80 % of Georgians want to join the European Union. Thats why Moscow imperialists hate them I Georgia is Europe 🇬🇪🇪🇺 Muscovy is Asia

do you support Georgians?

  • Yes, Georgia is Europe 🇬🇪🇪🇺 . Muscovy is Asia

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • no

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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By the way, why did the americans allow national republics to secede from the USSR, but do not allow Abkhazians and Ossetians to secede from Georgia?

Russia invaded Georgia and stole territory from Georgia - and unfortunatelly George W. Bush "allowed" Russia to do so by ignoring this criminal war. I on my own noticed the first time that this break of the international law from Russia was made in 2008 after Russia had started the criminal war against the Ukraine more than 2 years ago. And Russia did by the way also conquer Belarus because the high traitor Lukashenko sold Belarus to Russia. Belarus is not an independent nation any longer but under control of Putin. Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine ... and there's still no end in sight to Putin's inhumane policies that are causing Russia to be ruined.

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All countries are influenced by their historical heritage, by popular ideologies, by political decisions, by their neighbors. Sure, Mongols influenced Russia, but definitely lesser than Americans, Germans, Frenches, Swedens, Byzantins, Persians, Arabs, Khazars and many others.
Russia invaded Georgia and stole territory of Georgia - and unfortunatelly George W. Bush "allowed" Russia to do so by ignoring this criminal war. I on my own noticed the first time that this break of the international law from Russia was made in 2008 after Russia had started the criminal war against the Ukraine more than 2 years ago. And Russia did by the way also conquer Belarus because the high traitor Lukashenko sold Belarus to Russia. Belarus is not an independent nation any longer but under control of Putin. Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine ... and there's still no end in sight to Putin's inhumane policies that are causing Russia to be ruined.

And what exactly is "inhuman" in invading other nations and taking "their" territory (especially if those nations attacked you first)? The whole course of human history convince my that it's pretty human behavior.
Russia invaded Georgia and stole territory of Georgia - and unfortunatelly George W. Bush "allowed" Russia to do so by ignoring this criminal war. I on my own noticed the first time that this break of the international law from Russia was made in 2008 after Russia had started the criminal war against the Ukraine more than 2 years ago. And Russia did by the way also conquer Belarus because the high traitor Lukashenko sold Belarus to Russia. Belarus is not an independent nation any longer but under control of Putin. Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine ... and there's still no end in sight to Putin's inhumane policies that are causing Russia to be ruined.

And yes, if you say, that the Russians are not humans, who are we to disagree? We could easily show on your example what does it mean to be "really inhuman".
The only reason why are you still alive is that the Russians are very merciful and generous people. May be, too merciful. But even our patience is limited.
And what exactly is "inhuman" in invading other nations and taking "their" territory (especially if those nations attacked you first)? The whole course of human history convince my that it's pretty human behavior.

To shit is also a human behavior. Time for you to try to find out what "humanity" means, Deutungspfuscher (=interpretation botcher).



Rückwärts blickend
Vorwärts schaffen;
Abwärts grabend
Aufwärts bau'n!

William Stern
Historical research.

Looking backwards
Creating forwards;
Digging downwards
Building upwards!
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And yes, if you say, that the Russians are not humans

Eh? You are an extremist and superidiot, slave of Putin. Not so was Alexei Nawalny who had had his 48th birthday yesterday. That he was dead at this birthday is a result of the "humanity" (= the lack of humanity) of Vladimir Putin and his slaves, slave of Putin.

, who are we to disagree?

You and Putin?

We could easily show on your example what does it mean to be "really inhuman".
The only reason why are you still alive is that the Russians are very merciful and generous people. May be, too merciful. But even our patience is limited.

Superidiot: I am about 13.8 billion years old. I doubt you know what you speak about when you speak out the word "patience". The only reason I am still alive in my current form of existence is it that someone asked me in a spiritual vision some decades ago to be so nice not to enter heaven but to go back into life - with the full risk also to be able to have to go to hell next time.

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Russia invaded Georgia and stole territory from Georgia - and unfortunatelly George W. Bush "allowed" Russia to do so by ignoring this criminal war. I on my own noticed the first time that this break of the international law from Russia was made in 2008 after Russia had started the criminal war against the Ukraine more than 2 years ago.
I never know whether you are an insert or just a chattering clown .

