A birthday gift for Putin. NATO destroyed Crimea Bridge, escalation coming?

I have heard that Putin knows 'Globalists' want him to throw a tactical bomb. The US apparently has a plan on how to deal with this obviously being extremely fierce against Russia and very open to using real nukes themselves. This goes with something that Donald told me. The military are trained to believe they can win a nuclear war. They did mention that their plan could lead to full scale war.

But of course a better idea would be the other I heard where they both agree on a cease fire which hopefully lasts for ever. Of course could start again in the spring.

No offense, but I find the above very hard to believe. Nobody in Russia or the US believes they can win a nuclear war; it's just understood that if the other side launches, then it's an obligation to launch in order to assure the destruction of the enemy. People think that nukes are just a deterrent - they are not. They have been used, and they can be used again.
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Not imbecile Zelensky, but NATO only can mastermind an action like destroying of the bridge.
Now Russia is directly attacked and the terror attack can question and challenge results of the war

There are three possible outcomes

1. Putin will scapegoat Ukraine ( to nuke it ) - probability 2%
2. Putin punishes NATO ( probability 0,001% )
3. Putin does nothing as always - probability 79,999%

In a major blow for Russia, a fuel tank explosion early Saturday caused part of Europe’s longest bridge that links Russia to the annexed territory of Crimea to collapse, according to Russian officials.
Russian President Vladimir Putin immediately ordered a “government commission” to examine the Kerch Bridge “emergency” in Crimea, Russian state media TASS reported.
The heads of Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Transport are now at the scene of the incident, according to TASS.
Sergey Aksenov, the Russian-appointed Head of Crimea, confirmed that “two spans of the roadbed of the part [of the bridge] from Krasnodar to Kerch, collapsed” after a large explosion.
Aksenov said that “at the same time, fuel tanks caught fire. Now two locomotives are approaching” to remove the burning train, he said. Video and images from the bridge show several charred rail fuel trucks.

“As soon as the fire is extinguished, it will be possible to assess the extent of damage to the bridge and pillars, and it will be possible to talk about the timing of the restoration of traffic,” Aksenov said.

Putin after getting the message about destroying of the bridge, saying Yeah, Indeed!

Putin & Co have few months only to change situation.

Otherwise the People of Russia will take power and establish a regime like in Germany 1933 - 1938 but without Putin and his cooperative Ozero

Post your proof as to N.A.T.O. involvement in this blast. The bridge in question was key supply route for Pooty's fucked up the ass army.

While Ukraine has not taken responsibility, it would be a safe bet that Ukrainian Special Forces did the damage.
I'm thinking fertilizer bomb. They've identified the driver, a Russian man from Krasnador. The Russians "inspected" the truck minutes before. Basically opened the back and looked in for a second, then let it go on. Wouldn't wanna be them, lol.

I’m not sure. Truck bomb is possible. It depends on what they find. And any residue on the truck.

I’m starting to suspect it was some sort of boat that actually carried the bomb. The wave under the bridge tells me something was under it.
The wave under the bridge tells me something was under it.
The Russians are really good at supplying BDA. The underside looks pretty clean.

The Russians are really good at supplying BDA. The underside looks pretty clean.

View attachment 707551

Thanks for that. It leaves that object under the bridge just before the explosion as a WTH issue now.

I know that the investigation into explosions is pretty straightforward. The Russians aren’t bad at it. Telling the truth isn’t one of their strengths however.

It still leaves a lot of questions. Oh. I agree the underside is clean and it is extremely u likely that the bomb was underneath. But it still leaves type of explosive. Method of detonation. And a lot of other similar questions. Did the driver know or was he just hauling a load he had been hired to?
No offense, but I find the above very hard to believe. Nobody in Russia or the US believes they can win a nuclear war; it's just understood that if the other side launches, then it's an obligation to launch in order to assure the destruction of the enemy. People think that nukes are just a deterrent - they are not. They have been used, and they can be used again.
I am only reporting what they were saying. If you 'play' with nukes you believe you can do so without causing WW3 and it does seem that is the position of the US. The other view would be that they believe that Putin would never use them regardless of the provocation and Biden saying one day that we are as near extinction as we were in 62 followed by the next day an attack on the Russia Crimea bridge would appear to say that. If you push any one far enough the emotions take over and that seems to be what the US is doing. Refuse to talk peace while saying we are on the verge of nuclear extinction followed by yet more provocations which would appear to be daring him. Putin is right. The US does want to destroy Russia and has since the 90's.
I am only reporting what they were saying. If you 'play' with nukes you believe you can do so without causing WW3 and it does seem that is the position of the US. The other view would be that they believe that Putin would never use them regardless of the provocation and Biden saying one day that we are as near extinction as we were in 62 followed by the next day an attack on the Russia Crimea bridge would appear to say that. If you push any one far enough the emotions take over and that seems to be what the US is doing. Refuse to talk peace while saying we are on the verge of nuclear extinction followed by yet more provocations which would appear to be daring him. Putin is right. The US does want to destroy Russia and has since the 90's.
So your response to Putin threatening to use nukes is to blame the US for being irresponsible about using nukes?
Are you on drugs?
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Not imbecile Zelensky, but NATO only can mastermind an action like destroying of the bridge.
Now Russia is directly attacked and the terror attack can question and challenge results of the war

