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9/11 Pentagon Aircraft Hijack Impossible

you remember it... fuck off..you want to post this statement prove it

see, this is the problem with you twoofers. you require no proof of a conspiracy. yet when someone calls you on the carpet as saying the data you have is bogus you ask for the proof.

so why dont YOU prove the door was ever opened at all and it was a working sensor?

anyway, here is the NTSB report. http://www.ntsb.gov/info/AAL77_fdr.pdf
read through it all you like. you will find that AA77 was a 757-2.

the flight data recorder was upgraded to a 757-3 at some point and had more available parameters even though not all of them would provide data without the sensors. so therefore the data read the door was closed all the time (or open all the time depending on whether the door closed was equivalent to a 1 or a 0 in the data).

you can believe me or you can believe the guy in australia. i dont see how he is any more qusalified to read the data than me but you make your own choice.

or even better yet, you could look at the available data yourself.
you remember it... fuck off..you want to post this statement prove it

see, this is the problem with you twoofers. you require no proof of a conspiracy. yet when someone calls you on the carpet as saying the data you have is bogus you ask for the proof.

so why dont YOU prove the door was ever opened at all and it was a working sensor?

anyway, here is the NTSB report. http://www.ntsb.gov/info/AAL77_fdr.pdf
read through it all you like. you will find that AA77 was a 757-2.

the flight data recorder was upgraded to a 757-3 at some point and had more available parameters even though not all of them would provide data without the sensors. so therefore the data read the door was closed all the time (or open all the time depending on whether the door closed was equivalent to a 1 or a 0 in the data).

you can believe me or you can believe the guy in australia. i dont see how he is any more qusalified to read the data than me but you make your own choice.

or even better yet, you could look at the available data yourself.

"you could look at the available data yourself"

Id-eots couldn't understand it, however. He's essentially a barely functional retard.

Id-eots WILL always blindly accept ANY "conspiracy" shit offered by anybody provided that whatever the conspiracy du jour is, it lines up with his preconceived ID-eotic beliefs. No proof, evidence or logic required -- and none of any possible use to that tool.
you remember it... fuck off..you want to post this statement prove it

see, this is the problem with you twoofers. you require no proof of a conspiracy. yet when someone calls you on the carpet as saying the data you have is bogus you ask for the proof.

DREAM ON YOU CALLED NO ONE TO THE CARPET..YOU MADE A FALSE CLAIM AND... I dont need you to provide a link to ntsd...buddy...LOL
page 1-6 to page 1-13 of the document i gave you a link to gives a list of all the parameters that are unavailable. you will see EICAS L/R-A-1 FLT DECK DOOR listed on page 1-7 in the list of parameters unavailable.

there's your proof.
you remember it... fuck off..you want to post this statement prove it

see, this is the problem with you twoofers. you require no proof of a conspiracy. yet when someone calls you on the carpet as saying the data you have is bogus you ask for the proof.

so why dont YOU prove the door was ever opened at all and it was a working sensor?

anyway, here is the NTSB report. http://www.ntsb.gov/info/AAL77_fdr.pdf
read through it all you like. you will find that AA77 was a 757-2.

the flight data recorder was upgraded to a 757-3 at some point and had more available parameters even though not all of them would provide data without the sensors. so therefore the data read the door was closed all the time (or open all the time depending on whether the door closed was equivalent to a 1 or a 0 in the data).

you can believe me or you can believe the guy in australia. i dont see how he is any more qusalified to read the data than me but you make your own choice.

or even better yet, you could look at the available data yourself.

"you could look at the available data yourself"

Id-eots couldn't understand it, however. He's essentially a barely functional retard.

Id-eots WILL always blindly accept ANY "conspiracy" shit offered by anybody provided that whatever the conspiracy du jour is, it lines up with his preconceived ID-eotic beliefs. No proof, evidence or logic required -- and none of any possible use to that tool.

oh fuck off moron dont pretend you ever heard of any of this before I informed you..all you supply is inane comments because other than some 30 sec sound bites on t.v your knowleadge of these subjects is ZERO..your a joke
you remember it... fuck off..you want to post this statement prove it

Says the one who makes false Claims and can't back it up.


you are another piece of work..not a brain cell between you and liarability..you have nothing to add and do not even have the benefit of posing an intellectual challenge to me ..what so ever ..don't pretend..while I may disagree with fizz interpretation of the data...you barely have a clue what we are even debating
Eots, I've clearly showed you evidence by using Scientific reasoning into account on how WTC 1-2 and WTC fell. But you didn't even respond to the posts that showed it.

