A bogus defense of Obama’s intelligence briefing record


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
A bogus defense of Obama’s intelligence briefing record - The Washington Post

After hearing from sources in the intelligence community that President Obama was not attending his daily intelligence meeting on a daily basis, I asked researchers at the Government Accountability Institute, a nonpartisan research group headed by Peter Schweizer (who is also my business partner in a speechwriting firm, Oval Office Writers) to examine at Obama’s official schedule. We found during his first 1,225 days in office, Obama had attended his daily meeting to discuss the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

These facts are not in dispute. Indeed, before publishing both of my columns, I specifically asked National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor if there were instances where the president had, in fact, held his daily meeting on the PDB that did not appear on the official public calendar. He offered no examples, and not once did he challenge the numbers I presented. Neither has any White House official challenged them in the weeks since this controversy erupted.

What Kessler and the Obama White House do argue is a matter not of fact but of opinion — that it does not matter if Obama attends a daily intelligence meeting because he reads his PDB every day.

Without criticizing Obama, former CIA director Mike Hayden recently explained the value of the in-person meeting: “With President Bush, I really saw the value of the personal interaction that we had on an almost daily basis. There was rich give-and-take, so that not only did the president get the advantage of knowing the analysts’ innermost thoughts, but they also were able to leave the room understanding what the president believed he needed in order to make the kind of decisions he had to make.”

In addition to the PDB, Hayden said, Bush also received two longer, magazine-length pieces each week, and additional in-person briefings were held on each of these. On Thursdays, Hayden also briefed Bush for a half-hour on sensitive collection programs and covert action.

It is a fact that for eight years before Obama took office, there was a daily meeting to discuss the PDB. And it is a fact that, on taking office, Obama stopped holding the daily intelligence meeting on a daily basis.

With the facts above, any sane person would conclude that Bush was more up to date and better informed than Obama on security matters.
A bogus defense of Obama’s intelligence briefing record - The Washington Post

After hearing from sources in the intelligence community that President Obama was not attending his daily intelligence meeting on a daily basis, I asked researchers at the Government Accountability Institute, a nonpartisan research group headed by Peter Schweizer (who is also my business partner in a speechwriting firm, Oval Office Writers) to examine at Obama’s official schedule. We found during his first 1,225 days in office, Obama had attended his daily meeting to discuss the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

These facts are not in dispute. Indeed, before publishing both of my columns, I specifically asked National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor if there were instances where the president had, in fact, held his daily meeting on the PDB that did not appear on the official public calendar. He offered no examples, and not once did he challenge the numbers I presented. Neither has any White House official challenged them in the weeks since this controversy erupted.

Without criticizing Obama, former CIA director Mike Hayden recently explained the value of the in-person meeting: “With President Bush, I really saw the value of the personal interaction that we had on an almost daily basis. There was rich give-and-take, so that not only did the president get the advantage of knowing the analysts’ innermost thoughts, but they also were able to leave the room understanding what the president believed he needed in order to make the kind of decisions he had to make.”

In addition to the PDB, Hayden said, Bush also received two longer, magazine-length pieces each week, and additional in-person briefings were held on each of these. On Thursdays, Hayden also briefed Bush for a half-hour on sensitive collection programs and covert action.

It is a fact that for eight years before Obama took office, there was a daily meeting to discuss the PDB. And it is a fact that, on taking office, Obama stopped holding the daily intelligence meeting on a daily basis.

With the facts above, any sane person would conclude that Bush was more up to date and better informed than Obama on security matters.

So why did he let the 9/11 attacks occur?
Show me a report that he would have seen that said 'The World Trade Centers will be attacked on 9/11/2001, with a jet flown into each one.'

Dumb ass.
Show me a report that he would have seen that said 'The World Trade Centers will be attacked on 9/11/2001, with a jet flown into each one.'

Dumb ass.

Oh, Im sorry. I thought your original post was trying to prove that Bush wasn't completely oblivious. Carry on.

A bogus defense of Obama’s intelligence

That would have been enough. Remember four years ago when we were told he was brilliant?!

Show me a report that he would have seen that said 'The World Trade Centers will be attacked on 9/11/2001, with a jet flown into each one.'

Dumb ass.

Oh, Im sorry. I thought your original post was trying to prove that Bush wasn't completely oblivious. Carry on....

No, the OP was showing how little Obama cares about being properly informed as to national security issues. Do try to keep up. I know it's difficult for you, but make an effort.
Show me a report that he would have seen that said 'The World Trade Centers will be attacked on 9/11/2001, with a jet flown into each one.'

Dumb ass.

Oh, Im sorry. I thought your original post was trying to prove that Bush wasn't completely oblivious. Carry on.


Now that you have placed your stupidity for all to see...Whats next????

Please just keep talking about how well informed Bush was, and I will continue to laugh at all of you.
Show me a report that he would have seen that said 'The World Trade Centers will be attacked on 9/11/2001, with a jet flown into each one.'

Dumb ass.

still waiting for this from Yank... don't suppose he'll provide it.

Apparently, Bush never saw it either....

unless you have access to classified security briefs, you're full of shit. Put up or shut up.

Provide a report that specified the attacks on 9/11, dumb ass.
Someone posted a weak ass article similar to this one about a week ago.

George Bush's August 6, 2001 PDB was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

Just a page and a half... If you think the President doesn't receive this information or the opinions of his top advisors just because he isn't physically there, you are a moron.


