A Booming Economy, a Dempanic and Stealing an Election


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
This will be hard for some of you to take. Many of you will not believe it even once it's all over & the corruption is exposed. That's OK, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm talking to those who are aware of what has happened to our country.
In his first 2 years in office, DT had paved the way for a massive restructuring of our economic and foreign policies. Reduced regulations, sensible energy policies, tough trade & defense negotiations abroad and discarding the failed diplomacy paradigms of the past resulted set up & resulted in a record breaking achievements in 2019.
By the end of 2019, our economy was rolling with records being shattered along the way. Median house income rose about $4,400, a 6.8% 1 yr increase, and reached almost $69,000. Poverty levels were dropping quickly, POC were at record employment with better jobs and higher wages.
He proved a non-politician could do what career politicians wouldn't: fulfill his promises & stand up to the corruption in the swamp.
The Democrat Party knew Trump was cruising to a landslide re-election, despite the best efforts of their never-Trumper friends in intelligence agencies, Hollywood & MSM to demonize, slander & libel him & his supporters.
More here:
What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy.
They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. Terrifying & completely unrealistic projections were amplified to the public, lies were repeated about everything from treatments & masks, to false reporting on deaths designed to amplify the fear.
Once sufficiently frightened, many people were easily convinced to willingly surrender their rights simply because a spokesperson in a lab coat told them it would keep them safe. This allowed Dem controlled areas to enact draconian house arrests (lockdowns). These & other measures were designed to prolong the ensuing economic crash and even the deaths from the virus would all be blamed on DT with the collusion of their MSM partners.
With the panic porn in full swing, Dems saw the perfect opportunity to implement the Holy Grail of election fraud; MAIL IN BALLOTS. Using "Dr" Fauxi as the pivot man in the Rona circle jerk, they manipulated the fear, attempting to convince people that voting in person was too dangerous and that mail in ballots were the sensible answer.
Apparently, the fact that mail in voting is much more susceptible to fraud than in person ballots was actually a benefit as far as Dems were concerned. DT & many others were warning of the problems we are now facing for many months. They knew this would cause chaos but, in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist politics, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
Now we have a situation where tens on millions Americans do not believe this was a legitimate election and will not have faith in our electoral process moving forward.
If it is overturned, BLM & amifa fascists will riot & attack, all with the tacit approval of the politicians, media & actors. They will burn down what's left of Dem controlled cities & maybe branch out from there till they are stopped.

If it is allowed to stand, millions of Americans will refuse to accept it and it could potentially become more dangerous than the lefty riots.
Did the Dems know this would happen? I suspect they did but feel it is an acceptable outcome if they can get rid of DT.
Besides, a divided population is easier to control (they think) and they have been doing everything they can to create division and animosity for years.
I have no faith that these officials in charge of the corrupt areas (Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Reno, Madison, etc.) can be trusted to provide fair & accurate count of legal ballots.
Our best hope is the whole truth comes out in court. Anything less than a full accounting with consequences for any kind of cheating will accomplish what no foreign power could ever do to our country. It will create a situation where the fracturing of our society will be complete & result in more internal violence than we have seen since the Civil War.
This will be hard for some of you to take. Many of you will not believe it even once it's all over & the corruption is exposed. That's OK, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm talking to those who are aware of what has happened to our country.
In his first 2 years in office, DT had paved the way for a massive restructuring of our economic and foreign policies. Reduced regulations, sensible energy policies, tough trade & defense negotiations abroad and discarding the failed diplomacy paradigms of the past resulted set up & resulted in a record breaking achievements in 2019.
By the end of 2019, our economy was rolling with records being shattered along the way. Median house income rose about $4,400, a 6.8% 1 yr increase, and reached almost $69,000. Poverty levels were dropping quickly, POC were at record employment with better jobs and higher wages.
He proved a non-politician could do what career politicians wouldn't: fulfill his promises & stand up to the corruption in the swamp.
The Democrat Party knew Trump was cruising to a landslide re-election, despite the best efforts of their never-Trumper friends in intelligence agencies, Hollywood & MSM to demonize, slander & libel him & his supporters.
More here:
What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy.
They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. Terrifying & completely unrealistic projections were amplified to the public, lies were repeated about everything from treatments & masks, to false reporting on deaths designed to amplify the fear.
Once sufficiently frightened, many people were easily convinced to willingly surrender their rights simply because a spokesperson in a lab coat told them it would keep them safe. This allowed Dem controlled areas to enact draconian house arrests (lockdowns). These & other measures were designed to prolong the ensuing economic crash and even the deaths from the virus would all be blamed on DT with the collusion of their MSM partners.
With the panic porn in full swing, Dems saw the perfect opportunity to implement the Holy Grail of election fraud; MAIL IN BALLOTS. Using "Dr" Fauxi as the pivot man in the Rona circle jerk, they manipulated the fear, attempting to convince people that voting in person was too dangerous and that mail in ballots were the sensible answer.
Apparently, the fact that mail in voting is much more susceptible to fraud than in person ballots was actually a benefit as far as Dems were concerned. DT & many others were warning of the problems we are now facing for many months. They knew this would cause chaos but, in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist politics, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
Now we have a situation where tens on millions Americans do not believe this was a legitimate election and will not have faith in our electoral process moving forward.
If it is overturned, BLM & amifa fascists will riot & attack, all with the tacit approval of the politicians, media & actors. They will burn down what's left of Dem controlled cities & maybe branch out from there till they are stopped.

