A Cold War Project Has Thrown CO2 Importance Up in the Air


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
In the 60’s we were going to put hundreds of ICBM’s in caverns carved into the ice sheets. Recent analysis of the ice dug up in the test beds shows that what is now a mile thick ice layer was a life filled tundra as recent as 460,000 years ago.

The problem:

“Scientists also know that at that time, global temperatures were similar or slightly warmer than what they are today. However, back then, atmospheric concentrations of planet-warming carbon dioxide were about 280 parts per million, compared to today’s 422 parts per million.”

So carbon dioxide is not linked to climate temperature.

In the 60’s we were going to put hundreds of ICBM’s in caverns carved into the ice sheets. Recent analysis of the ice dug up in the test beds shows that what is now a mile thick ice layer was a life filled tundra as recent as 460,000 years ago.

The problem:

“Scientists also know that at that time, global temperatures were similar or slightly warmer than what they are today. However, back then, atmospheric concentrations of planet-warming carbon dioxide were about 280 parts per million, compared to today’s 422 parts per million.”

So carbon dioxide is not linked to climate temperature.

Hello North American Ice Age

Have a seat McBullshit.

In the past 20k or 1 million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed....
What’s your babbling have to do with no CO2 correlation?

North American Ice Age was the widely accepted "theory" of what caused the Great Lakes. In 2010 the Co2 fraud, realizing the

Greenland froze while North America thawed

truth of the data was too much to be "tolerated" and hence re-wrote climate history into Milankovich Cycles aka McBullshit

Full debate was here, have at it...

Now boys , do not let a few facts get in the way of the Climate scam . If we want these Sheeple broke and compliant , there is no point in muddying the water. Carbon Shmarbon . Just keep it simple for the poor dears .
In the 60’s we were going to put hundreds of ICBM’s in caverns carved into the ice sheets. Recent analysis of the ice dug up in the test beds shows that what is now a mile thick ice layer was a life filled tundra as recent as 460,000 years ago.

The problem:

“Scientists also know that at that time, global temperatures were similar or slightly warmer than what they are today. However, back then, atmospheric concentrations of planet-warming carbon dioxide were about 280 parts per million, compared to today’s 422 parts per million.”

So carbon dioxide is not linked to climate temperature.
That is most assuredly not the conclusion reached by the people who actually did the study.

The concern is that under CURRENT conditions, all of Greenland and likely most of Antarctica could melt raising sea level by tens of meters.

The difference between now and temperature and CO2 levels 460,000 years ago is the rate at which those parameters have been changing; a point that has been identified to the lot of you over and over and over again. You people are unteachable. Keep in mind that CO2 levels that we are currently experiencing have not been seen on this planet in over 3 million years. The Earth has gone through, what, a DOZEN glacial interglacial cycles without CO2 ever getting above 300 ppm. So either that was enough to end a glacial cycle or there are other factors at work. Use your fucking head.
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That is most assuredly not the conclusion reached by the people who actually did the study.

The concern is that under CURRENT conditions, all of Greenland and likely most of Antarctica could melt raising sea level by tens of meters.

The difference between now and temperature and CO2 levels 460,000 years ago is the rate at which those parameters have been changing; a point that has been identified to the lot of you over and over and over again. You people are unteachable. Keep in mind that CO2 levels that we are currently experiencing have not been seen on this planet in over 3 million years. The Earth has gone through, what, a DOZEN glacial interglacial cycles without CO2 ever getting above 300 ppm. So either that was enough to end a glacial cycle or there are other factors at work. Use your fucking head.
CO2 was much lower when the earth was much warmer.

Scientific fact. Suck it up, Buttercup.

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