A Black man just stood his ground in Nevada (which is a “stand your ground” state)

Now to look at those numbers, one would think that the white on white murder rate is higher. True, there was a higher number of white on white murders but remember: There are also 4.84 times as many white people in the US. That would mean to be proportionally equal, there would have had to have been 2,677 X 4.84, or 12956.68 white on white murders in order for the white community to be equal to the black.

I'm just surprised that you can't seem to fathom this, so let's try it again:

Imagine there are two tribes of Indians: The Fuckawe tribe consists of 100 Indians and one of them kills the other 99.

The Boogabooga Tribe consists of 500 Indians and one of them kills 99 others.

Which tribe has the worst murder rate problem?
Based on what you posted...

88% of black victims were killed by other blacks
80% of white victims were killed by other whites.

Similar ratio.

Homicide is a tiny percentage of a problem in society generally speaking.

So what are you really getting at?
You don't get to ignore the REST of the violent crime committed by blacks. 37 percent of ALL violent crime is committed by blacks which are 12 percent of the population. 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, again 12 percent of the population. 3 times as many whites are murdered by blacks a year then are blacks murdered by whites.
If the Black man was legally protecting himself from harmful attack, then why did he run away?
It seems like he is leaving the scene of an automobile collision.
How do you guys think this will play out...?

I have to go what what several others said, that there just is not nearly enough here to judge whether this man acted in legitimate self-defense or not.

I think I know what your true intent is, here. You're hoping that enough of us will say that as far as we can tell, he was not legitimately acting in self-defense, at which point you intend to try to paint us as racists, claiming that if he were white instead if black, we'd take his side. That's bullshit, of course, and you would know damn well that it's bullshit, but bullshit is what you do and bullshit is what you are, so it is what it is.

The truth, that you know as well as any of the rest of us, is that the color of this man's skin has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with whether his actions were legitimate or not; and I do not think there is anyone here who would claim otherwise. To know whether he acted legitimately or not, we do not need to know the color of his skin, but we do need to know other circumstances which this video completely fails to make known to us.

In other words (well, not actual words, but the equivalent value of a thousand of them)…

The McCloskey's live in a "Castle Doctrine" state and were perfectly within their rights to defend their private property and didn't fire a shot, but are being indicted anyway. So, it depends on whether the guy shot him in a Republican controlled city, or a loony leftist controlled city. If Republican, he'll be exonerated. If leftist, he will be indicted......oh wait......he's black, so if he's in a leftist controlled city, his actions are allowable, even if the guy he shot was just standing around waiting for a bus.
How do you guys think this will play out...?

Need more than that.. Who the HELL leaps to conclusions about "racism" based on JUST THAT? People who THINK they know the answer.. I don't and you dont either..

Didn't see the beginning of it.. Dont KNOW what other threats were made. APPEARS the guy approaching him was "unarmed".. I thought shooting UNARMED people was a big no no.. There was no "invasion of private property"...,

NO ONE KNOWS based on Instagram...
DOES ANYONE IN THIS THREAD have an ACTUAL News Item for this?? We're almost plumb out of SPECULATION.. Would be good to get some FACTS??? YA think??? After 10 pages... Maybe I missed it -- but let's SEE who speculated more correctly here. Shaun King or USMB members.

Evidently one of the MORE MINOR shootings in Vegas lately...

The shooter who left a man injured Sunday night at the Miracle Mile Shops remained at large, Las Vegas police said Monday.

Two men met up with the shooter in what police believe to be a narcotics transaction, during which one of the men was shot in the leg, according to Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Misael Parra.

The man was taken University Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. The investigation is ongoing, Parra said.

A man was injured in a shooting Sunday night on the Las Vegas Strip, according to Metro Police.

The victim’s injuries were not considered life-threatening, said Lt. Brian Boxler. The shooter fled the scene and hasn’t been arrested, he said.

The shooting occurred about 7:30 p.m. at the entrance of the Miracle Mile Shops, 3663 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Boxler said.

Boxler, who said police weren’t dealing with an active shooter, advised the public to avoid the area, citing a “dynamic and developing” situation.

At least one person was being sought, Boxler said. No arrests had been made as of 8:30 p.m.

This is the latest in a serious of shootings on the Strip in the past weeks, which have prompted police to step up enforcement.

Additional details were not disclose


The Police aren't even speculating on "Stand Your Ground".. But MAYBE a drug drop gone bad..