If it is allowed to stand, millions of Americans will refuse to accept it and it could potentially become more dangerous than the lefty riots.
Did the Dems know this would happen? I suspect they did but feel it is an acceptable outcome if they can get rid of DT.
Besides, a divided population is easier to control (they think) and they have been doing everything they can to create division and animosity for years.
I have no faith that these officials in charge of the corrupt areas (Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Reno, Madison, etc.) can be trusted to provide fair & accurate count of legal ballots.
Our best hope is the whole truth comes out in court. Anything less than a full accounting with consequences for any kind of cheating will accomplish what no foreign power could ever do to our country. It will create a situation where the fracturing of our society will be complete & result in more internal violence than we have seen since the Civil War.

BS..Tump inherited an economic recovery that started about four years before he showed up.
In Normal World, 2.4% GDP growth is not "booming".

Especially when it's being supported by massive spending increases, a crashing bond yield market, a prolonged manufacturing recession and a hyperactive Federal Reserve.

The fact that carnival barker Trump called it "booming" and "the greatest ever" does not make it so. In fact, it would lead a reasonable person to suspect the opposite.
This will be hard for some of you to take. Many of you will not believe it even once it's all over & the corruption is exposed. That's OK, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm talking to those who are aware of what has happened to our country.
In his first 2 years in office, DT had paved the way for a massive restructuring of our economic and foreign policies. Reduced regulations, sensible energy policies, tough trade & defense negotiations abroad and discarding the failed diplomacy paradigms of the past resulted set up & resulted in a record breaking achievements in 2019.
By the end of 2019, our economy was rolling with records being shattered along the way. Median house income rose about $4,400, a 6.8% 1 yr increase, and reached almost $69,000. Poverty levels were dropping quickly, POC were at record employment with better jobs and higher wages.
He proved a non-politician could do what career politicians wouldn't: fulfill his promises & stand up to the corruption in the swamp.
The Democrat Party knew Trump was cruising to a landslide re-election, despite the best efforts of their never-Trumper friends in intelligence agencies, Hollywood & MSM to demonize, slander & libel him & his supporters.
More here:
What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy.
They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. Terrifying & completely unrealistic projections were amplified to the public, lies were repeated about everything from treatments & masks, to false reporting on deaths designed to amplify the fear.
Once sufficiently frightened, many people were easily convinced to willingly surrender their rights simply because a spokesperson in a lab coat told them it would keep them safe. This allowed Dem controlled areas to enact draconian house arrests (lockdowns). These & other measures were designed to prolong the ensuing economic crash and even the deaths from the virus would all be blamed on DT with the collusion of their MSM partners.
With the panic porn in full swing, Dems saw the perfect opportunity to implement the Holy Grail of election fraud; MAIL IN BALLOTS. Using "Dr" Fauxi as the pivot man in the Rona circle jerk, they manipulated the fear, attempting to convince people that voting in person was too dangerous and that mail in ballots were the sensible answer.
Apparently, the fact that mail in voting is much more susceptible to fraud than in person ballots was actually a benefit as far as Dems were concerned. DT & many others were warning of the problems we are now facing for many months. They knew this would cause chaos but, in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist politics, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
Now we have a situation where tens on millions Americans do not believe this was a legitimate election and will not have faith in our electoral process moving forward.
If it is overturned, BLM & amifa fascists will riot & attack, all with the tacit approval of the politicians, media & actors. They will burn down what's left of Dem controlled cities & maybe branch out from there till they are stopped.

