A big thank you to all our troops!


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2010
Thank you all for what you have done for us over the years.
Woo Hoo You got Bin Laudin!
Special thanks for 10 years of looking for this murderer. All of the families who have lost loved ones because of this guy say thank you. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
We are all proud of you and the service you have done for us.

We honor each and every one of you.

$Badges of the five military brances.jpg
Yes, congrats to the Navy Seals and the Delta Force on a job well done! :clap2:

(Of course, the rank and file of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines are just a bunch of dumb schmucks...) :lol:
-- Yes, I AM just kidding about that last part!
Yes, congrats to the Navy Seals and the Delta Force on a job well done! :clap2:

(Of course, the rank and file of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines are just a bunch of dumb schmucks...) :lol:
-- Yes, I AM just kidding about that last part!

Well stated, Mr. WP. Our nation owes all our fighting and intelligence folks a hearty round of applause for keeping Americans safe. Letting the foe know there are consequences to murder is important.

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for all of our service people all over the world! Every effort each you put forth make a fighting machine that serves us well. We are all so proud of you!

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