Don't think those qualify as "Stand your Ground"....
Shaun King, the phony black man.

Anyway, the video isn't clear enough evidence to tell what all was happening here. From this vantage point, I will be surprised if he isn't charged with a felony here.
How do you guys think this will play out...?

If he was “standing his ground” why did he run away and not turn himself in?

Same reason Kyle left.....probably had an illegal gun -- or especially in the black guy's case -- probably felt he would not have been treated very nicely by police...

Kyle on the other hand had no reason to fear his treatment by police -- he felt he was a cop himself.
that would depend on how he started it,,

lets say he just tried a knock out game on him and the other guy wanted to detain him for arrest???

either way why didnt he stay and talk to the cops??? that makes it very suspicious,,,
Race-soldier Kyle Rittenhouse didn't stick around to talk to cops.

And he KILLED to unarmed people.

Yet and still, you and your ilk decided to not only culturally support him, but financially support him.

What's the difference?
you must be ignorant on that event cause Kyle walk straight to the cops and they told him to move along,,, and later turned himself in,,,

and youre also doing a disservice to the law if youre going to compare one event with another,,, more so when its a different state,,
The cops didn't know he shot anyone at that time.......but I don't expect you to be honest...

Now...could that black guy walk right past police responding to a shooting with an AR-15 and be told to walk on by?

How do you guys think this will play out...?

Need more than that.. Who the HELL leaps to conclusions about "racism" based on JUST THAT? People who THINK they know the answer.. I don't and you dont either..

Didn't see the beginning of it.. Dont KNOW what other threats were made. APPEARS the guy approaching him was "unarmed".. I thought shooting UNARMED people was a big no no.. There was no "invasion of private property"...,

NO ONE KNOWS based on Instagram...

The point being made is that with little to no evidence the same people NOT defending this shooting would be defending it if the shooter were white.
The point being made is that with little to no evidence the same people NOT defending this shooting would be defending it if the shooter were white.

That's what I think MarcATL's intent was, but it's bullshit. The color of the shooter's skin is irrelevant. It's only the race-baiting filth on the left wrong who would try to make this about race.

What it is about is circumstances that cannot be judged from this video, which would determine whether this man was acting in legitimate self-defense. I cannot even think of making this judgement, because the video does not give me nearly enough information to know what the circumstances were.
Once again, it was a drug deal gone bad.

From the local FOX News affiliate in Las Vegas:

"Two men were attempting to buy marijuana from another man. When the man refused to give them drugs, the suspect shot one of the men in the leg, police said Monday. The victim was transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The suspect in the case is still outstanding."

Man injured in shooting near Miracle Mile Shops on Las Vegas Strip

Now in the spirit of fairness and good racial relations, I will present an alternative explanation for what happened....

Two white guys were walking along when they saw a black guy. Thinking that all black guys usually carried some pot with them, they said:

"Hey black guy! Sell us some of that black guy stash you have, ok"?

Black guy: "I don't have any black guy stash."

White guys: "Sure you do. All black guys have black guy stash."

Black guy: "No I don't."

White guys: "Sure you do. Sell us some."

Black guy: "No I don't. I don't have any black guy stash."

White guys: "I know you do. All black guys have black guy stash. So sell us some, ok?"

Black guy: "Look, I'm getting tired of this. Just because I'm black, doesn't mean that I have any black guy stash."

White guys: "If you don't sell us some of your black guy stash, we're gonna kick your ass."

Black guy: "You better not."

White guys: "Get him! He's got black guy stash"

Black guy: "Bang bang bang bang"

White guy: "Ouch! You bastard. You shot me! All I wanted was some of that black guy stash. That was uncalled for."

Black guy: "Oh fuck. Ima get the hell outta here..."
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George Zimmerman was acquitted for a number of reasons. First and foremost, due to political pressure, the prosecutor overcharged the case.
He was not guilty of 2nd degree murder. Had the prosecutor charged him with manslaughter - the outcome would have been different. 2nd degree murder is a willful killing out of spite or hate. He did not know who the person was. Secondly the star witness recanted. The only other person involved who claimed the guy told her he was being chased by someone... and was instrumental in why he was arrested, and why he was brough to trial. Then she recanted.
Doesn't change my point, that race-solider George Zimmerman was the aggressor there, and got away w/it Scott free.
Walking towards someone isnt aggressive, unless youre doing it with a knife in your hand or youre making threats.

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