A Direct stimulus check to consumers,would work better than Obama's Tax cuts.

Lets tax the shit out of that income they got and get it back in the coffers where it belongs.
Sorry I want them prosecuted for their crimes. If they are not prosecuted then everyone thinks it is fine and dandy to steal and keep what they have stolen. Oh, wait we already have that happening with a lack of give a shit about laws and rules that we are all expected to follow in a civilized society.

It is a shame to see a poor man prosecuted to the hilt when the rich man gets off scot free for his crimes.

The poor feel they have no other choice but to follow in the footsteps of the lieing cheating rich.

Lady Liberty should have tears in her eyes for what has been allowed to happen to this country.
I agree , we should prosicute anyone no matter how high who has broken our laws to gain money and or power.

The list is very long.
I agree , we should prosicute anyone no matter how high who has broken our laws to gain money and or power.

The list is very long.

and trolls--let's prosecute them for just being trolls --and intentionally ignorant--my list is very short :lol:
I agree , we should prosicute anyone no matter how high who has broken our laws to gain money and or power.

The list is very long.

Toss the minor drug offenders out of the jails and replace them with the people that hurt everyone not just themselves.
How funny is it that the Administration and the MSM are starting to use the phrase "trickle down" to describe the stimulus? I about died laughing when that started to be used in the news a couple of days ago.
I believe I direct Stimulus check payment would stimulate the economy better than a drawn
out tax cut. People need a large infusion of cash now, not a trickle down increase in revenue, as is the case with Obama's current economic stimulus plan.

A check to every America of $5,000.00 dollars should do the trick to stimulate spending once again in America.Do the math, that adds up to just about $700.00 Billon doesn't it?

The last 2 stimulus checks did not work. Americans just took them & paid down debt with it instead of heading to the malls to shop. They would do the same with another check.

Obama's announcement of lowering mortgage rates is the best idea yet. If he can get 30 year fixed mortgage rates down in the 3 or 4% range--that will do more for this economy that anything else he has proposed. Americans--(with good credit & the ability to re-pay the loan) would be running to the banks. With this they will also be borrowing for other things they want, like new cars, remodeling, etc. Just with this the economy would come booming back. But, those rates need to come down. In the past years everyone has refianced or bought new homes in the 5% range. Intice them with lower rates--& we wouldn't even need to do this 800 billion dollar stimulus package.

At the same time he could lower tax rates, especially corporate tax rates which are obscene right now at 35%!. This rate is the highest in the world. This alone would encourage business to borrow, to grow, & finally to hire Americans--versus taking their operations overseas.
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Of course I'll gladly take a stimulus check and I PROMISE the only bills I'll pay with it are those bills I pay to stay alive.

But people need jobs, no handouts.
I believe I direct Stimulus check payment would stimulate the economy better than a drawn
out tax cut. People need a large infusion of cash now, not a trickle down increase in revenue, as is the case with Obama's current economic stimulus plan.

A check to every America of $5,000.00 dollars should do the trick to stimulate spending once again in America.Do the math, that adds up to just about $700.00 Billon doesn't it?

The last 2 stimulus checks did not work. Americans just took them & paid down debt with it instead of heading to the malls to shop. They would do the same with another check.

Obama's announcement of lowering mortgage rates is the best idea yet. If he can get 30 year fixed mortgage rates down in the 3 or 4% range--that will do more for this economy that anything else he has proposed. Americans--(with good credit & the ability to re-pay the loan) would be running to the banks. With this they will also be borrowing for other things they want, like new cars, remodeling, etc. Just with this the economy would come booming back. But, those rates need to come down. In the past years everyone has refianced or bought new homes in the 5% range. Intice them with lower rates--& we wouldn't even need to do this 800 billion dollar stimulus package.

At the same time he could lower tax rates, especially corporate tax rates which are obscene right now at 35%!. This rate is the highest in the world. This alone would encourage business to borrow, to grow, & finally to hire Americans--versus taking their operations overseas.