But Russia did not invade Georgia -- or south Ossetia to be precise .
The Georgians pre empted and for nearly the first two days they gave the Russians a hell of a beating .

There is only one route from north to south Ossetia and that is through the Roki tunnel .
The Russians were trapped and only had conscripts and old tanks "on site" and for those first few hours took terrible punishment until Russian regular soldiers were brought in .
At that time I was involved direct with Shaakashvili's government and can recite the full incident on an hour by hour basis .
So don't bother posting . Just learn .
Eh? You are an extremist and superidiot, slave of Putin. Not so was Alexei Nawalny who had had his 48th birthday yesterday. That he was dead at this birthday is a result of the "humanity" (= the lack of humanity) of Vladimir Putin and his slaves, slave of Putin.
Actually, Navalny supported both liberation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as reunion with Crimea. Actually, every Russian politician supported it. You simply can't be Russian politician and support genocide of ethnic Russians or citizens of the Russians Federation.
I really dunno if Navalny was killed or died of illness, or pardoned for his actions at the siege of Soledar, but killing political opponents it's a kind of human behavior, too. I'm not a fun of Putin, but I'm not a fun of Navalny, either. He was a part of the system, and, it seems, he wasn't really good at his role.
Do you really believe that any sane Georgian man wish his country the fate of Ukraine? Those people can decide for themselves, what do they prefer - to die for nothing, or to live and getting wealthier.
It's not the question "Should we ask NATO and European Unions to defend us from those evil Russians with their damned money? " (the answer is already clear - they do love money and they do love to live enough to earn money). The question is "What should we do to not allow NATO defend us?"
I never know whether you are an insert or just a chattering clown .

But Russia did not invade Georgia -- or south Ossetia to be precise .
The Georgians pre empted and for nearly the first two days they gave the Russians a hell of a beating .

There is only one route from north to south Ossetia and that is through the Roki tunnel .
The Russians were trapped and only had conscripts and old tanks "on site" and for those first few hours took terrible punishment until Russian regular soldiers were brought in .
At that time I was involved direct with Shaakashvili's government and can recite the full incident on an hour by hour basis .
So don't bother posting . Just learn .

There's nothing to learn any longer. Putin is a criminal who threatens everyone with nukes and terror ("overkill" and "asymetric war"). We will see what the black-hole-politics of this lonesome superasshole living from spitlicking monsters will do. It will for sure destroy Russia - sooner or later. "Sooner" seems to be more likely. Whatever. Either he will die - more stupid as he had been born - or he will see the disaster he did do. But then it will be too late for him and his spitlickers to learn what needed to be learned in the last decades and centuries, slave of Putin.

Over the heath, in the first morning light
The birds migrate, where might they be tomorrow
I follow the sound of their wings into the silent moor
Ancient songs emerge from the mists

Come and fly away with us!
Let the wind carry you
Far away from this place!
Come and fly as high as you can
Let's chase the skies
In a dance!

Mists like silk touch my skin so cool
Further and further, where do I find the goal of my longing
I close my eyes and my feathers sprout
Already I feel the wind and spread my wings wide

Come and fly away with us!
Let the wind carry you
Far away from this place!
Come and fly as high as you can
Let's chase the skies
In the dance!

The heavens in you, how can I know them, can I see them
We dance in flight like stars that go their way

Come and fly away with us!
Let the wind carry you
Far away from this place!
Come and fly as high as you can
Let's chase the skies
In the dance!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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Actually, Navalny supported both liberation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as reunion with Crimea.

Do you like to say Putin is not only "human" against everyone else but also "human" against everyone who shares his weird ideas? How "human" will be Putin against you, slave of Putin?

Actually, every Russian politician supported it. You simply can't be Russian politician and support genocide of ethnic Russians or citizens of the Russians Federation.

Don't drink Vodka or other forms of alcohol, don't use drugs - and your genocide on Russians will end. It will not end when you'll do war and will create the next generation of alcoholics and drug addicts.

