A$$-Chewing Motivates Sessions - He will FINALLY Investigate Leaks

Will it take another public a$$-chewing before US AG Sessions orders the FBI to take over the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz-Pakistani Spy Ring investigation from the Keystone Capitol Cops?
^ :cuckoo:
so bitching at meetings is 100% of value and will surely lead to ousting the trump but going after proven crimes is crazy.
^ :cuckoo:
so basically this is your "i got nothing so i'm gonna pretend you're crazier than i am"

got it.
^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Iceberg, this is the snowflake response when they have nothing...emoticons. :p
To everyone so critical of Trump hammering Sessions....it worked. Sessions is FINALLY getting off his ass and doing his job... but it should not have taken a public ass-chewing to get him to do it.

Sessions to announce investigations into intelligence leaks: source

The DOJ is claiming, AFTER the public 'spanking' that Session has been considering invetigating the leaks for some time now, but it took THIS to make Sessions finally announce efforts to investigate the leaks:

""I want the attorney general to be much tougher," Trump said. "I want the leaks from intelligence agencies, which are leaking like rarely have they ever leaked before, at a very important level. These are intelligence agencies we cannot have that happen."

And so let's see if he fires Mueller. Because Mueller has been hiring only Clinton's supporters on his team as if he holding a sign on his chest, saying "Fire Me, Please".
Can't imagine anybody in news industry will "out" their sources. I think this might be like the illegal immigrants thing where it will curtail itself because there will be a backbone when it comes to enforcement. Under Obama and predecessors leakers likely never feared for their jobs. Now they'll have to learn to hold it.
Fake News Liberal rags use 'anonymous sources', and it's gospel. A Conservative media sites one, and suddenly snowflakes claim it is 'fake news'. Given enough rope, snowflakes always hang themselves, exposing their hypocrisy, lies, and crimes...as we continue to see as they continue their Witch Hunt.
so bitching at meetings is 100% of value and will surely lead to ousting the trump but going after proven crimes is crazy.
^ :cuckoo:
so basically this is your "i got nothing so i'm gonna pretend you're crazier than i am"

got it.
^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Iceberg, this is the snowflake response when they have nothing...emoticons. :p
^ immediately uses emoticon
And so let's see if he fires Mueller. Because Mueller has been hiring only Clinton's supporters on his team as if he holding a sign on his chest, saying "Fire Me, Please".
No need - Mueller's own actions have screwed his own investigation. If his Anti-Trump-packed posse comes up with any negative findings it has no weight because of the partisanship Mueller has built into it.
so bitching at meetings is 100% of value and will surely lead to ousting the trump but going after proven crimes is crazy.
^ :cuckoo:
so basically this is your "i got nothing so i'm gonna pretend you're crazier than i am"

got it.
^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Iceberg, this is the snowflake response when they have nothing...emoticons. :p
^ immediately uses emoticon
Yes, laughing at your ass. Oh, those things right before the emoticon - they are called 'WORDS', something you did not use in your post I made fun of. Bwuhahaha....
so bitching at meetings is 100% of value and will surely lead to ousting the trump but going after proven crimes is crazy.
^ :cuckoo:
so basically this is your "i got nothing so i'm gonna pretend you're crazier than i am"

got it.
^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Iceberg, this is the snowflake response when they have nothing...emoticons. :p
yea, i'll try a few times and i see painting a sponge would be more productive, i'll slide 'em to ignore and move on. you wind up talking to a lot less people but this place is nowhere near as frustrating when you de-troll it.
so basically this is your "i got nothing so i'm gonna pretend you're crazier than i am"

got it.
^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Iceberg, this is the snowflake response when they have nothing...emoticons. :p
^ immediately uses emoticon
Yes, laughing at your ass. Oh, those things right before the emoticon - they are called 'WORDS', something you did not use in your post I made fun of. Bwuhahaha....
And so let's see if he fires Mueller. Because Mueller has been hiring only Clinton's supporters on his team as if he holding a sign on his chest, saying "Fire Me, Please".
No need - Mueller's own actions have screwed his own investigation. If his Anti-Trump-packed posse comes up with any negative findings it has no weight because of the partisanship Mueller has built into it.
You are talking like an anti-American piece of shit.
Mueller is not going to be partisan. YOU ARE THOUGH. When the investigation is over, you will be sure not to believe the truth because of all the bullshit you and your ilk have been paid to smear all over social media. Who is really paying you? Are you sure it's the RNC?
Personally, I think Sessions is one of the leakers. On that suspicion alone, he should have his property and assets seized by the state.
Can't imagine anybody in news industry will "out" their sources. I think this might be like the illegal immigrants thing where it will curtail itself because there will be a backbone when it comes to enforcement. Under Obama and predecessors leakers likely never feared for their jobs. Now they'll have to learn to hold it.
Fake News Liberal rags use 'anonymous sources', and it's gospel. A Conservative media sites one, and suddenly snowflakes claim it is 'fake news'. Given enough rope, snowflakes always hang themselves, exposing their hypocrisy, lies, and crimes...as we continue to see as they continue their Witch Hunt.

So which is it? Do you trust anonymous sources or not?
I love the irony of Trump treating the old segregationist Sessions like a second class citizen.
To everyone so critical of Trump hammering Sessions....it worked. Sessions is FINALLY getting off his ass and doing his job... but it should not have taken a public ass-chewing to get him to do it.

Sessions to announce investigations into intelligence leaks: source

The DOJ is claiming, AFTER the public 'spanking' that Session has been considering invetigating the leaks for some time now, but it took THIS to make Sessions finally announce efforts to investigate the leaks:

""I want the attorney general to be much tougher," Trump said. "I want the leaks from intelligence agencies, which are leaking like rarely have they ever leaked before, at a very important level. These are intelligence agencies we cannot have that happen."


Unfortunately it had to come to an ass kicking. I've put up a laundry list in other threads of all the shit the DOJ wasn't investigating.

Hell's bells easyt65 Senator Grassley had to send a letter to the DOJ to ask about the DNC collusion with the Ukrainians. I like Sessions a lot. Who can't like a guy who looks like the Keebler elf.

But holy toledo he was dropping the ball big time.
Will it take another public a$$-chewing before US AG Sessions orders the FBI to take over the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz-Pakistani Spy Ring investigation from the Keystone Capitol Cops?

On this one I'll give him a minor pass because Paul Ryan interfered and passed this on only to the Capitol Police. But I still think the DOJ should have slapped down Ryan and taken it over ages ago.

This is what you get though when you hire a former Senator or Congress critter for key positions because IMHO they still hold too much loyalty to former colleagues. SP? first coffee.
I heard some talking head this morning say Trump should not have told reporters when asked if Sessions will remain USAG, 'We'll see'. The guy said you should not make such a statement and 'leave it hanging'. This clown has obviously never been a manager of people.

When you have a worker who is not performing as expected /required, you don't immediately step in and fire them, and you do not allow the employee to continue to keep his job and screw up. You give the employee a warning, demand he improves, then see how it goes. If the employee fails to improve THEN you fire them.

Trump just warned Sessions that he has failed in his expected / required job performance so far and put him on notice. What happens next is up to Sessions - 'sink or swim'.

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