A Cattle Call Section Instead of Being on Repeated @Lists


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
A Cattle Call Section Instead of Being on Repeated @Lists

Can we have a Cattle Call section where posters can issue general calls to the entire membership or dozens of posters at a time rather than being @mentioned for every bull shit reason on earth whenever a poster decides to try the mention feature?

It's a minor annoyance much like Junk Mail in the snail mail. Every day I'm getting mentioned in someone's @list.

It shouldn't happen at all unless someone has a real interest in getting my attention for a specific purpose.

No more than three or five names should ever be grouped together in a @mentions list.

Someone is going to run the @mention feature into the ground.
So many choices in life.

Sometimes, the phone rings and I don't answer it.

But that's just me.

It is an excellent feature that stimulates worthwhile discussion. :smiliehug:

Maybe a function that can toggle off being mentioned would be the perfect remedy? As it is right now there's no real problem with it, and it's nowhere like a mass PM.
I have no idea how the software works and whether it allows that sort of thing - someone less techtarded than I will need to answer ;)
It is an excellent feature that stimulates worthwhile discussion. :smiliehug:

Maybe a function that can toggle off being mentioned would be the perfect remedy? As it is right now there's no real problem with it, and it's nowhere like a mass PM.

The past few days I've been called to a few threads due to my being included on a couple of membership lists which I had no personal affiliation with or interest in.

And when you get a mention, you mean to tell me you don't look to see what the mention was all about?

If I were to stage a real life example of what it is you would immediately understand my feelings.
A Cattle Call Section Instead of Being on Repeated @Lists

Can we have a Cattle Call section where posters can issue general calls to the entire membership or dozens of posters at a time rather than being @mentioned for every bull shit reason on earth whenever a poster decides to try the mention feature?

It's a minor annoyance much like Junk Mail in the snail mail. Every day I'm getting mentioned in someone's @list.

It shouldn't happen at all unless someone has a real interest in getting my attention for a specific purpose.

No more than three or five names should ever be grouped together in a @mentions list.

Someone is going to run the @mention feature into the ground.

I think the @ is a great feature for making people answer their online mail for discussions.

I am having problems with the permalink features. Someone reps me and half of the time and the link won't open up. It sends me to page one of a topic so if there are 100 pages, I don't know which page or message I got the rep from. I works better in Firefox and Chrome but it isn't 100%. I don't know why.
I've been on a few of these lists, Wakes was one of those. After the initial call I get no others even when someone quotes the OP?

Strange, sounds like others get multiple mentions to the same thread?
If anyone doesn't want to be mentioned by me, please let me know and I'll respect your wishes.
If anyone doesn't want to be mentioned by me, please let me know and I'll respect your wishes.

Only if you have something specifically for me to pay attention to. Junk mail or bs group circle jerks, no thanks.
A Cattle Call Section Instead of Being on Repeated @Lists

Can we have a Cattle Call section where posters can issue general calls to the entire membership or dozens of posters at a time rather than being @mentioned for every bull shit reason on earth whenever a poster decides to try the mention feature?

It's a minor annoyance much like Junk Mail in the snail mail. Every day I'm getting mentioned in someone's @list.

It shouldn't happen at all unless someone has a real interest in getting my attention for a specific purpose.

No more than three or five names should ever be grouped together in a @mentions list.

Someone is going to run the @mention feature into the ground.

I think the @ is a great feature for making people answer their online mail for discussions.

I am having problems with the permalink features. Someone reps me and half of the time and the link won't open up. It sends me to page one of a topic so if there are 100 pages, I don't know which page or message I got the rep from. I works better in Firefox and Chrome but it isn't 100%. I don't know why.

I think the @ is a great feature for making people answer their online mail for discussions.

Me 2.
What would you think of a sticky thread or subforum to Announcements to advertise and encourage folks to attend your thread? In exchange for some yet to be determined rule on limiting mass mentions.

A lot of folks dont use the thread rating function either. If threads were rated more often, they would advertise themselves... Assuming the raters didnt abuse the function.
I really like the @ function and think it is one of the most useful tools in USMB, for I don't have time to sift through every section every day. This does some of the sifting for me.
A Cattle Call Section Instead of Being on Repeated @Lists

Can we have a Cattle Call section where posters can issue general calls to the entire membership or dozens of posters at a time rather than being @mentioned for every bull shit reason on earth whenever a poster decides to try the mention feature?