^Shows that just because it is there, it does not mean it is preventable (Al Queda, Bin Laden mentioned 40 times in PDBs before 9/11). ONCE AGAIN, unless you, or the next idiot that brings up this story, can show a declassified PDB where Obama failed to act on a definite threat, this isn't too damning at all.

President's Daily Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ It was also clearly intended to be a bulletin. People hear brief and automatically associate "meeting".
still waiting for this from Yank... don't suppose he'll provide it.

Apparently, Bush never saw it either....

unless you have access to classified security briefs, you're full of shit. Put up or shut up.

Provide a report that specified the attacks on 9/11, dumb ass.

So, you are admitting that Bush didn't have access to said documents either? How does this support your claim that he was better informed, again?
Passing on the daily face to face intelligence briefings IMO is another example of Barry's incompetence do to his lack of experience to draw on. To paraphrase Rumsfeld, he doesn't know what he doesn't know. As a result he doesn't have a clue what Hayden's talking about when he said, "I really saw the value of the personal interaction that we had on an almost daily basis. There was rich give-and-take, so that not only did the president get the advantage of knowing the analysts’ innermost thoughts, but they also were able to leave the room understanding what the president believed he needed in order to make the kind of decisions he had to make.”

Send Barry back to Chicago so the experienced adult can try to save us.
What Kessler and the Obama White House do argue is a matter not of fact but of opinion — that it does not matter if Obama attends a daily intelligence meeting because he reads his PDB every day.

all that matters.
Someone posted a weak ass article similar to this one about a week ago.

George Bush's August 6, 2001 PDB was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

Just a page and a half... If you think the President doesn't receive this information or the opinions of his top advisors just because he isn't physically there, you are a moron.


^Shows that just because it is there, it does not mean it is preventable (Al Queda, Bin Laden mentioned 40 times in PDBs before 9/11). ONCE AGAIN, unless you, or the next idiot that brings up this story, can show a declassified PDB where Obama failed to act on a definite threat, this isn't too damning at all.

President's Daily Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ It was also clearly intended to be a bulletin. People hear brief and automatically associate "meeting".

show me where it specified the date, time, and type of attack, dumb ass.
Someone posted a weak ass article similar to this one about a week ago.

George Bush's August 6, 2001 PDB was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

Just a page and a half... If you think the President doesn't receive this information or the opinions of his top advisors just because he isn't physically there, you are a moron.


^Shows that just because it is there, it does not mean it is preventable (Al Queda, Bin Laden mentioned 40 times in PDBs before 9/11). ONCE AGAIN, unless you, or the next idiot that brings up this story, can show a declassified PDB where Obama failed to act on a definite threat, this isn't too damning at all.

President's Daily Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ It was also clearly intended to be a bulletin. People hear brief and automatically associate "meeting".

show me where it specified the date, time, and type of attack, dumb ass.

Wait a minute, we have the most advanced, largest and most EXPENSIVE military in the world!!! Are you saying our enemies have to telegraph every blow against us otherwise our CiC can't be held accountable?????
Someone posted a weak ass article similar to this one about a week ago.

George Bush's August 6, 2001 PDB was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

Just a page and a half... If you think the President doesn't receive this information or the opinions of his top advisors just because he isn't physically there, you are a moron.


^Shows that just because it is there, it does not mean it is preventable (Al Queda, Bin Laden mentioned 40 times in PDBs before 9/11). ONCE AGAIN, unless you, or the next idiot that brings up this story, can show a declassified PDB where Obama failed to act on a definite threat, this isn't too damning at all.

President's Daily Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ It was also clearly intended to be a bulletin. People hear brief and automatically associate "meeting".

show me where it specified the date, time, and type of attack, dumb ass.

Wait a minute, we have the most advanced, largest and most EXPENSIVE military in the world!!! Are you saying our enemies have to telegraph every blow against us otherwise our CiC can't be held accountable?????

you claimed Bush should have stopped the 9/11 attacks. Without knowing the date, time, type etc. of attacks, the best security information in the world would not be enough to have prevented those attacks.

Someone posted a weak ass article similar to this one about a week ago.

George Bush's August 6, 2001 PDB was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

Just a page and a half... If you think the President doesn't receive this information or the opinions of his top advisors just because he isn't physically there, you are a moron.


^Shows that just because it is there, it does not mean it is preventable (Al Queda, Bin Laden mentioned 40 times in PDBs before 9/11). ONCE AGAIN, unless you, or the next idiot that brings up this story, can show a declassified PDB where Obama failed to act on a definite threat, this isn't too damning at all.

President's Daily Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ It was also clearly intended to be a bulletin. People hear brief and automatically associate "meeting".

show me where it specified the date, time, and type of attack, dumb ass.

LOL debate much? My point was how vague the information was in general, to the point of not even requiring a face to face meeting. Second paragraph of the August 6, 2001 PDB mentions suspicious activity "including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York" and we still could not prevent it.

Now are you damning the whole point of this thread by saying they aren't accurate enough to act upon? Or do you have substantive proof that Obama dropped the ball somewhere by reading it himself insteading of having face to face meetings? How much did a face to face meeting over vague information help Bush? Still think this is the way to go to attack Obama? I think not.

Now if you had a PDB that said maybe "there will be a definite attack on U.S. embassies ________ (insert date) at ______ (insert time) I'd consider your argument. That's what you require of Bush, why not of Obama? It's rhetorical.. you are a dipshit.

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