Nonsense.. Mine bought me a really nice digital camera...

Problem is, too many people using "cushion" credit, and then getting annoyed when they have to pay it back. Have a house payment, and a car payment. Ditch the credit cards. They're only going to kill you.
The best thing people can do with stimulus checks is to save them. Why do you think not a lot of jobs are being created here in the U.S.? We simply don't have enough savings. There's not enough capital for banks to loan out, because people aren't saving, and it can't be replaced with a printing press in Washington.


The problem with stimulus checks is that they'll never, ever work. Just more of the same Keynesian approach we've been trying and failing at for the last 80 years. Consumption is only good for the economies that are producing, and that's not us. So we're going to borrow $850B from China to buy $850B worth of Chinese produced goods? It's too stupid for words.
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The best thing people can do with stimulus checks is to save them. Why do you think not a lot of jobs are being created here in the U.S.? We simply don't have enough savings. There's not enough capital for banks to loan out, because people aren't saving, and it can't be replaced with a printing press in Washington.


The problem with stimulus checks is that they'll never, ever work. Just more of the same Keynesian approach we've been trying and failing at for the last 80 years. Consumption is only good for the economies that are producing, and that's not us. So we're going to borrow $850B from China to buy $850B worth of Chinese produced goods? It's too stupid for words.

Oncce again..get rid of credit cards. If people don't have credit cards, and have to pay for everything with cash, if they really want something, they'll "save" until they have enough to get it.
The best thing people can do with stimulus checks is to save them. Why do you think not a lot of jobs are being created here in the U.S.? We simply don't have enough savings. There's not enough capital for banks to loan out, because people aren't saving, and it can't be replaced with a printing press in Washington.


The problem with stimulus checks is that they'll never, ever work. Just more of the same Keynesian approach we've been trying and failing at for the last 80 years. Consumption is only good for the economies that are producing, and that's not us. So we're going to borrow $850B from China to buy $850B worth of Chinese produced goods? It's too stupid for words.

What Bush did to this country was not Keynsain economics fella.

PLease go get any tenent of Keynseian ecomics that describes The Bush actions?
Does anyone beside me think it odd that we can "borrow" $812 billion dollars?

Who the hell are we "borrowing" this from, anyway?


They're sitting on $2 trillion worth of our paper already, one might think they'd rather not lend it to us given the current state of affairs.

I mean who's got a billion dollars to loan other than other nations right now, anyway?

China's economy is dependent on ours to keep their society from unraveling.

I mean we call this borrowing, but I have my doubts about the accounting.
The best thing people can do with stimulus checks is to save them. Why do you think not a lot of jobs are being created here in the U.S.? We simply don't have enough savings. There's not enough capital for banks to loan out, because people aren't saving, and it can't be replaced with a printing press in Washington.


The problem with stimulus checks is that they'll never, ever work. Just more of the same Keynesian approach we've been trying and failing at for the last 80 years. Consumption is only good for the economies that are producing, and that's not us. So we're going to borrow $850B from China to buy $850B worth of Chinese produced goods? It's too stupid for words.

Oncce again..get rid of credit cards. If people don't have credit cards, and have to pay for everything with cash, if they really want something, they'll "save" until they have enough to get it.

Good point. Reminds me of an employee coming and asking to borrow a VCR in years past. I told him we do not own one of those. He got huffy and told me, "You know they are modern like Microwaves!"
The best thing people can do with stimulus checks is to save them. Why do you think not a lot of jobs are being created here in the U.S.? We simply don't have enough savings. There's not enough capital for banks to loan out, because people aren't saving, and it can't be replaced with a printing press in Washington.


The problem with stimulus checks is that they'll never, ever work. Just more of the same Keynesian approach we've been trying and failing at for the last 80 years. Consumption is only good for the economies that are producing, and that's not us. So we're going to borrow $850B from China to buy $850B worth of Chinese produced goods? It's too stupid for words.