I'm waiting on your Sources.. Sources aren't people saying there needs to be an investigation, or that this guy says this or that.. Or showing me that Glenn Beck video.. What's the deal with him? I see Liberals and Left wingers loathing him.. You guys make it seem he's running for President, so what the fuck do we care what he says..
Eots, I've clearly showed you evidence by using Scientific reasoning into account on how WTC 1-2 and WTC fell. But you didn't even respond to the posts that showed it.

I'm waiting on your Sources.. Sources aren't people saying there needs to be an investigation, or that this guy says this or that.. Or showing me that Glenn Beck video.. What's the deal with him? I see Liberals and Left wingers loathing him.. You guys make it seem he's running for President, so what the fuck do we care what he says..

you would not know scientific reasoning if it bit you on the ass and you disregard the fact that the lead investigator at NIST has denounced the very theories you cut and pasted..these people however do understand scientific reasoning..clown and the subject was flight data and the pentagon not wtc 1and 2

Seven Senior Federal Engineers and Scientists Call for New 9/11 Investigation

Summary: Seven senior Federal engineers and scientists call for a new 9/11 investigation and denounce the official account of 9/11 as: "impossible", "hogwash", "fatally flawed", "false", "does not match the available facts", and "politically driven".
These senior engineers and scientists served in the Federal government for decades. Their primary functions were the responsible application of technology and the pursuit of scientific truth. Their statements demonstrate that the desire for a new, thorough, and independent investigation of 9/11 is not a matter of partisan politics, nor the demand of irresponsible, deranged, or disloyal Americans. It is instead a matter of the utmost importance for America’s security and the future of the entire world. We must not now ignore their stunning condemnation of the official account of 9/11.

OpEdNews - Article: Seven Senior Federal Engineers and Scientists Call for New 9/11 Investigation

National Academy of Sciences Member Calls for New 9/11 Investigation
Official Explanation a "Fraud"

Summary: Lynn Margulis, Ph.D., member of the National Academy of Sciences and world renowned scientist, characterized the official account of 9/11 as "a fraud" and called for a new investigation, "I suggest that those of us aware and concerned demand that the glaringly erroneous official account of 9/11 be dismissed as a fraud and a new, thorough, and impartial investigation be undertaken."

OpEdNews - Article: National Academy of Sciences Member Calls for New 9/11 Investigation

Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

to name just a few..
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your claim was there was no port for the door sensor

yeah, thats what i said.

are you still claiming the door data is valid?

are you still claiming there was no sensor

do you have any idea what you are talking about or are you just babbling for the sake of babbling?

i never said if there was a door sensor or not. i said there was no port. the door sensor would be wired to the flight data acquisition unit. the flight data acquisition unit sends the info to the flight data recorder. even though there is a port on the flight data recording unit for the door, since the flight data recorder was an updated unit, there was no port on the flight data acquisition unit.

now you got it?

so you want to tell us again how the hijacking of flight 77 is impossible because the flight data recorder says the door was never opened even though the flight data recorder clearly has that parameter unavailable? :cuckoo:

this all would have been much easier and less complicated if you simply looked at the link i gave you and say that no door sensor was being recorded. :lol:

p.s. we are talking software port or timeslot. not an actual pin connection like on the FDAU.
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Thank you Eots for proving my point.

No Evidence nor Facts, just the same thing over and over..

Calls for New 9/11 Investigation
Oh yes! Then it must be true.


Human Remains. WARNING: Explicit Images. You have been Warned. Enter at YOUR own Risk.
9-11 Research: Human Remains

dude your a waste of time ..its ridiculous..yes indeed its true there needs to be an Indepndent investigation even the lead investigator of NIST agrees wih this..do you even know what NIST is ???
Thank you Eots for proving my point.

No Evidence nor Facts, just the same thing over and over..

Calls for New 9/11 Investigation
Oh yes! Then it must be true.


Human Remains. WARNING: Explicit Images. You have been Warned. Enter at YOUR own Risk.
9-11 Research: Human Remains

dude your a waste of time ..its ridiculous..yes indeed its true there needs to be an Indepndent investigation even the lead investigator of NIST agrees wih this..do you even know what NIST is ???

I'm a waste of time because i come at you with Evidence Debunking your crazy conspiracy's. :cuckoo:

You're in Denial. You're a Disgrace.