If it is allowed to stand, millions of Americans will refuse to accept it and it could potentially become more dangerous than the lefty riots.
Did the Dems know this would happen? I suspect they did but feel it is an acceptable outcome if they can get rid of DT.
Besides, a divided population is easier to control (they think) and they have been doing everything they can to create division and animosity for years.
I have no faith that these officials in charge of the corrupt areas (Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Reno, Madison, etc.) can be trusted to provide fair & accurate count of legal ballots.
Our best hope is the whole truth comes out in court. Anything less than a full accounting with consequences for any kind of cheating will accomplish what no foreign power could ever do to our country. It will create a situation where the fracturing of our society will be complete & result in more internal violence than we have seen since the Civil War.

BS..Tump inherited an economic recovery that started about four years before he showed up.

No. It started in 2014 and was exclusively due to fracking which Obama opposed. Trump expanded on fracking by removing regulations and restrictions that Obama implemented.
Obama would have kept us in the economic hole had been able to stop fracking.
This will be hard for some of you to take. Many of you will not believe it even once it's all over & the corruption is exposed. That's OK, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm talking to those who are aware of what has happened to our country.
In his first 2 years in office, DT had paved the way for a massive restructuring of our economic and foreign policies. Reduced regulations, sensible energy policies, tough trade & defense negotiations abroad and discarding the failed diplomacy paradigms of the past resulted set up & resulted in a record breaking achievements in 2019.
By the end of 2019, our economy was rolling with records being shattered along the way. Median house income rose about $4,400, a 6.8% 1 yr increase, and reached almost $69,000. Poverty levels were dropping quickly, POC were at record employment with better jobs and higher wages.
He proved a non-politician could do what career politicians wouldn't: fulfill his promises & stand up to the corruption in the swamp.
The Democrat Party knew Trump was cruising to a landslide re-election, despite the best efforts of their never-Trumper friends in intelligence agencies, Hollywood & MSM to demonize, slander & libel him & his supporters.
More here:
What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy.
They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. Terrifying & completely unrealistic projections were amplified to the public, lies were repeated about everything from treatments & masks, to false reporting on deaths designed to amplify the fear.
Once sufficiently frightened, many people were easily convinced to willingly surrender their rights simply because a spokesperson in a lab coat told them it would keep them safe. This allowed Dem controlled areas to enact draconian house arrests (lockdowns). These & other measures were designed to prolong the ensuing economic crash and even the deaths from the virus would all be blamed on DT with the collusion of their MSM partners.
With the panic porn in full swing, Dems saw the perfect opportunity to implement the Holy Grail of election fraud; MAIL IN BALLOTS. Using "Dr" Fauxi as the pivot man in the Rona circle jerk, they manipulated the fear, attempting to convince people that voting in person was too dangerous and that mail in ballots were the sensible answer.
Apparently, the fact that mail in voting is much more susceptible to fraud than in person ballots was actually a benefit as far as Dems were concerned. DT & many others were warning of the problems we are now facing for many months. They knew this would cause chaos but, in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist politics, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
Now we have a situation where tens on millions Americans do not believe this was a legitimate election and will not have faith in our electoral process moving forward.
If it is overturned, BLM & amifa fascists will riot & attack, all with the tacit approval of the politicians, media & actors. They will burn down what's left of Dem controlled cities & maybe branch out from there till they are stopped.

