A Call to Reason: Why Background Checks Don’t Work

Should the government infringe on rights granted in the constitution, for "public safety".

  • No. Personal safety is incumbent on the individual

  • No, but the public needs better education about gun safety and self defense

  • Yes, those deemed a danger to society- NO GUNS! Even at the expense of my rights.

  • Yes, I'm a fascist pig and I hate guns because I was programmed to in school.

  • Yes, people are too stupid to protect themselves

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course , as you predict , it'll be decades and by that time there will be more and more gun owners Kondor .
Should the government infringe on rights granted in the constitution, for "public safety".


Should the government establish and enforce standards for the licensing of gun-owners and the registration of firearms?

Cognitive dissonance right there.
Not when one unburdens one's self of the dea that Registration and Licensing are infringements upon one's Constitutional Rights.
You mean swings into fantasy? Yeah those are infringements. Nor will they solve anything.
Automatic gain say is getting us nowhere.

Your inability to consider long-range trends and long-range public reaction and long-range lawmaking and long-range judicial activism in this context is most unfortunate.

But, I won't belabor the point any longer.

I'll let the future and The People handle that.
LOL! The long range trend has been towards less gun control. That has been the case for the last 20 years. Can you show any indication that gun control is gaining popularity? Any evidence?
Any macro-level 'trend analysis' must include both Gun Violence and Gun Rights Legal Decisions.

When a tipping point is reached and when your fellow citizens can no longer stand the level of Gun Violence, your side of the combined 'trend' will experience a great change.
If you go far enough back on the thread you find the bread crumbs.

I want facts, not bread crumbs.

If you're going to ask anyone to take you seriously you should point out how anyone who has replied to this thread in affirmation of the RKBA has demonstrated "sociopathic" tendencies.
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As you like. I'm not the one who is going to have his knickers in a twist when you lose your place at the table and can no longer influence the outcome.

I'm starting to doubt your sincerity as far as your concern about RKBA.

You seem not just willing to cede our rights, but you seem bound and determined to have them taken away.

course , as you predict , it'll be decades and by that time there will be more and more gun owners Kondor .
Yes, yes, yes... I"m sure you're right... or...rather... you're sure you're right... it's of little consequence... The People will eventually decide what is to be done.
As you like. I'm not the one who is going to have his knickers in a twist when you lose your place at the table and can no longer influence the outcome.

The only way gun owners will "lose a place at the table" is because fudders submit to tyranny.

Again, may your chains rest lightly upon your shoulders.

Yes, yes, yes... I"m sure you're right... or...rather... you're sure you're right... it's of little consequence... The People will eventually decide what is to be done.

On that point I certainly agree, and gun control will be rolled back.

As you like. I'm not the one who is going to have his knickers in a twist when you lose your place at the table and can no longer influence the outcome.

I'm starting to doubt your sincerity as far as your concern about RKBA.

You seem not just willing to cede our rights, but you seem bound and determined to have them taken away.
Hell, I'm so UN-invested in RKBA (other than I want it preserved) that I had to look up the acronym within the past 30 seconds.

My position (Yes to Registration and Licensing) cedes no rights, and takes none away.

It is merely the practical application of Public Safety -related common sense

And it introduces a legal-caliber Personal Accountability to gun ownership that has been sorely lacking over time.

But, as you say, it's not going to happen, right, so, why worry?
As you like. I'm not the one who is going to have his knickers in a twist when you lose your place at the table and can no longer influence the outcome.

The only way gun owners will "lose a place at the table" is because fudders submit to tyranny.

Again, may your chains rest lightly upon your shoulders.

Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch...




" Stand by to repel Drama Hype, starboard !!! "

As you like.

Being a lifelong Gun Rights advocate, I merely show you the writing on the wall, even if a handful of notable decisions have led you into the error of complacency and untouchability.

YOU are a life long RKBA advocate? How long have you been doing it? No wonder we've lost so many of our rights over the last 50 years. I'd call that abject failure.

You've done nothing but insist that we need to give up our rights on this thread. You insist a legislative Maginot Line will keep the nazis at bay, when the rest of us know better.

Good luck with that.
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch...




" Stand by to repel Drama Hype, starboard !!! "


You see now you're just getting emotional because you're losing the debate.

As you like.

Being a lifelong Gun Rights advocate, I merely show you the writing on the wall, even if a handful of notable decisions have led you into the error of complacency and untouchability.

YOU are a life long RKBA advocate? How long have you been doing it? No wonder we've lost so many of our rights over the last 50 years. I'd call that abject failure.

You've done nothing but insist that we need to give up our rights on this thread. You insist a legislative Maginot Line will keep the nazis at bay, when the rest of us know better.

