A Conservative's view on waterboarding

I would have negged you for lying if I had no rep at all.

Your post was a lie. Not to mention stupid. If torture wasn't torturous it wouldn't be used.


Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.

she called valerie a liar.

I did? When? Where?
I would have negged you for lying if I had no rep at all.

Your post was a lie. Not to mention stupid. If torture wasn't torturous it wouldn't be used.


Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.

she called valerie a liar.

Who did? :eusa_eh: Foxy is a woman, I'm pretty sure...

Not really, she just keeps saying that anyone who doesn't see it her way must be intellectually dishonest...
Thank you for the neg Ravi. So charitable of you when you have zero chance of showing that I am lying since I am not. Isn't it fun to have big rep and be a rep bully to those who are honestly attempting to have a real debate on a subject and who are keeping it civil? Oh well. It takes all kinds.

holy guacamole, this poster has 741 rep? what for?

Thank you for the neg Ravi. So charitable of you when you have zero chance of showing that I am lying since I am not. Isn't it fun to have big rep and be a rep bully to those who are honestly attempting to have a real debate on a subject and who are keeping it civil? Oh well. It takes all kinds.

whining about neg rep? seriously? Oh and I'm still waiting for your hero Hannity to be waterboarded.

? When have I ever suggested Hannity is a hero? And really what does that have to do with the debate on waterboarding? You of all people I thought could see that there are two sides of a debate and both should be heard?

And you think I am whining about neg rep here? Boy, you sure have a broad definition for whining.

But oh well. As I told Ravi, it takes all kinds.

Hannity volunteered to be waterboarded, since it's not torture. He has yet to go through with it because he's either knows it's torture or he's a chickenshit. Yes there are two sides to a debate and they should be heard. calling people dishonest for not agreeing with you is ridiculous.
"Thanks for the neg rep" is publicly whining.
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whining about neg rep? seriously? Oh and I'm still waiting for your hero Hannity to be waterboarded.

? When have I ever suggested Hannity is a hero? And really what does that have to do with the debate on waterboarding? You of all people I thought could see that there are two sides of a debate and both should be heard?

And you think I am whining about neg rep here? Boy, you sure have a broad definition for whining.

But oh well. As I told Ravi, it takes all kinds.

Hannity volunteered to be waterboarded, since it's not torture. He has yet to go through with it because he's either knows it's torture or he's a chickenshit. Yes there are two sides to a debate and they should be heard. calling people dishonest for not agreeing with you is ridiculous.
"Thanks for the neg rep" is publicly whining.

Hannity's a Puddle of Fuck... :thup:

Here's a Question... If it's Torture, then why do we Train our Troops to Resist it?...

The Exact same thing is done to our own to Prepare them for having it done to them...

Is it not?

And if Torture is Torture, then it can't be Justified for ANYONE...


fox said:
Should the Secret Service agent have shot off that toe? To consider that question really is the crux of the whole thing.

No, it is not. The scenario you continue to cite is a made up scene in a movie drama.

Yes, it may have illustrated that sometimes a brutal situation provokes a brutal response even from one of the "good guys", and hey, who doesn't love a happy ending...

I never saw the movie, but the brutal response of that Secret Service agent was not acting in the role of interrogating a prisoner of war or enemy combatant...

What any individual may be capable of inflicting upon someone who is threatening a loved one or threatening an innocent child, does not at all speak to the rules of war.

Again, it's a movie... When shooting off the toe of a brutal bad guy, the real life happy ending is not a guarantee... In fact you could literally be shooting in the foot your chances of ever saving anybody...

And Foxfyre, this is not a debate it is a discussion. I stated my opinion of the OP and then I demonstrated the basis of my opinion. You stated your opinion and the basis of your opinion is this movie and if others can not see it they are being intellectually dishonest. As I said, fine if you want to disagree, just try not to take it all so personally and insult everyone's intelligence...

Valerie, again the basis of my opinion is NOT that movie. I used the scene in the movie to illustrate my opinion. There is a huge difference between these two things. It is interesting that some here can see that. And some don't seem to be able to see that.

If you think I'm insulting everybody's intelligence, I really am sorry because I have done my best to present a good argument for my point of view. But if that is the way I'm coming across I will withdraw and unsubscribe because that was certainly not my intent, and I honestly don't know how to do it any differently. And I certainly have not taken it any more personally than anybody else. At least I'm not neg repping people for strongly disagreeing with me.

Somebody ought to clue me in that difference of opinion will not be tolerated on some subjects though. And I won't make that mistake again.