There are three possible outcomes

1. Putin will scapegoat Ukraine ( to nuke it ) - probability 2%
2. Putin punishes NATO ( probability 0,001% )
3. Putin does nothing as always - probability 79,999%

In a major blow for Russia, a fuel tank explosion early Saturday caused part of Europe’s longest bridge that links Russia to the annexed territory of Crimea to collapse, according to Russian officials.
Russian President Vladimir Putin immediately ordered a “government commission” to examine the Kerch Bridge “emergency” in Crimea, Russian state media TASS reported.
The heads of Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Transport are now at the scene of the incident, according to TASS.
Sergey Aksenov, the Russian-appointed Head of Crimea, confirmed that “two spans of the roadbed of the part [of the bridge] from Krasnodar to Kerch, collapsed” after a large explosion.
Aksenov said that “at the same time, fuel tanks caught fire. Now two locomotives are approaching” to remove the burning train, he said. Video and images from the bridge show several charred rail fuel trucks.

“As soon as the fire is extinguished, it will be possible to assess the extent of damage to the bridge and pillars, and it will be possible to talk about the timing of the restoration of traffic,” Aksenov said.

Putin after getting the message about destroying of the bridge, saying Yeah, Indeed!

Putin & Co have few months only to change situation.
Otherwise the People of Russia will take power and establish a regime like in Germany 1933 - 1938 but without Putin and his cooperative Ozero


I am only reporting what they were saying. If you 'play' with nukes you believe you can do so without causing WW3 and it does seem that is the position of the US. The other view would be that they believe that Putin would never use them regardless of the provocation and Biden saying one day that we are as near extinction as we were in 62 followed by the next day an attack on the Russia Crimea bridge would appear to say that. If you push any one far enough the emotions take over and that seems to be what the US is doing. Refuse to talk peace while saying we are on the verge of nuclear extinction followed by yet more provocations which would appear to be daring him. Putin is right. The US does want to destroy Russia and has since the 90's.

Preposterous. Let’s review a little history. When the Ukrainian people rejected maintaining closer ties with Russia all hell broke loose. The existing President was forced by popular pressure to resign. That was phase one.

Russia responded by annexing for all intents and purposes Crimea. A phony civil war was gunned up in the Eastern Provinces.

Now. At the time I said that Russia’s largest Naval Base on the Black Sea was on the Crimean Peninsula. I said that no way would Russia give it up. They would fight. Ukraine was going to have to accept that.

Years went by with essentially a stalemate. The Russian Army pretending to be Ukrainian civilians fighting for independence were making no progress. Russia built the bridge linking Russia to Crimea and insuring a supply line.

Then another election. Russia had a chosen candidate. But Ukraine decided that since the Eastern Provinces were in revolt they didn’t get to vote. And the Russian Backed Candidate lost. Zalinsky won.

Now. Biden and Western Leaders found ample evidence of Russia’s intent to invade. Putin rejected the reasonable compromise. Keep the naval base and some territory around it. But give up the Ukrainian territory outside of that.

Putin wanted to control it all. So he denounced the warnings that he was going to invade. He declared it was untrue. He blamed the West for spreading lies about Russian Intentions. Then he invaded and started to try and gin up support by telling one lie after another.

When the Invasion kicked off. I believed that Russia would win. It would take a few weeks. But they would win. I am happy to say I was wrong.

Russian troops are demoralized. They are beaten. The Russian units are collapsing

Notice the propaganda. When the war started the calls from the Russian Trolls was that Zalinsky should surrender to save Ukrainian lives. Ukraine was doomed. And the continued fighting was just costing lives needlessly.

Now. The same Russian Trolls are saying that the West needs to accept a Political Solution that allows the Eastern Districts to remain Russian.

Ukraine has suffered too much to accept that. They want their territory back. They want Russia out. And they won’t accept the Crimea being held by Russia.

Putin turned Russia into a third rate thief. And an incompetent one.
Even if NATO didn't have a hand in this, NATO will get blamed. It's such a high-profile attack that from Russia's point of view, it demands a response. This is getting to 'moment of truth' time. If Putin wanted to launch low-yield nukes, this could be the triggering event.
Lol, there is no trigger event that allows Putin to pop off nukes other than the use of nukes. You want Russia to glow at night pop one off.
Even if NATO didn't have a hand in this, NATO will get blamed.

The operation needs an excellent intel support. Ukrainian are too dumb and too corrupt, Putin would have been knew about the terror plans within few hours
The Estonian Foreign Minister welcomed the terrorist attack: "Estonia certainly welcomes this and congratulates the Ukrainian special forces units that are probably behind this operation," the minister said.

Wasn't Putin who did nothing against Baltic Lilliputians through the last twenty years?

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