Good luck with that.
A Gun-RIghts advocate is merely someone who advocates that our citizens be allowed to exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

It doesn't mean that such a person is ipso facto a professional advocate, or even a well-published or well-spoken one.

Merely that when the opportunity presents itself, that one advocates for the preservation of such rights.

Which is exactly what I've been doing.

Arguing for those rights to be preserved in the face of constant and repeated assault upon those rights.

Defusing the situation and taking the fire out of Gun-Grabber arguments is a far cry from caving into their every demand.

But, you're bound and determined to see it differently, and I've exercised sufficient due diligence in advancing the collaboration concept, to be content.

I'm said all that I came here to say.

The arguments will ultimately stand or fall on their own merits.

Overreactions notwithstanding.

Thanks for the time.
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch...




" Stand by to repel Drama Hype, starboard !!! "


You see now you're just getting emotional because you're losing the debate.
I'm not the one who dragged-out the Nazi-Jew pictures, to take the conversation to a different level.

But, we won't count that, because it's something that you-and-yours did, right?


Enough already.
Cognitive dissonance right there.
Not when one unburdens one's self of the dea that Registration and Licensing are infringements upon one's Constitutional Rights.
You mean swings into fantasy? Yeah those are infringements. Nor will they solve anything.
Automatic gain say is getting us nowhere.

Your inability to consider long-range trends and long-range public reaction and long-range lawmaking and long-range judicial activism in this context is most unfortunate.

But, I won't belabor the point any longer.

I'll let the future and The People handle that.
LOL! The long range trend has been towards less gun control. That has been the case for the last 20 years. Can you show any indication that gun control is gaining popularity? Any evidence?
Any macro-level 'trend analysis' must include both Gun Violence and Gun Rights Legal Decisions.

When a tipping point is reached and when your fellow citizens can no longer stand the level of Gun Violence, your side of the combined 'trend' will experience a great change.
So you've got nothing. We've had many high profile shootings and no legislation on the federal level.
A Gun-RIghts advocate is merely someone who advocates that our citizens be allowed to exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

It doesn't mean that such a person is ipso facto a professional advocate, or even a well-published or well-spoken one.

Merely that when the opportunity presents itself, that one advocates for the preservation of such rights.

Which is exactly what I've been doing.

Arguing for those rights to be preserved in the face of constant and repeated assault upon those rights.

Defusing the situation and taking the fire out of Gun-Grabber arguments is a far cry from caving into their every demand.

But, you're bound and determined to see it differently, and I've exercised sufficient due diligence in advancing the collaboration concept, to be content.

I'm said all that I came here to say.

The arguments will ultimately stand or fall on their own merits.

Overreactions notwithstanding.

Thanks for the time.

No you have not advocated the preservation of rights, you've insisted that giving them up is somehow advantageous when it has been adequately pointed out that such strategy is a failure.

Repeated assaults from fascists need to be returned, not cowering and even pretending that "they have a point". Their points are bullshit, period. If you want to collaborate with them on this issue, what's next? A %50 tax bracket as opposed to %39? GPS devices in our vehicles so that we can be charged by the mile? Turning all your gun owner friends in so that the apparachiks don't haul you off to a gulag? Call it paranoia or hyperbole but it isn't so far fetched when we know there are people who want that kind of power, and we have people in our midst willing to either give it to them, or not oppose them because they're too worried about their own skin.

I'm not the one who dragged-out the Nazi-Jew pictures, to take the conversation to a different level.

But, we won't count that, because it's something that you-and-yours did, right?


Enough already.

The Nazi/Jew issue is the culmination of the conversation.

It's the sort of thing that happens when people negotiate their rights away.

They end up with none.

even Kondors defeatist language when he says that citizens be ALLOWED to continue exercising their second amendment gun Rights . Yep , very telling Kondor !!
Gun laws are worthless. None of them work. None of them. We have 100 years of history with gun control and it's all worthless.

You're an idiot.

Of course they work.

Everyday someone is arrest for illegal possession of a handgun or other weapon.

Everyday someone is deterred from purchasing and illegal.

By your idiot logic, rape laws don't work because rapes occur.

Fucking moron. Get off this board. It's for adults.

No...pre-crime gun laws don't work...background checks, registration and magazine limits.....actual laws, the ones that say using a gun to commit a crime works...you are caught using it and go to jail, or the law that says that convicted criminals can't have guns work...you catch a previously convicted criminal in the mere possession of a gun...you arrest them and send them to prison because they are barred by law from having a gun...

No background check, registration or magazine limit needed..............

Rape laws work when you catch someone who attempted or completed a rape...what you guys want is a background check that would keep a rapist from ever raping in the first place.....that would work as well as background checks for guns work....

You are the fucking moron...you need to actually think things through, and not just emote about them....

We have rape laws that prevent rapists from raping.

You fail.

You fail.

You Fa-aaaiL....


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