A 45 million year record of Arctic sea temperatures and ice melt

Global warming my ass!

Texas Faces Arctic Blast 22 Months After Freeze Knocked Out Power​

  • Dallas could see temperatures as low as 8F next week
  • Arctic storm that will head east could bring snow to New York

La Nina refers to the periodic cooling of ocean surface temperatures in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific. Typically, La Nina events occur every 3 to 5 years or so, but on occasion can occur over successive years. La Nina represents the cool phase of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.

La Niña’ returns for third straight year; here’s how the ‘triple dip’ affects the weather in your area​

Yawn, you must have been a comedian in your other life.
Global warming my ass!

Texas Faces Arctic Blast 22 Months After Freeze Knocked Out Power​

  • Dallas could see temperatures as low as 8F next week
  • Arctic storm that will head east could bring snow to New York
A new study uses AI and machine learning to examine data from archaean lipid membranes providing surface temperature, CO2 levels and oxygen isotope content correlation over the past 45 million years.

Cenozoic evolution of the Antarctic ice sheets is thought to be driven primarily by long-term changes in radiative forcing, but the tectonic evolution of Antarctica may also have played a substantive role. While deep-sea foraminiferal oxygen isotope records provide a combined measure of global continental ice volume and ocean temperature, they do not provide direct insights into non-radiative influences on Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics. Here we present an Antarctic compilation of Cenozoic upper-ocean temperature for the Ross Sea and offshore Wilkes Land, generated by membrane lipid distributions from archaea. We find trends of ocean temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen isotopes largely co-vary. However, this relationship is less clear for the late Oligocene, when high-latitude cooling occurred despite interpretation of oxygen isotopes suggesting global warming and ice-volume loss. We propose this retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet occurred in response to a tectonically driven marine transgression, with warm surface waters precluding marine-based ice-sheet growth. Marine ice-sheet expansion occurred only when ocean temperatures further cooled during the Oligocene–Miocene transition, with cold orbital conditions and low atmospheric carbon dioxide. Our results support a threshold response to atmospheric carbon dioxide, below which Antarctica’s marine ice sheets grow, and above which ocean warming exacerbates their retreat. "

Climatic and tectonic drivers of late Oligocene Antarctic ice volume - Nature Geoscience (Sorry, but this is a Nature Geoscience paywall)

This study supports the earlier study finding a high likelihood that CO2 levels above 400 ppm are likely to completely eliminate the Antarctic ice shelves which will lead to massively increased glacial ice sheet loss and large rises in sea levels.
45 million years? That's about 1% of the lifespan of Earth.

Why was is worse 45 million years ago? Did they have SUVs and private jets back then?
Donner's Pass just last week.

Didn't the Environmental Wackos tell us 20 years ago that we would never see snow again?

That was stupid. Einstein worked with and depended upon verification of all his hypotheses from others at universities and research facilities. You really don’t know shit. Einstein’s work and reputation was dependent upon what he learned from others and what was verified by others and the institutions . Only then was his work published and credit given to him including the Nobel award.

You are a total science illiterate.
Look at all the institutes he worked with, was educated by and was verified by…dumbass.

Remember when Einstein said, "We don't need experiments, we have consensus!"? Yeah, me neither

We're still testing Relativity 115 years later while your Cult insists the "Science is settled"
So you think what ? it’s still not getting warmer and nearer to a sudden irreversible change . Wow. Let’s just keep abusing the family…..less often.

Do you believe in evolution ?
if the arctic melted, what is the issue?
The Nieghbor abuses his family, so let’s all abuse our family.
what the fk are you pointing out, we need to ignore our neighbor abusing his family? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha since when?
Totally irrelevant. Man was not alive at that time. Why you keep bringing up a system millions of years ago in a climate man did not live in is beyond idiocy. Maybe, you have no idea when man first appeared.
explain how it collapses with a one degree increase? You omitted that response, why?
Your carbon footprint isn’t different than any one else’s. Which makes you a hypocritical drama queen. Keep crusading against fornication while you fuck everyone in the neighborhood.
I didn't see him admit he isn't using power off the grid and not buying any products from anyone else.
He doesn't beat me unconscious anymore officer. It was just a bitch slap. LOL.

One guy in another thread asked me why we are even worrying about it. increasing air pollution levels increases the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and cancers of the mouth and throat
where is air pollution levels increasing?
They are only concerned when it hits close to home. Then, their memory is short and it’s back to the same old, same old denial. Ozone layer, cigarette smoking etc. The right has a history of denial.
that's a flat out lie, it is you who is only concerned with what hits close to home. Otherwise, you'd be after China. You fkers lie so much I'm amazed you're breathing.
where is air pollution levels increasing?
Everywhere. Especially the major cities where we have a lot of industry and cars putting up pollution.

I live in the suburbs. 30 minutes away in the city the air quality isn't as good. And it's about 3 degrees warmer. That's where cancer comes from. They say.

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