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A bds victory at the university of california


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
After all night debate, student senate calls on Univ of Californ to divest from companies affiliated with Israels military. A giant victory for the BDS movement, at 8:30 a.m. today EST. Reported by the*Daily Californian,*Jeremy Gordon: In a dramatic vote that was emotional for all sides, the ASUC [Associated Students at the University of California] Senate voted 11-9 to divest from companies affiliated with Israel’s military early Thursday morning.The heated debate began Wednesday evening and carried on for 10 hours, continuing into Thursday. Anna Head Alumnae Hall overflowed with hundreds of UC Berkeley students, faculty and community members engaging in a contentious debate regarding the bill, SB 160.SB 160, authored by Student Action Senator George Kadifa, calls the UC system a “complicit third party” in Israel’s “illegal occupation and ensuing human rights abuses” and seeks the divestment of more than $14 million in ASUC and UC assets from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Cement Roadstone Holdings...The final vote, which occurred just before 5:30 a.m., was met with cheering, stomping and cries of joy by supporters of the bill.Independent Senator and bill co-sponsor Sadia Saifuddin said she saw the vote as the culmination of years of struggle.“Tonight is not about corporations,” she said. “It’s about asking ourselves before we go to sleep whether our money is going toward the destruction of homes, toward the erection of a wall. I am a working student. And I don’t want one cent of my money to go toward fueling the occupation of my brothers and sisters.”But across the aisle, opponents of divestment were silent, absorbing the defeat with dismay.Excitement and congratulations poured in from around the world.
After all night debate, student senate calls on Univ of California to divest from 3 companies profiting from occupation | Mondoweiss
Published on April 18, 2013.
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After all night debate, student senate calls on Univ of Californ to divest from companies affiliated with Israels military. A giant victory for the BDS movement, at 8:30 a.m. today EST. Reported by the*Daily Californian,*Jeremy Gordon: In a dramatic vote that was emotional for all sides, the ASUC [Associated Students at the University of California] Senate voted 11-9 to divest from companies affiliated with Israel’s military early Thursday morning.The heated debate began Wednesday evening and carried on for 10 hours, continuing into Thursday. Anna Head Alumnae Hall overflowed with hundreds of UC Berkeley students, faculty and community members engaging in a contentious debate regarding the bill, SB 160.SB 160, authored by Student Action Senator George Kadifa, calls the UC system a “complicit third party” in Israel’s “illegal occupation and ensuing human rights abuses” and seeks the divestment of more than $14 million in ASUC and UC assets from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Cement Roadstone Holdings...The final vote, which occurred just before 5:30 a.m., was met with cheering, stomping and cries of joy by supporters of the bill.Independent Senator and bill co-sponsor Sadia Saifuddin said she saw the vote as the culmination of years of struggle.“Tonight is not about corporations,” she said. “It’s about asking ourselves before we go to sleep whether our money is going toward the destruction of homes, toward the erection of a wall. I am a working student. And I don’t want one cent of my money to go toward fueling the occupation of my brothers and sisters.”But across the aisle, opponents of divestment were silent, absorbing the defeat with dismay.Excitement and congratulations poured in from around the world.
After all night debate, student senate calls on Univ of California to divest from 3 companies profiting from occupation | Mondoweiss
Published on April 18, 2013.
This is no surprise. UC Berkeley is occupied by Muslim terrorist lovers. What else is new?

Oh I know! The fact that more and more of the most advanced technological and scientific American companies are setting up divisions in the great country and people of Israel. :clap:
Last I checked, tbhe economy in Israel is still booming! Keep those sanctions coming!
So now the student senate at UC Berkeley is going to call on the U of C trustees to divest from Cat and suchlike.........Fine, let 'em ask!

Of course if it's not a good business decision, then U of C had better not do it - because that would force tuition costs higher, and disenfranchise the less wealthy students. And it is a state system, which raises the question of this BDS ploy being illegal....

