre just as usual .
And now, George W. Bush? Do you understand now only a little what you made wrong when you ignored Russia because of your wrong war in the Iraq under the totally wrong doctrine "preemptive strike"? Russia overtook in those days about 20% of the territory of Georgia and the whole world ignored this because of the totally stupid self-created conflict of the USA with this former vasall of the USA. What about if the USA slowly would try to become a political adult?
By the way: How old is the little baby Donald Trump? When will this high traitor of the values of the western world start to visit a kindergarten and to learn something what makes any sense?
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And now, George W. Bush? Do you understand now only a little what you made wrong when you ignored Russia because of your wrong war in the Iraq under the totally wrong doctrine "preemptive strike"? Russia overtook in those days about 20% of the territory of Georgia and the whole world ignored this because of the totally stupid self-created conflict of the USA with this former vasall of the USA. What about if the USA slowly would try to become a political adult?
By the way: How old is the little baby Donald Trump? When will this high traitor of the values of the western world start to visit a kindergarten and to learn something what makes any sense?
Another post Covid Vaccine attack?
Part of Long Covid is brain degradation .

Eat more lettuce Bangabangwa, but leaf us alone

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