A 45 million year record of Arctic sea temperatures and ice melt

“Slower” is relative. it’s still faster then at any other time man has been on earth. It’s no excuse to thinking that the cost in lives and debt to face climate related calamities isn’t get worse as fast as we thought. ITS STILL GETTING WORSE.

Its like the man’s wife saying, no problem officer, my husband doesn’t abuse me every day anymore, just five days a week.
He doesn't beat me unconscious anymore officer. It was just a bitch slap. LOL.

One guy in another thread asked me why we are even worrying about it. increasing air pollution levels increases the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and cancers of the mouth and throat
He doesn't beat me unconscious anymore officer. It was just a bitch slap. LOL.

One guy in another thread asked me why we are even worrying about it. increasing air pollution levels increases the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and cancers of the mouth and throat
They are only concerned when it hits close to home. Then, their memory is short and it’s back to the same old, same old denial. Ozone layer, cigarette smoking etc. The right has a history of denial.
They are only concerned when it hits close to home. Then, their memory is short and it’s back to the same old, same old denial. Ozone layer, cigarette smoking etc. The right has a history of denial.
They are only concerned when it hits close to home. Then, their memory is short and it’s back to the same old, same old denial. Ozone layer, cigarette smoking etc. The right has a history of denial.
That's the funny thing. We hear Republicans on TV say global warming isn't real. Actually, it's been a long time since I've heard one say that publicly. But their votes say it. And their supporters here argue it. But out in the real world solar panels are going up, battery cars are being built, the ROUND world keeps EVOLVING I guess. Two other things they have denied. Some still do.

They say there are three levels of intelligent civilizations. 1 they figure out how to burn oil and coal. 2. They figure out how to harness the energy of the sun. 3. Able to harness and tap into the power of the universe.

Maybe one day we will have some man made concoction around the planet that keeps the atmosphere clean, closes the ozone, deflects or shoots down meteors.
That's the funny thing. We hear Republicans on TV say global warming isn't real. Actually, it's been a long time since I've heard one say that publicly. But their votes say it. And their supporters here argue it. But out in the real world solar panels are going up, battery cars are being built, the ROUND world keeps EVOLVING I guess. Two other things they have denied. Some still do.

They say there are three levels of intelligent civilizations. 1 they figure out how to burn oil and coal. 2. They figure out how to harness the energy of the sun. 3. Able to harness and tap into the power of the universe.

Maybe one day we will have some man made concoction around the planet that keeps the atmosphere clean, closes the ozone, deflects or shoots down meteors.
Decades ago, the debate was about how to deal with climate change between Dems and republicans. Carbon tax was the hot topic. It’s only more recently that republicans in general started to deny it was happening all together.

The Oil company scientists were well aware 30 plus years ago. In some respects, it’s actually getting worse. If you can deny people the right to vote, long a staple of the right, it’s not a far reach to deny public health concerns which climate change, covid, universal healthcare etc. are. The right has long been a denier of civil rights and the health and well being of the populous. For now, there is no compromise with deniers. They don’t even deserve a seat at the table.
Actually, it's been a long time since I've heard one say that publicly. But their votes say it. And their supporters here argue it.
Exactly….Mitch McConnell admits to AGW, but refuses to endorse anything in bills that spends money to address it.
Exactly….Mitch McConnell admits to AGW, but refuses to endorse anything in bills that spends money to address it.

Meanwhile, the die hard loyalists who refuse to give up an inch continue to deny global warming is real. It really is like talking to people who don't believe in evolution. Oh wait, they don't believe in evolution either.

In my lifetime these same GW deniers also denied cigarettes and lead. Yes I remember as a child them arguing that lead was good for us. Why? Probably because some corporations didn't want to go unleaded.
Meanwhile, the die hard loyalists who refuse to give up an inch continue to deny global warming is real. It really is like talking to people who don't believe in evolution. Oh wait, they don't believe in evolution either.

In my lifetime these same GW deniers also denied cigarettes and lead. Yes I remember as a child them arguing that lead was good for us. Why? Probably because some corporations didn't want to go unleaded.
Probably because they were victims of lead poisoning. Can’t think of any reason why sane people would be against public health legislation.
This guy admits things aren't as bad as he/they originally predicted

New York Times science writer David Wallace-Wells brings us some new thinking on global warming — and it isn't all bad. He's been called an alarmist in the past for his warnings about the consequences of dumping carbon into the atmosphere. But in a new article, Wallace-Wells writes that the cost of solar and wind energy has fallen dramatically, and scientists now say the pace of global warming in coming decades will be slower than previously forecast.

There are you happy now? We concede it isn't as bad as we predicted it would be. But does that mean we should do nothing?

I would love to hear a sincere response. Don't just dig in and keep denying man made climate change is real.

Do the banks give out big loans to purchase property along the coast?
Do the banks give out big loans to purchase property along the coast?

Loans? Probably not. People buy those with cash.

And I bet you couldn't afford the insurance.

Why wouldn't the bank give out the loans? Even if GW washes those houses away, you still owe them the money. So what do they care? Sure they give out BIG loans.
Do the banks give out big loans to purchase property along the coast?
You need to did deeper then just that superficial statement. The areas designated as floodplains require much higher insurance coverage before a bank will give a lone. It has more to do with the elevation then just being coastal. And yes, it’s getting harder to get loans in floodplains for building.
Loans? Probably not. People buy those with cash.

And I bet you couldn't afford the insurance.

Why wouldn't the bank give out the loans? Even if GW washes those houses away, you still owe them the money. So what do they care? Sure they give out BIG loans.
Exactly, and it’s more about elevation then just being coastal. We’ve found that out in flooded areas near rivers and streams after heavy rains in areas that had little to no flooding before.
Exactly, and it’s more about elevation then just being coastal. We’ve found that out in flooded areas near rivers and streams after heavy rains in areas that had little to no flooding before.
Oh brother… the antidotal evidence of AGW. The most likely reason you believe there was flooding where there was no flooding before is probably because they knew better to build on those lands before and somebody built structures where they shouldn’t have. So you never noticed it before.
At one point in the earth's history, you could swim in the Artic sea

Somehow, 1 or 2 more degrees, the alarmists feel we're all gonna die
Oh brother… the antidotal evidence of AGW. The most likely reason you believe there was flooding where there was no flooding before is probably because they knew better to build on those lands before and somebody built structures where they shouldn’t have. So you never noticed it before.

Plus there's no telling if an area is at risk, just no flood has occurred ... just recently, there was a concentrated cloud-burst event in Central Michigan that blew out some dams ... caused a lot of damage downstream ... there's a really large percentage of the United States subject to this kind of event ... it doesn't happen often enough to all be in the historical record ...

There's a 99% chance you won't get a 100-year flood this winter ...
Gee, you haven’t noticed ? Everyone does die.
I've noticed, it's called life and nature. The planet is not bothered what's on it, never has, never will. Just that the human race is supposed to be an intelligent species, yet a retarded proportion thinks that everything climate wise that happened in the last 150 years should be the same for eternity.
I've noticed, it's called life and nature. The planet is not bothered what's on it, never has, never will. Just that the human race is supposed to be an intelligent species, yet a retarded proportion thinks that everything climate wise that happened in the last 150 years should be the same for eternity.
Not much of what you say means anything. You must think you’re smarter then NASA……
Not much of what you say means anything. You must think you’re smarter then NASA……
Not interested in NASA. In geological terms, a million years is a short period of time, yet the fannies of today panic over 150 years. I can't fix stoopid.

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