9 year old Islamic bride

Australia Investigating Stunning Claim Involving 9-Year-Old Girl and the Middle East TheBlaze.com

Apparently a 9 year old Islamic girl living in Australia has been sent off to be a bride of an arranged marriage.

This question is for all those who are Islamic on this site, it this acceptable under Islam?

I can answer that one------the bride can object under Islamic law
and custom-----she goes off----to some other place-----and
ASSERTS her little self -------and then goes off -----and makes
her way to HOLLYWOOD-----on a magic carpet
Australia Investigating Stunning Claim Involving 9-Year-Old Girl and the Middle East TheBlaze.com

Apparently a 9 year old Islamic girl living in Australia has been sent off to be a bride of an arranged marriage.

This question is for all those who are Islamic on this site, it this acceptable under Islam?


Nope ofcourse its not. According to Islam, a person is allowed to marry after puberty but this is still not enough to be married. According to Islam, a person also should have access to the maturity to make the right decisions generally. So as a muslim, for me, marriage age should be at least 20. Even 25 and after 25 would be much more reliable.

Related verse (4:6)
Australia Investigating Stunning Claim Involving 9-Year-Old Girl and the Middle East TheBlaze.com

Apparently a 9 year old Islamic girl living in Australia has been sent off to be a bride of an arranged marriage.

This question is for all those who are Islamic on this site, it this acceptable under Islam?


Nope ofcourse its not. According to Islam, a person is allowed to marry after puberty but this is still not enough to be married. According to Islam, a person also should have access to the maturity to make the right decisions generally. So as a muslim, for me, marriage age should be at least 20. Even 25 and after 25 would be much more reliable.

Related verse (4:6)

Islam is not defined by you MINEVA----it is defined
by its recognized scholars ----who do allow childhood marriages based on THEIR LEARNED INTERPRETATION of
the Koran of course you could make a stand this coming Friday-------just stand up and LOUDLY STATE
YOUR BRILLIANT OPINION-----right after the weekly Khutbah jumaat feces fling
I can answer that one------the bride can object under Islamic law
and custom-----she goes off----to some other place-----and
ASSERTS her little self -------and then goes off -----and makes
her way to HOLLYWOOD-----on a magic carpet
Another irosie psycho post......... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

thank you-----based on her literature--I am convinced that
SHEHERAZADE was a jewess-----just like me

Just because it's a different tradition than America's, just because the majority of "Americans" subjectively find it "wrong" or "subhuman", does not mean that it is actually "wrong" or "subhuman" to marry off an nine or eleven year old girl, or to take her as a bride, or have children with her.

It is not objectively "wrong".

It's just an example of human behavior that is unlike what most Americans are accustomed to. Most brainwashed, indoctrinated Americans/ Mundanes find this behavior distasteful because they cannot imagine what life must be like outside their their own comfortable little paradigm... this delusion they've embraced as if it is the one, true Weltanschauung for humanity!

And now, we have Dragons who walk the Earth like sheep, thinking like sheep and behaving like sheep. What beautiful, magnificent potential and Power, gone to waste!

Thank God every country is not like America.
What's relevant is that Australian law forbids nine-year-olds from getting married.
Australia Investigating Stunning Claim Involving 9-Year-Old Girl and the Middle East TheBlaze.com

Apparently a 9 year old Islamic girl living in Australia has been sent off to be a bride of an arranged marriage.

This question is for all those who are Islamic on this site, it this acceptable under Islam?


Nope ofcourse its not. According to Islam, a person is allowed to marry after puberty but this is still not enough to be married. According to Islam, a person also should have access to the maturity to make the right decisions generally. So as a muslim, for me, marriage age should be at least 20. Even 25 and after 25 would be much more reliable.

Related verse (4:6)

But did not Mohammad take a 9 year old bride?
But did not Mohammad take a 9 year old bride?

Ofcourse not, its just a story which was written long after the prophet. There are also other hadiths which proves Aisha was at least 19 years old. You can find some websites for comparative date calculations according to hadiths.
Australia Investigating Stunning Claim Involving 9-Year-Old Girl and the Middle East TheBlaze.com

Apparently a 9 year old Islamic girl living in Australia has been sent off to be a bride of an arranged marriage.

This question is for all those who are Islamic on this site, it this acceptable under Islam?
They don't have sex with the child until she is past puberty. It's not a great custom, but it's their culture. India also has arranged marriages. The West also used to have arranged marriages. In the Muslim world today, it is similar to in India: most of the time the arranged marriages are between young adults of similar ages and backgrounds. Exceptions are among extremists and fundamentalists.
But did not Mohammad take a 9 year old bride?

Ofcourse not, its just a story which was written long after the prophet. There are also other hadiths which proves Aisha was at least 19 years old. You can find some websites for comparative date calculations according to hadiths.

Um, sorry. There are extensive lists of hadith that confirm each other regarding the age of Mo's child bride.

Sahih Muslim Book 008 Hadith Number 3310. - Hadith Collection:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

Need more? let me know.
But did not Mohammad take a 9 year old bride?

Ofcourse not, its just a story which was written long after the prophet. There are also other hadiths which proves Aisha was at least 19 years old. You can find some websites for comparative date calculations according to hadiths.

Um, sorry. There are extensive lists of hadith that confirm each other regarding the age of Mo's child bride.

Sahih Muslim Book 008 Hadith Number 3310. - Hadith Collection:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

Need more? let me know.

Do all Muslims believe that the Hadith is 100% true, or has it been corrupted?

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