A Christian and Atheist have a conversation


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
A Christian and an Atheist are walking Down the street just talking about the first game of the NFL season.

Christian: "Man, did you watch the game yesterday? Andy Dalton lit it up, I think the Bengals are for real. Chicago got stomped!"

Atheist: "Yeah, but they're still the Bungles, always will be and look at the competition, the Bears aren't all that good."

Christian: "Maybe, we'll know more next week when the Bengals play the Squeelers on Monday Night. Ben is going to have to contend with Mr. Harrison, Mr. Atkins, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Burfict and Mr. Dunlap. Bens going to be killed back there."

Atheist: "We'll see about that, the Bungals aren't good and are going to be killed."

Christian: "Whatever dude, you don't know anything."

There's a pause for about 30 seconds as the two continue to walk down the street.

Atheist: "Hey, you're a Christian right?"

Christian: "Yeah, why?"

Atheist: "I'm just wondering how you can believe in a make believe man in the sky, how you can dismiss all the scientific evidence about evolution, you know, how you can be such an idiot and a fool for believing?"

Christian: "That's why it's called faith. I believe without all this evidence, I just feel it and I know that God and Jesus Christ is my Lord a Savior. You know, you can too if we could just do some Bible study togeth...."

Atheist: "Hey man, stop shoving your religion down my throat. Man, I hate when people do that."

Christian: "You brought it up, what did you expect?"

Atheist: "I just wanted to make fun of you, just forget it and agree to disagree. I'm right by the way."

How true this is, lol.
Christian: There is a power greater than us in the universe.

Atheist: No, there isn't.
Atheist: I don't believe in God

Christian: That's OK Brother - God believes in YOU.
Christain: "Peace be with you."

Atheist: "Live and let live"

"Play ball"

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