If it is allowed to stand, millions of Americans will refuse to accept it and it could potentially become more dangerous than the lefty riots.
Did the Dems know this would happen? I suspect they did but feel it is an acceptable outcome if they can get rid of DT.
Besides, a divided population is easier to control (they think) and they have been doing everything they can to create division and animosity for years.
I have no faith that these officials in charge of the corrupt areas (Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Reno, Madison, etc.) can be trusted to provide fair & accurate count of legal ballots.
Our best hope is the whole truth comes out in court. Anything less than a full accounting with consequences for any kind of cheating will accomplish what no foreign power could ever do to our country. It will create a situation where the fracturing of our society will be complete & result in more internal violence than we have seen since the Civil War.

Anyone who believes the timing of the virus and its subsequent nazi decrees by democrats were only a coincidence are liars.
The new Potus is Joe Biden. Get use to it.
You are like many others. You are blinded. Trump was gruff. He had beliefs and values about America even if he did not look it. He was closer to Kennedy. Biden is a snake and closer to LBJ. Six decades later in a high tax state with losses of unalienable rights. As one citizen to another, you need to look at all views. Just not the one pushed by propagandists. Propagandists who live the good life on our backs.
He lost. Biden won. Get over it. Move on. There is no point in going back and trying to implement revisionist history.
This will be hard for some of you to take. Many of you will not believe it even once it's all over & the corruption is exposed. That's OK, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm talking to those who are aware of what has happened to our country.
In his first 2 years in office, DT had paved the way for a massive restructuring of our economic and foreign policies. Reduced regulations, sensible energy policies, tough trade & defense negotiations abroad and discarding the failed diplomacy paradigms of the past resulted set up & resulted in a record breaking achievements in 2019.
By the end of 2019, our economy was rolling with records being shattered along the way. Median house income rose about $4,400, a 6.8% 1 yr increase, and reached almost $69,000. Poverty levels were dropping quickly, POC were at record employment with better jobs and higher wages.
He proved a non-politician could do what career politicians wouldn't: fulfill his promises & stand up to the corruption in the swamp.
The Democrat Party knew Trump was cruising to a landslide re-election, despite the best efforts of their never-Trumper friends in intelligence agencies, Hollywood & MSM to demonize, slander & libel him & his supporters.
More here:
What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy.
They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. Terrifying & completely unrealistic projections were amplified to the public, lies were repeated about everything from treatments & masks, to false reporting on deaths designed to amplify the fear.
Once sufficiently frightened, many people were easily convinced to willingly surrender their rights simply because a spokesperson in a lab coat told them it would keep them safe. This allowed Dem controlled areas to enact draconian house arrests (lockdowns). These & other measures were designed to prolong the ensuing economic crash and even the deaths from the virus would all be blamed on DT with the collusion of their MSM partners.
With the panic porn in full swing, Dems saw the perfect opportunity to implement the Holy Grail of election fraud; MAIL IN BALLOTS. Using "Dr" Fauxi as the pivot man in the Rona circle jerk, they manipulated the fear, attempting to convince people that voting in person was too dangerous and that mail in ballots were the sensible answer.
Apparently, the fact that mail in voting is much more susceptible to fraud than in person ballots was actually a benefit as far as Dems were concerned. DT & many others were warning of the problems we are now facing for many months. They knew this would cause chaos but, in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist politics, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
Now we have a situation where tens on millions Americans do not believe this was a legitimate election and will not have faith in our electoral process moving forward.
If it is overturned, BLM & amifa fascists will riot & attack, all with the tacit approval of the politicians, media & actors. They will burn down what's left of Dem controlled cities & maybe branch out from there till they are stopped.