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology. Not Rocket Science.
That's exactly right, Space aliens blasted the hole in the building and those evil midgets working with the bush administration cleaned up all traces of the space missle that actually blew the hole.
Be careful EOTS, your getting too close and I, for one, am concerned about your safety.

great comeback!.....but what about trying to answer the question really?

they question is.....is the analysis true the door was never opened.....or is the analysis faked to support the conspiracy theory....

the 911 truthers have just as much to gain from faking data as they claim the us government had from faking an attack....

Lol.....just as much to gain? You can't be serious.
Truthers:9/11 Truth movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes because we are all Brainwashed and Liars and idiots for believing that our Government weren't the ones who caused 9/11..

On the other hand you're the Genius, Non-idiotic, Non-Brainwashed fellow who believes into these crazy conspiracy's.

Liars? Not generally. Brainwashed? Some are absolutely brainwashed. Those people don't even entertain the idea our government was complicit or actively in a role. When you don't even allow the possibility for something that has a proven track record yes you are brainwashed
Truthers:9/11 Truth movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes because we are all Brainwashed and Liars and idiots for believing that our Government weren't the ones who caused 9/11..

On the other hand you're the Genius, Non-idiotic, Non-Brainwashed fellow who believes into these crazy conspiracy's.

Liars? Not generally. Brainwashed? Some are absolutely brainwashed. Those people don't even entertain the idea our government was complicit or actively in a role. When you don't even allow the possibility for something that has a proven track record yes you are brainwashed
Oh boy here comes another one..

I compared many other events where the Government was part of it..

"What a real conspiracy looks like. Real conspiracies have very few players and even then, they are usually exposed. Enron, Watergate, Iran/Contra and the rest have few people involved and someone always comes out to blow the whistle."

Conspiracy theorists say this is proof that the administration needed to create a "Pearl Harbor". But if they did blow up the towers, why would they go to such great lengths to point to Bin Laden? Why not fix evidence to point to Saddam? Conspiracy theorists say they needed terrorism to perpetuate an endless war.

To take away our freedoms to fight this war. But Bin Laden wasn't the only way to do it. "They" could have planted evidence suggesting Bin Laden was working for Saddam. Why not? Remember, if they are setting up Bin Laden then why not set up Saddam at the same time? He wasn't "a few Arabs in the desert." He had an army and millions from oil profits. Why allow people to say "Saddam wasn't the one to attack us"? There would have been far fewer players if they placed a nuclear device in the towers’ basements and took out lower Manhattan.

The government could have blamed Saddam's fictitious WMD for the device and Bin Laden for the delivery. We would have reason to invade Iraq the next day. Conspiracy theorists would have us believe they chose a plan which involves thousands over smaller, more controllable plans.
Truthers:9/11 Truth movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes because we are all Brainwashed and Liars and idiots for believing that our Government weren't the ones who caused 9/11..

On the other hand you're the Genius, Non-idiotic, Non-Brainwashed fellow who believes into these crazy conspiracy's.

Liars? Not generally. Brainwashed? Some are absolutely brainwashed. Those people don't even entertain the idea our government was complicit or actively in a role. When you don't even allow the possibility for something that has a proven track record yes you are brainwashed
Oh boy here comes another one..

I compared many other events where the Government was part of it..

"What a real conspiracy looks like. Real conspiracies have very few players and even then, they are usually exposed. Enron, Watergate, Iran/Contra and the rest have few people involved and someone always comes out to blow the whistle."

Conspiracy theorists say this is proof that the administration needed to create a "Pearl Harbor". But if they did blow up the towers, why would they go to such great lengths to point to Bin Laden? Why not fix evidence to point to Saddam? Conspiracy theorists say they needed terrorism to perpetuate an endless war.

To take away our freedoms to fight this war. But Bin Laden wasn't the only way to do it. "They" could have planted evidence suggesting Bin Laden was working for Saddam. Why not? Remember, if they are setting up Bin Laden then why not set up Saddam at the same time? He wasn't "a few Arabs in the desert." He had an army and millions from oil profits. Why allow people to say "Saddam wasn't the one to attack us"? There would have been far fewer players if they placed a nuclear device in the towers’ basements and took out lower Manhattan.

The government could have blamed Saddam's fictitious WMD for the device and Bin Laden for the delivery. We would have reason to invade Iraq the next day. Conspiracy theorists would have us believe they chose a plan which involves thousands over smaller, more controllable plans.

Where in the hell have you been? Do I really need to show how many time the bush admin tried to tie saddam to 9E? Your list of q+a is bullshit. You can't use questions specifically designed to get the answer you want then use that as evidence you supported your claim. Not too many things are more annoying than redneck quality esoteric ramblings.

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