9-11, Where were you when you heard


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
9-11 was kind of like the JFK Assassination or Pearl Harbor, everyone remembers what they were doing when they heard.

For me, I was working for a company in Mount Prospect when one of my co-workers announced "A plane just hit the World Trade Center". My first thought was that a private plane got lost in the fog. Then another hit, then one hit the Pentagon, and it was clear this was terrorism.
I was in bed when my dad came in and told me to get up because America had been blown up.
Was horrible and scary to watch but after 72 hrs of continuous footage on every single channel most of us were sick to death of hearing about it.

Its one of those days when everyone can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing.
I was an airman in the Air Force, on shift work at the time so I was asleep. Someone came pounding on all the doors of the barracks, telling us to move our parked cars because we were in ThreatCON Delta, so vehicles can't be near buildings and needed to be moved. The other Airman just said "they highjacked our planes", I was a little confused at first because ThreatCON Delta actually means that your base is under attack, and I wondered why anyone would want to highjack the little T-36s/T-38s on our base because they are just used for training and there are no weapons. But once I found what was going on and that it was a national Threatcon Delta I just put my uniform on and went into work early.
I was home when Matt Lauer said that a small plane accidentally hit the World Trade Center. As it developed, I was watching when a news caster said "Oh my God a second plane just hit. A second plane just hit the World Trade Center." I remember thinking that the man mentioned God on national television and was going to get fired for it.

I tried to call my husband who was in Florida visiting his mother. I could not get through. He was supposed to return on the 12th. He finally called me and said that all flights had been cancelled and he didn't know when he would be able to come back.
Working at a wastewater plant on Wards Island between northern manhattan and Queens. We were out on the tanks, so we didnt hear about it till someone came and told us. We noticed somie black smoke from the south, but from our vantage point it looked like a fire on the triboro bridge, like a car fire. We only really found out when we turned on the radio right around when the first tower fell.

We thought we would be stuck on Wards because they shut the bridges down.
9-11 was kind of like the JFK Assassination or Pearl Harbor, everyone remembers what they were doing when they heard.

For me, I was working for a company in Mount Prospect when one of my co-workers announced "A plane just hit the World Trade Center". My first thought was that a private plane got lost in the fog. Then another hit, then one hit the Pentagon, and it was clear this was terrorism.

with JFK,not EVERYONE.

Dick Nixon,E Howard Hunt who was a CIA agent that ran covert operations for the CIA for Nixon when he was vice presidnet under Eisenhower-Im sure you knew that being a fan of Eisenhower and all right? Dick Nixon,Hunt and Bush sr were the only three men alive that day who could not remember where they were that day.They all three changed their stories many times on where they were that day many times.:lmao:
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"Saw", not "heard".

I was 5 blocks away from the World Trade Center.

Wow... were you in the streets after?

My uncle saw the second plane hit from the roof of his building. I don't know if I could've handled that...

Yeah. It was the first full day of my senior year of high school, and I went to Stuyvesant. The first plane hit as I walked through the doors of the school. The second plane hit as I watched from the window of the school library.

The first tower collapsed during Existentialism class. I'm not kidding. As the dust cloud reached my school windows, it became as dark as the middle of the night. The second tower collapsed as we evacuated. It took a long time, there were 2000 students and teachers in my school.

This photograph was taken by a classmate of mine after we evacuated, I'm somewhere in the crowd.


My high school is the first building on the right side of the street, just to the right of the center of the photograph. It was closed for a few weeks afterwards, and used as a rest station for rescue workers while we went to school at another building in Brooklyn.
"Saw", not "heard".

I was 5 blocks away from the World Trade Center.

Wow... were you in the streets after?

My uncle saw the second plane hit from the roof of his building. I don't know if I could've handled that...

Yeah. It was the first full day of my senior year of high school, and I went to Stuyvesant. The first plane hit as I walked through the doors of the school. The second plane hit as I watched from the window of the school library.

The first tower collapsed during Existentialism class. I'm not kidding. As the dust cloud reached my school windows, it became as dark as the middle of the night. The second tower collapsed as we evacuated. It took a long time, there were 2000 students and teachers in my school.

This photograph was taken by a classmate of mine after we evacuated, I'm somewhere in the crowd.


My high school is the first building on the right side of the street, just to the right of the center of the photograph. It was closed for a few weeks afterwards, and used as a rest station for rescue workers while we went to school at another building in Brooklyn.

I can't imagine at all what that must've been like... just wow...
I was working on a construction project at the VA hospital in Johnson City Tennessee. I remember many of us becoming very agitated with some of the Latino guys who were scrambling to pack their tools and according to them "get the hell back to Mexico" ....

we were all scared .... there was a huge American flag flying on top of the building and after all the reports began pouring in from PA and the Pentagon ... we too started thinking it may be best to either hit the road or at least take the flag down, lol ...
I was at work, I remember full well were I was. My mother, who died 2 months after the attack, she said what happened in Manhattan was far worse than Pearl Harbor. That puts this in perspective here. FAR WORSE. So what did we do? Ya'l know what we did, and it's so sad. So sad. I leave it at that. Tell your mother you love her before she is gone. Don't forget Pearl Harbor or 9/11.
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Slept through the actual attack...I was working 2nd shift (4-12) at the time, I had gotten home about 1am and hadn't gone to bed until ~3:00. I found out when I turned on the TV around 11.

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