If it is allowed to stand, millions of Americans will refuse to accept it and it could potentially become more dangerous than the lefty riots.
Did the Dems know this would happen? I suspect they did but feel it is an acceptable outcome if they can get rid of DT.
Besides, a divided population is easier to control (they think) and they have been doing everything they can to create division and animosity for years.
I have no faith that these officials in charge of the corrupt areas (Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Reno, Madison, etc.) can be trusted to provide fair & accurate count of legal ballots.
Our best hope is the whole truth comes out in court. Anything less than a full accounting with consequences for any kind of cheating will accomplish what no foreign power could ever do to our country. It will create a situation where the fracturing of our society will be complete & result in more internal violence than we have seen since the Civil War.

BS..Tump inherited an economic recovery that started about four years before he showed up.

No. It started in 2014 and was exclusively due to fracking which Obama opposed. Trump expanded on fracking by removing regulations and restrictions that Obama implemented.
Obama would have kept us in the economic hole had been able to stop fracking.

Obama opposed fracking? :laughing0301:
Obama made it happen.
This will be hard for some of you to take. Many of you will not believe it even once it's all over & the corruption is exposed. That's OK, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm talking to those who are aware of what has happened to our country.
In his first 2 years in office, DT had paved the way for a massive restructuring of our economic and foreign policies. Reduced regulations, sensible energy policies, tough trade & defense negotiations abroad and discarding the failed diplomacy paradigms of the past resulted set up & resulted in a record breaking achievements in 2019.
By the end of 2019, our economy was rolling with records being shattered along the way. Median house income rose about $4,400, a 6.8% 1 yr increase, and reached almost $69,000. Poverty levels were dropping quickly, POC were at record employment with better jobs and higher wages.
He proved a non-politician could do what career politicians wouldn't: fulfill his promises & stand up to the corruption in the swamp.
The Democrat Party knew Trump was cruising to a landslide re-election, despite the best efforts of their never-Trumper friends in intelligence agencies, Hollywood & MSM to demonize, slander & libel him & his supporters.
More here:
What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy.
They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. Terrifying & completely unrealistic projections were amplified to the public, lies were repeated about everything from treatments & masks, to false reporting on deaths designed to amplify the fear.
Once sufficiently frightened, many people were easily convinced to willingly surrender their rights simply because a spokesperson in a lab coat told them it would keep them safe. This allowed Dem controlled areas to enact draconian house arrests (lockdowns). These & other measures were designed to prolong the ensuing economic crash and even the deaths from the virus would all be blamed on DT with the collusion of their MSM partners.
With the panic porn in full swing, Dems saw the perfect opportunity to implement the Holy Grail of election fraud; MAIL IN BALLOTS. Using "Dr" Fauxi as the pivot man in the Rona circle jerk, they manipulated the fear, attempting to convince people that voting in person was too dangerous and that mail in ballots were the sensible answer.
Apparently, the fact that mail in voting is much more susceptible to fraud than in person ballots was actually a benefit as far as Dems were concerned. DT & many others were warning of the problems we are now facing for many months. They knew this would cause chaos but, in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist politics, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
Now we have a situation where tens on millions Americans do not believe this was a legitimate election and will not have faith in our electoral process moving forward.
If it is overturned, BLM & amifa fascists will riot & attack, all with the tacit approval of the politicians, media & actors. They will burn down what's left of Dem controlled cities & maybe branch out from there till they are stopped.

If it is allowed to stand, millions of Americans will refuse to accept it and it could potentially become more dangerous than the lefty riots.
Did the Dems know this would happen? I suspect they did but feel it is an acceptable outcome if they can get rid of DT.
Besides, a divided population is easier to control (they think) and they have been doing everything they can to create division and animosity for years.
I have no faith that these officials in charge of the corrupt areas (Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Reno, Madison, etc.) can be trusted to provide fair & accurate count of legal ballots.
Our best hope is the whole truth comes out in court. Anything less than a full accounting with consequences for any kind of cheating will accomplish what no foreign power could ever do to our country. It will create a situation where the fracturing of our society will be complete & result in more internal violence than we have seen since the Civil War.

This belongs in the conspiracy theories forum.

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