87 year old Republican Grassley tests positive for the Rona

Name a republican that has not signed on to Trump's pandemic downplaying. If you can show me Grassley has never supported treating the pandemic like a hoax I'll give him a pass. You can't. If he had ever contradicted Trump you would want him dead right now.
Sorry, I'm not playing politics with you, I look at the stats and this reaction to the COVID pandemic is a hoax. You lefties try to pretend others call the virus itself a hoax and that is an outright lie intended to garner emotional reactions from your sycophant Marxists who would like to control the populace. Now your lefty leaders don't want you to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family and your kind roll over, bend over and ask them what color you should shit out. Shameful really.
Nope. If someone needs to die or nearly die to quit being a lying sack of shit that's a problem with them.
Your opinion of who 'needs to die' or who is 'lying' is not only ill informed but arrogant and full of hatred. As I said your hatred is eating your brain and stunting your humanity.
Scold me for not having sympathy for one old crooked politician while you don't care about thousands dead? Something is wrong with your priorities.
Scold me for not having sympathy for one old crooked politician while you don't care about thousands dead? Something is wrong with your priorities.
You're making shit up again. I never asked you for sympathy, in fact, I doubt if you have the capacity for such a human emotion when discussing anything Trump related. Millions die every day of other causes what are you doing about that? Stop with the faux morality, you're not fooling anyone.
My ole buddie..Poppy Torrez, got the shit too(80). He snuck his sister out of Nicaragua down here and she gifted it to him. He was hurting for a week. Went to the feed store and got some Ivermectin and Cephalexin. He was roasting coffee beans today... 3 weeks later. All good.
He's the short one...15 years back when we built this dump. A lil rum don't hurt !
That Browning in my belt will!
Scold me for not having sympathy for one old crooked politician while you don't care about thousands dead? Something is wrong with your priorities.
You're making shit up again. I never asked you for sympathy, in fact, I doubt if you have the capacity for such a human emotion when discussing anything Trump related. Millions die every day of other causes what are you doing about that? Stop with the faux morality, you're not fooling anyone.
2020. The year the republicans said "Let them die" in absolute unison. There was a time republicans actually used to argue that they gave a shit.
I don't want anyone to get the virus. Nor do I want anyone to die.

My favorite aunt died from the virus.

I hope that he is able to beat it. There are older people who have gotten it and beaten it so there is a chance grassley can too.

It doesn't just attack the lungs. It also attacks the heart muscles. So those who have heart problems don't do well if they get the virus.

This isn't and has never been a political thing with me. It shouldn't be with anyone.

It doesn't matter if I agree with grassley or not, he is a human being. An American. People love and depend on him. He has worked all of his life for our nation.

I don't want anything bad to happen to him or anyone.
Conservatives don't follow political figures like lemmings they way Democrats do. Your straw-man 'rightwing MFers' is a manifestation of your own mind and your hatred toward Trump and the Americans who voted for him. It is really mental disability on your part.
This thread ISN'T about Trump you bootlicker...

My ole buddie..Poppy Torrez, got the shit too(80). He snuck his sister out of Nicaragua down here and she gifted it to him. He was hurting for a week. Went to the feed store and got some Ivermectin and Cephalexin. He was roasting coffee beans today... 3 weeks later. All good.
He's the short one...15 years back when we built this dump. A lil rum don't hurt !
That Browning in my belt will!
View attachment 417765
Cool story, bro!
This thread ISN'T about Trump you bootlicker...
It should be. Trump has done more to stop and help Americans deal with Covid than anyone else especially Democrats who have vacillated between 'go out and party' and 'sequester Americans because we have the power and control.' We have 2 vaccines in record time because of Trump. We also have a NY governor that says he will refuse to give his population this vaccine because of purely political reasons. So.....:finger3:
Will this make Trumpers take this serious?

I doubt it.

Herman Cain died of it and that didn't mean shit to them
It should be. Trump has done more to stop and help Americans deal with Covid than anyone else especially Democrats who have vacillated between 'go out and party' and 'sequester Americans because we have the power and control.' We have 2 vaccines in record time because of Trump. We also have a NY governor that says he will refuse to give his population this vaccine because of purely political reasons. So.....:finger3:

What did Trump do to get the vaccines bootlicker?

What did Trump do to get the vaccines bootlicker?
Look it up. Trump reminded the FDA that they were dragging their feet on a vaccine. Right after that, the FDA chief Stephen Hahn fast-tracked the vaccine. WTF? Don't you have internet or get the news? :dunno:
Nope. If someone needs to die or nearly die to quit being a lying sack of shit that's a problem with them.

So what you're telling us is that you're going to nearly die of COVID?
Look it up. Trump reminded the FDA that they were dragging their feet on a vaccine. Right after that, the FDA chief Stephen Hahn fast-tracked the vaccine. WTF? Don't you have internet or get the news? :dunno:
Post your source/s.

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