A Conservative Infrastructure Plan For President Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
A interesting piece with a whole lot more common sense alternatives than those stupid billion dollar propaganda crap pawned off on us during the Obozo years. These actually make sense and just MIGHT actually create the desired results.

Consider real infrastructure needs, not hyperbolic rhetoric



Reduce red tape and delays in permitting and environmental review processes.

Reform costly and discriminatory labor rules.

Embrace privatization and Public Private Partnerships.

Approve needlessly hindered energy infrastructure projects.

Undo destructive Internet rules that hamper broadband investment.

Apply a “light touch” regulatory approach to emerging technologies.

Enact structural funding reforms.

Define the federal government’s role in infrastructure funding.

It then provides a list of “Not to do” that's even more important!

Pursue massive stimulus spending.

Use repatriated revenues to fund new infrastructure spending.

Create new tax expenditures or subsidies.

Establish an infrastructure bank.

Full story w/explanations @ Doug Ross @ Journal: BUILD ON VICTORY: A Conservative Infrastructure Plan For President Trump

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