95-year-old man pistol-whipped, robbed in his home by 2 Dreamers

Fortunately they have arrested the monster

Anyone recognize any gang symbols?
"One other thing we give immigrants: Preference over Americans in college admissions and government contracts."

also we let them rape and kill us.
95-year-old man pistol-whipped, robbed in his home

After 2+ years in office, surely Jared's glistening new immigration plan will finally enforce the law against "Dreamers" who pistol-whip the elderly.
I bet they were heteros....not that that matters.

Tho I am curious, having read the article......how does the OP know the perpetrators were "Dreamers"?

If they were legal,US Citizen types, the media would have made a big deal about it. The Liberal Myth, that must be defended at all costs, is that Illegal Aliens are great people, better Americans than we Deplorables are.

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