A big win for ERCOT


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
A lose for the people of texas.

Judges have ruled the power utility has no responsibility to ensure power remains on in emergencies, paving the way for more cheapskaring on maintenance an winterization to keep the stockholders happy.

250 people died in the big blackout 3 years ago, and this will likely shield the utility from those lawsuits as well.

A just decision for a capitalist court! No other decision could be possible without buckling to communism/socialism completely.

Now the good people of Texas are going to find out where the rubber meets the road!
A lose for the people of texas.

Judges have ruled the power utility has no responsibility to ensure power remains on in emergencies, paving the way for more cheapskaring on maintenance an winterization to keep the stockholders happy.

250 people died in the big blackout 3 years ago, and this will likely shield the utility from those lawsuits as well.

The best courts money can buy.
A lose for the people of texas.

Judges have ruled the power utility has no responsibility to ensure power remains on in emergencies, paving the way for more cheapskaring on maintenance an winterization to keep the stockholders happy.

250 people died in the big blackout 3 years ago, and this will likely shield the utility from those lawsuits as well.

when you can figure out how to control natural disasters we can revisit this,,
A just decision for a capitalist court! No other decision could be possible without buckling to communism/socialism completely.

Now the good people of Texas are going to find out where the rubber meets the road!
That happened 3 years ago.
This is a great ruling for Green Energy. Green Energy barely works in good weather, the people of texas should not demand the impossible. That green energy work in emergencies.
Texas gas fired power plants weren't winterized. That's where the big failures came from.

YOu kids have such selective memories...
This isn't about natural disasters, it's about the electric utility's responsibility to prepare for them.

How can you misunderstand that so badly?
what dont you understand most plans dont survive first contact,,

in otherwords you can prepare all you want,, that doesnt mean it will work,, more so when youre trying to prepare for a natural disaster,,
A lose for the people of texas.

Judges have ruled the power utility has no responsibility to ensure power remains on in emergencies, paving the way for more cheapskaring on maintenance an winterization to keep the stockholders happy.

250 people died in the big blackout 3 years ago, and this will likely shield the utility from those lawsuits as well.

I know the libturds are all worked up here. Stupid jackoffs that they are.

But I wonder if any of them have any ability to step up and be honest:

How can any electricity provider be responsible for transmitting power when acting nature have taken down trees and limbs thereby ripping down power transmission lines?

Do they have some actual responsibility to transmit power without power lines?
What you don't understand is they just gave them carte blanche not to plan at all.
I wonder if the people are willing to pay more in their bills for them to prepare for once in a lifetime event??

at the end of the day my safety is my responsibility not the poawer companies,,

our power goes out alll the time in the winter and you dont here me whining like a little bitch,,,

I also wonder how this same attitude flows over to other natural disasters like tornados and floods???

whos job is it to prepare to keep me safe during those events??
A just decision for a capitalist court! No other decision could be possible without buckling to communism/socialism completely.

Now the good people of Texas are going to find out where the rubber meets the road!
Yep those windmills and solar panels aren't reliable
Texas gas fired power plants weren't winterized. That's where the big failures came from.

YOu kids have such selective memories...

And that's all been changed now, thanks to our legislature.

I wonder if the people are willing to pay more in their bills for them to prepare for once in a lifetime event??
Or maybe, just maybe, it's crazy but hear me out, is it possible they could declare a slightly smaller profit and actually do the job they are supposed to be doing?
And that's all been changed now, thanks to our legislature.

Has it? I mean has it really? ERCOT doesn't exactly have a stellar record for either following through on promises or telling the truth.

Maybe someone should check.
How can any electricity provider be responsible for transmitting power when acting nature have taken down trees and limbs thereby ripping down power transmission lines?
By acting proactively to clear trees away from power lines. It's done all the time in 'socialist' British Columbia.

But it's costly work to do and it cuts into company profits.

No capitalist state such as Texas should be expected to consider that! In fact it's probably illegal to do it.

Is it?

Could the CEO be sued?
By acting proactively to clear trees away from power lines. It's done all the time in 'socialist' British Columbia.

But it's costly work to do and it cuts into company profits.

No capitalist state such as Texas should be expected to consider that! In fact it's probably illegal to do it.

Is it?

Could the CEO be sued?
Depends on the area. Where there are tons of trees, that shit is easier said than done.

Plus of course, you moron, trees don’t get trimmed for free. It would cost an assload of additional money. This would be passed along to the customers. Folks don’t wish to pay forever more and more money.

I don’t know what kind of economic world you infest. But you cannot demand both that the company pay the additional costs AND that it not recoup that cost of conducting its business.
Has it? I mean has it really? ERCOT doesn't exactly have a stellar record for either following through on promises or telling the truth.

Maybe someone should check.
No, but they have a stellar record on putting profits first. As should be expected in a purely capitalist society.

While clearing away overhanging branches and trees is to be expected in a socially responsible society!

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