I think it will provide a marvelous opportunity to stop this DS evil insanity, yes.
The last time something good came out of Berkeley was back in the '60's when they held a protest to object to the 20th Century, close to 50 years ago.....
The last time something good came out of Berkeley was back in the '60's when they held a protest to object to the 20th Century, close to 50 years ago.....
Israel lost the business of a bunch of hippie, pothead liberal terrorist lovers from Berkeley. Devastating!
Israel's economy is booming. In part due to protests against Israel by its terrorist enemies. Long live Hamas & the BDS movement.
Last I checked, tbhe economy in Israel is still booming! Keep those sanctions coming!
Israel's economy has always been healthy -- yet the U.S. Government continuingly sees fit to send Israel a $3 billion annual welfare check. I wonder how much AIPAC and JINSA slip to our Israel-friendly Congress under the table via this method of circular bribery.

But, of course, I have no proof. All I can offer is the question of why the annual $3 billion "foreign aid" to a nation with a flourishing economy at the same time as our Broadway pimp of a President is recommending cuts in Social Security? I wonder how much of the kickback is going to him.
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Last I checked, tbhe economy in Israel is still booming! Keep those sanctions coming!
Israel's economy has always been healthy -- yet the U.S. Government continuingly sees fit to send Israel a $3 billion annual welfare check. I wonder how much AIPAC and JINSA slip to our Israel-friendly Congress under the table via this method of circular bribery.

But, of course, I have no proof. All I can offer is the question of why the annual $3 billion "foreign aid" to a nation with a flourishing economy at the same time as our Broadway pimp of a President is recommending cuts in Social Security? I wonder how much of the kickback is going to him.
If it's about the money then let's start with the Bin Laden hiding Pakistanis who have gotten over 20 Billion or the 2 billion we are sending to Egypt's Muslim brotherhood. This must be the only country in the world that enjoys sending billions to countries that burn and spit on it's flag and sponsor terrorism against it.

But of course let's not kid ourselves, IT NOT ABOUT THE MONEY.
The goal of economic boycott----is ----nothing more or less
than --starvation siege. Starvation siege is nothing new---
remember the castle fortress that protected little towns
in medieval europe? -----the way to fight then was sorround the
castle and STARVE THEM OUT. Muslims have used the
technique throut their history. Remember Biafra?----early
1970s---more than one million shrunken starved biafran
babies dead in the dust from a starvation siege. According
to an excrutiatingly scholarly very distant relative of mine----
the comprehensive genocides against christians and jews
in the Middle east in lands invaded by arabs were accomplished
by starvation sieges.

In the early 50s ----the entire Ummah attempted a starvation
siege of Israel by boycotting all Israeli products and refusing to
do any business with any company which did business with Israel.
Large american processed food companies were included. In
in those decades Nestle and Pepsi Cola----and lots of
other countries just did no business with Israel at all-------also
textiles and appliances and tools ---etc etc. The idea was
brilliant---at that time Israel was struggling with chronically
malnourished victims of world war II AND refugees from
islamic oppression ------the food shortage was horrific. ----
I will not go into the details but the methods they
used to overcome the crisis still make the text-books
for public health.

It did not work sherri------sorry to disappoint you
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After all night debate, student senate calls on Univ of Californ to divest from companies affiliated with Israels military. A giant victory for the BDS movement, at 8:30 a.m. today EST. Reported by the*Daily Californian,*Jeremy Gordon: In a dramatic vote that was emotional for all sides, the ASUC [Associated Students at the University of California] Senate voted 11-9 to divest from companies affiliated with Israel’s military early Thursday morning.The heated debate began Wednesday evening and carried on for 10 hours, continuing into Thursday. Anna Head Alumnae Hall overflowed with hundreds of UC Berkeley students, faculty and community members engaging in a contentious debate regarding the bill, SB 160.SB 160, authored by Student Action Senator George Kadifa, calls the UC system a “complicit third party” in Israel’s “illegal occupation and ensuing human rights abuses” and seeks the divestment of more than $14 million in ASUC and UC assets from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Cement Roadstone Holdings...The final vote, which occurred just before 5:30 a.m., was met with cheering, stomping and cries of joy by supporters of the bill.Independent Senator and bill co-sponsor Sadia Saifuddin said she saw the vote as the culmination of years of struggle.“Tonight is not about corporations,” she said. “It’s about asking ourselves before we go to sleep whether our money is going toward the destruction of homes, toward the erection of a wall. I am a working student. And I don’t want one cent of my money to go toward fueling the occupation of my brothers and sisters.”But across the aisle, opponents of divestment were silent, absorbing the defeat with dismay.Excitement and congratulations poured in from around the world.
After all night debate, student senate calls on Univ of California to divest from 3 companies profiting from occupation | Mondoweiss
Published on April 18, 2013.