I really dunno if Navalny was killed or died of illness, or pardoned for his actions at the siege of Soledar, but killing political opponents it's a kind of human behavior, too. I'm not a fun of Putin, but I'm not a fun of Navalny, either. He was a part of the system, and, it seems, he wasn't really good at his role.

What now? Is Nawalny no Russian because he opposed Putin? What is your country under Putin doing with Russians, slave of Putin? Killing the soul of Russia?
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Do you like to say Putin is not only "human" against everyone else but also "human" against everyone who shares his weird ideas? How "human" will be Putin against you, slave of Putin?
Putin is a human whatever we like him or dislike. We all are humans (may be, except Germans). And there is nothing weird in the idea of self-defense.

Don't drink Vodka or other forms of alcohol, don't use drugs - and your genocide on Russians will end. It will not end when you'll do war and will create the next generation of alcoholics and drug addicts.
So, you are a genocide denier? It's pretty bad for you. But, everyone is a creator of his own disaster.

What now? Is Nawalny no Russian because he opposed Putin? What is your country under Putin doing with Russians, slave of Putin? Killing the soul of Russia?
No. We are killing enemies of Russia. It's good, not bad. The problem with Putin (from my personal point of view), it's not that he kill too many Europeans, but that he kill not enough of them. May be, I'm wrong. May be, there is a possibility of the peaceful coexistence with the EU and NATO. May be, you can change yourselves. But right now I don't see even a slightest sign of the said possibility.
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on the consequences of the Maidan for Ukraine:

We are constantly reminded about the Maidan, and I also want to remind everyone what the Maidan brought to Ukraine. Then the Ukrainian authorities were appointed from outside without any responsibility for the subsequent actions. Before the Maidan, Ukraine was a country with territorial integrity, its economy was almost $200 billion.
Today Ukraine is almost destroyed, its economy is in a catastrophic situation. And when we are reminded about the Maidan in the context of Georgia, we should ask the question who took responsibility for the consequences of the Maidan in Ukraine and who will be responsible for the same processes in Georgia. We will do everything to prevent Maidan and Ukrainization in Georgia.
So everything is said, slave of the monster Putin.

Here subtitles in English, Italian and Russian

As for me, this version is better.

Yes, everything is said, and there is nothing left to discuss. So, why are you still whining like an nonpayed whores? (no offense). You have made your decisions, and now the time is coming to face the consequences.
The odds of Georgia ever becoming a EU member are quite low. A small, poor and corrupted country, with territorial disputes, polarized society and having no direct borders with the rest of the EU. The chances are quite slim.
... Yes, everything is said, and there is nothing left to discuss. ...

Typically for Soviets and other extremists. The only way you like to learn is to let die and to die. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday. Our peace policy - the best peace policy that has ever existed in the world - has unfortunately failed because of Russia under Putin. Peace is now your decision - not the decision of anyone else. End this stupid and senseless war. I do not like to see your mothers suffering. So slave, the best will be to tell your master Putin he has to do his war alone.

Russia under Putin has by the way no supporters in Germany. Specially no supporters in the part of the population who had to suffer under the Russians as well in the former GDR and in Russia herself. Leave him alone and/or hand him over to the international court.



When he got up on the morning that was his last
The sun shone and the birds squawked loudly
A wave of desire swept over him
And sticky dew covered his skin

A wide crack ran through the vein-blue sky
Dark waters broke over him
An unknown power rose deep within him
And all at once, everything was clear to him
That nothing was as it was yesterday

When angels hate
They fall like stones from the firmament
When angels hate
They fly into the world as dark birds
When angels hate
Land as a black shadow that torments us
And take revenge
On the people who have fallen like them

When he set out he left everything behind
His steps were light as a feather and free
Under his coat he wore a cold black steel
He smiled softly and hummed as he went

His hand gave seven people a quick death
Until a bullet knocked him down himself
Those who knew him said it was strange
For he was never seen happier
The splendour of an angel was on him

When angels hate
They fall like stones from the firmament
When angels hate
They fly into the world as dark birds
When angels hate
Land as a black shadow that torments us
And take revenge
On the people who have fallen

When angels hate
They fall like stones from the firmament
When angels hate
They fly into the world as dark birds
When angels hate
Land as a black shadow that torments us
And take revenge
On the people who have fallen like them

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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