It's a minor annoyance much like Junk Mail in the snail mail. Every day I'm getting mentioned in someone's @list.

It shouldn't happen at all unless someone has a real interest in getting my attention for a specific purpose.

No more than three or five names should ever be grouped together in a @mentions list.

Someone is going to run the @mention feature into the ground.

Sounds like a false flag:D

I think Mojo's taking this thing too seriously. I completely ignore those things, and my world hasn't come crashing down. Just because a feature exists doesn't mean one must use it. If somebody really wants me to see something they'll let me know. No big whoop.

I'm not at all sure what he means by "cattle call" anyway. I know what a cattle call is but not sure how you apply that here...
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Nothing wrong with the @ feature. I have a hard enough time finding all the good posts anyway and don't post a lot so if someone uses the @ feature that works well for me. I can always go there, and respond or not and ask the person not to do it if I don't find anything of interest. I think it's a great little feature. Mojo-just ask people not to do that with you anymore. No big deal really.
I think most people are saying they aren't bothered by it because they don't really use it a lot and CAN AFFORD to ignore most all flags that they are mentioned. But if you DID use it regularly to alert your buds to a particular thread or call-back a poster to a comment that they made to see your replies --- it WOULD be a nuisance to have more mentions coming at you that you WANT to ignore.

If 10 or 20 active posters started to use it as a "cattle call" for stuff they post --- all other uses of the feature would be buried under a pile of junk mail.. I see this not as an IMMEDIATE problem, but one that will MORPH into a problem when more folks start finding valid uses for the at-mention..
I think most people are saying they aren't bothered by it because they don't really use it a lot and CAN AFFORD to ignore most all flags that they are mentioned. But if you DID use it regularly to alert your buds to a particular thread or call-back a poster to a comment that they made to see your replies --- it WOULD be a nuisance to have more mentions coming at you that you WANT to ignore.

If 10 or 20 active posters started to use it as a "cattle call" for stuff they post --- all other uses of the feature would be buried under a pile of junk mail.. I see this not as an IMMEDIATE problem, but one that will MORPH into a problem when more folks start finding valid uses for the at-mention..

Nothing wrong with the @ feature. I have a hard enough time finding all the good posts anyway and don't post a lot so if someone uses the @ feature that works well for me. I can always go there, and respond or not and ask the person not to do it if I don't find anything of interest. I think it's a great little feature. Mojo-just ask people not to do that with you anymore. No big deal really.

I agree that the @ feature is a useful one. A great one, in fact!

But if you had an option to get rid of people wanting your attention for things of which you have no interest, wouldn't you exercise that option?

How about adding two new categories for the @mention sender so their message can be sent and the addressee can confidently disregard those he isn't interested in without having to actually visit the thread he's being called to?

Think of how Gmail has Inbox categories, Primary, Social and Promotions.

Maybe USMB can create two categories for mentions, Social & Topical.

If the @mention doesn't concern some topic of which I've expressed an opinion, it would be considered social, I think.

I mean, the Visitor's Message and the P.M. should cover social invites but they are too labor intensive to do readily by someone wanting to send out dozens and dozens at a time. So using the @mention is a clever way to internally spam other members.

I don't really even object to that! Just as long as I can confidently ignore those Spam @mentions or @JunkMentions I'll be content.

Any way the software can do that?

Add a "Social" "Spam" or "Junk" Mention category to the @mentions menu option list a sender can choose when sending a @mention?
Nothing wrong with the @ feature. I have a hard enough time finding all the good posts anyway and don't post a lot so if someone uses the @ feature that works well for me. I can always go there, and respond or not and ask the person not to do it if I don't find anything of interest. I think it's a great little feature. Mojo-just ask people not to do that with you anymore. No big deal really.

Actually, it CAN be a big deal. A really big deal, if the number of posters using @mention increases and if the users use it more frequently, for whatever they want, (and why shouldn't they?) it could become a big deal.

Well, consider me your Canary in the Coal Mine.

I want ZERO notifications that don't actually alert me to something I've posted on or an attitude of mine or a position of mine or a notice of something the sender wants me to see particulalry and something on topic.

Not a notice to visit a new thread devoted to socializing.

That's not my interest at all and I'd rather not get these well meant and harmless invites at all.

But, I don't want to deny someone the right to send these invitations, either.

So, creating new sending options or addressing options for these @mentions would make everyone happy.


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