LOL, when the student union gets any more power than planning parties and parades get back to me. The board will make those calls and they won't give two shits what that student union requests. Maybe these students should protest the $65-70K the school charges a year, which will put them in debt the rest of their lives!
Last I checked, tbhe economy in Israel is still booming! Keep those sanctions coming!
Israel's economy has always been healthy -- yet the U.S. Government continuingly sees fit to send Israel a $3 billion annual welfare check. I wonder how much AIPAC and JINSA slip to our Israel-friendly Congress under the table via this method of circular bribery.

But, of course, I have no proof. All I can offer is the question of why the annual $3 billion "foreign aid" to a nation with a flourishing economy at the same time as our Broadway pimp of a President is recommending cuts in Social Security? I wonder how much of the kickback is going to him.

Why slip them under the table, when over the table would be prefectly fine. AIPAC has no where near the influence you trolls think it has. The Pro-Arab fronts spend more money on lobbying than Jews do, so your wrong on that front also!
Last I checked, tbhe economy in Israel is still booming! Keep those sanctions coming!
Israel's economy has always been healthy -- yet the U.S. Government continuingly sees fit to send Israel a $3 billion annual welfare check. I wonder how much AIPAC and JINSA slip to our Israel-friendly Congress under the table via this method of circular bribery.

But, of course, I have no proof. All I can offer is the question of why the annual $3 billion "foreign aid" to a nation with a flourishing economy at the same time as our Broadway pimp of a President is recommending cuts in Social Security? I wonder how much of the kickback is going to him.

Why slip them under the table, when over the table would be prefectly fine. AIPAC has no where near the influence you trolls think it has. The Pro-Arab fronts spend more money on lobbying than Jews do, so your wrong on that front also!

OH NO----are you suggesting that the NOT FOR PROFIT CHARITY
ORGANIZATION in the US owned and funded by SAUDI ARABIA
which funds the EXECUTIVE SALARIES of Jimmy Carter's chldren
and their spouses is -------somehow-----something----related to
<gasp> political influence
"According to the Daily Cal, “SB 160, authored by Student Action Senator George Kadifa, calls the UC system a “complicit third party” in Israel’s “illegal occupation and ensuing human rights abuses” and seeks the divestment of more than $14 million in ASUC and UC assets from Caterpillar,*Hewlett-Packard*and Cement Roadstone Holdings. According to the bill, these companies provide equipment, materials and technology to the Israeli military, including bulldozers and biometric identification systems.”" UC Berkeley student senate votes to divest from companies that profit from Israeli Occupation - International Middle East Media Center
BDS helped end Apartheid in South Africa, and it shall help end Apartheid in Palestine! I just love stories like this one, they debated this measure all night!
Starvation sieges have accomplished many genocides.

other than the BIAFRAN GENOCIDE upon which
isa-respecters dance-----the genocide of the hindus
in the 1970s-----hundreds of thousands of fleeing
hindu children dropped dead in their tracks as they
fled the carnage of the west pakistani army----food
aid was blocked by the "isa-respecters" The
Starvations siege against Israel ---commenced in the
early 1950s----did not work out as the isa-respecters
hoped it would------malnourished survivors of islamic
oppression were fed on eggs, milk and specially fortified
bread at SUBSIDIZED PRICES-----interestingly--the children
of those tiny jewish parents who survived islamic
oppression ----OVER-TOP them by several
inches. It is an amazing phenomenon.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgRU7ApvjGE]Lawmakers Threaten Funding of Brooklyn College for Hosting Event on BDS Campaign Against Israel - YouTube[/ame]
Yes - universities are there to educate people, not to espouse political 'causes'.

And advocating a boycott against American companies for doing business with an ally, in support of a terrorist organization (HAMAS endorses this BDS crap, don't they?) - that is starting to look like acting against America's interests.

It's a really good way for universities to lose government funding - especially state university systems. Not the wisest management strategy during tough economic times.

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