Ya'll all have a great day.
Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.

she called valerie a liar.

Who did? :eusa_eh: Foxy is a woman, I'm pretty sure...

Not really, she just keeps saying that anyone who doesn't see it her way must be intellectually dishonest...

And Valerie, you should see that I have not at all said that anyone who doesn't see it my way must be intellectually dishonest. I was very specific about what I saw as intellectual dishonesty.

But this is definitely becoming unpleasant and I will unsubscribe. I still believe I am right and so far NONE have presented an argument rebutting the point of view I have offered, but several keep accusing me of saying what I have not said. And when it starts being personal and petty, it isn't fun. And if we can't have fun doing this, we're either doing it wrong or we need to find something else to do.

Again, ya'll have a great day.
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Thank you for the neg Ravi. So charitable of you when you have zero chance of showing that I am lying since I am not. Isn't it fun to have big rep and be a rep bully to those who are honestly attempting to have a real debate on a subject. Oh well. It takes all kinds.
I would have negged you for lying if I had no rep at all.

Your post was a lie. Not to mention stupid. If torture wasn't torturous it wouldn't be used.


Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.
I would have negged you for lying if I had no rep at all.

Your post was a lie. Not to mention stupid. If torture wasn't torturous it wouldn't be used.


Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.

"But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds."

Here's the quote I think you neg'd her for, I agree with you that Fox is wrong on the count of it not being painful, but being wrong doesn't equal lying.

I've never heard anyone claim it wasn't painful on the pro-waterboard side, so it was surprising to me as well, but I wouldn't call it a lie.
Somebody ought to clue me in that difference of opinion will not be tolerated on some subjects though.
You're the one claiming that if posters don't agree with you they are being intellectually dishonest...which is the same thing as calling them liars.
Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.

"But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds."

Here's the quote I think you neg'd her for, I agree with you that Fox is wrong on the count of it not being painful, but being wrong doesn't equal lying.

I've never heard anyone claim it wasn't painful on the pro-waterboard side, so it was surprising to me as well, but I wouldn't call it a lie.

I agree with that. Ravi has two words in her vocabulary that she likes to use (or variations thereof) several times a day:

1. Liar
2. Racist

I don't think she really knows what they mean.

Anyway, I've never been waterboarded, but from what I understand it is most certainly painful.
Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.

"But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds."

Here's the quote I think you neg'd her for, I agree with you that Fox is wrong on the count of it not being painful, but being wrong doesn't equal lying.

I've never heard anyone claim it wasn't painful on the pro-waterboard side, so it was surprising to me as well, but I wouldn't call it a lie.
Maybe she's merely being intellectually dishonest.

Ravi I'm on your side in terms of the waterboard debate, but negging Fox was stupid.

Disagreeing with you isn't lying, it's a difference of opinion.
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.

"But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds."

Here's the quote I think you neg'd her for, I agree with you that Fox is wrong on the count of it not being painful, but being wrong doesn't equal lying.

I've never heard anyone claim it wasn't painful on the pro-waterboard side, so it was surprising to me as well, but I wouldn't call it a lie.

Painful and traumatic can be 2 very different things... and I would state it is more traumatic than actually painful
But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds.

To equate that as no different from torture that is health threatening, maiming, painful, and of long duration up to and including lethal is quite foolish in my opinion.

Duration is irrelevant. I bet it takes less than five seconds to rip off a couple fingernails with the tip of a knife.
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.

"But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds."

Here's the quote I think you neg'd her for, I agree with you that Fox is wrong on the count of it not being painful, but being wrong doesn't equal lying.

I've never heard anyone claim it wasn't painful on the pro-waterboard side, so it was surprising to me as well, but I wouldn't call it a lie.
Maybe she's merely being intellectually dishonest.


Is that a roundabout way of conceding that you were wrong to do it?
I didn't neg her because I disagree with her. I negged her because she lied when she claimed waterboarding wasn't painful or harmful or life threatening or damaging. And I will do it again if need be.

"But the way we have done it, it is also non lethal, non health threatening, non injurious, and non painful and it lasts from 10 to 15 seconds."

Here's the quote I think you neg'd her for, I agree with you that Fox is wrong on the count of it not being painful, but being wrong doesn't equal lying.

I've never heard anyone claim it wasn't painful on the pro-waterboard side, so it was surprising to me as well, but I wouldn't call it a lie.

Painful and traumatic can be 2 very different things... and I would state it is more traumatic than actually painful

Really? What's it like?

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