Oncce again..get rid of credit cards. If people don't have credit cards, and have to pay for everything with cash, if they really want something, they'll "save" until they have enough to get it.

Good point. Reminds me of an employee coming and asking to borrow a VCR in years past. I told him we do not own one of those. He got huffy and told me, "You know they are modern like Microwaves!"

Took me awhile to figure it out, but I did.. I have a mortgage payment, utilities, cell phone, car, and insurance payments. I have 3 credit cards totalling more than $15,000.00 in available credit, and I use one of them for gas, which gets paid off every billing cycle. The only reason I even keep one active is for emergencies, or hotel/car rentals if need be, since they're required. Everything else..clothes, toys, nights out, etc. is paid for in cash. No cash, guess I spend the night home reading a good book, or playing Wii. Even things like Christmas are not charged.

(Incidently, I have all the "toys" I want..so it CAN be done, and I don't have a second or third mortgage on my house).
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Oncce again..get rid of credit cards. If people don't have credit cards, and have to pay for everything with cash, if they really want something, they'll "save" until they have enough to get it.

Good point. Reminds me of an employee coming and asking to borrow a VCR in years past. I told him we do not own one of those. He got huffy and told me, "You know they are modern like Microwaves!"

Took me awhile to figure it out, but I did.. I have a mortgage payment, utilities, cell phone, car, and insurance payments. I have 3 credit cards totalling more than $15,000.00 in available credit, and I use one of them for gas, which gets paid off every billing cycle. The only reason I even keep one active is for emergencies, or hotel/car rentals if need be, since they're required. Everything else..clothes, toys, nights out, etc. is paid for in cash. No cash, guess I spend the night home reading a good book, or playing Wii. Even things like Christmas are not charged.

(Incidently, I have all the "toys" I want..so it CAN be done, and I don't have a second or third mortgage on my house).
Back in the day the first thing we did was pay for the house. Rod gave me the choice. He said, "Your choice either paid for home or fixed home with a mortgage". We had bought an old two story that needed a lot of repairs. My choice was having the home paid for first. In that we had a lot of freedom to pursue our own business adventures. Over the years as we made extra we fixed the house. What we saved in interest charges alone gave us some pretty nice goodies in the house as we got around to putting in the finishing touches.

We did not have a credit card for years. I finally broke down and got one when the old pickup's tranny went out and we were several hundred miles away from home bidding on a contract that was worth several hundred thousand. Could not rent a car even though I had thousands in cash in my pocket w/out a credit card. At that point we finally purchased vehicles with loans. I would not have done it though if I did not have contracts that the profits would more than cover those loans. Normally the car loans were paid for in full before two years were out on the loans.

I had the availability of $150,000.00 in just my signature alone, that does not include what was available in credit cards. That does not mean I used it. I did use a few of those 0% cards though when I knew I could have them paid for prior to the due date for the increases.

The pressure people feel with payments to make was never realized for us until I ran out of cash on building the mining operation and the bank was screwing me around on my funds.

Looking at it from both perspectives and all angles I would say on a whole people spend way to much on things that are not necessities and then they get caught up in the fees, overcharges and paying on the Interest game.
What Bush did to this country was not Keynsain economics fella.

PLease go get any tenent of Keynseian ecomics that describes The Bush actions?

Keynesian economics is the essence of the government stepping in and encouraging consumption through various policies during a slump (priming the pump, so to speak) until economic activity recovers. This was done after the NASDAQ crash and 9/11 by the Federal Reserve, with lowering the interests to the negative real interest range, with Bush's blessing. It's the monetary policy that favors consumption over savings. So like I said, more of the same bullshit that does nothing but inflate bubbles and create suffering when those bubbles inevitable crash. And, like Nixon said, we're all Keynesians now... unfortunately.
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I believe I direct Stimulus check payment would stimulate the economy better than a drawn
out tax cut. People need a large infusion of cash now, not a trickle down increase in revenue, as is the case with Obama's current economic stimulus plan.

A check to every America of $5,000.00 dollars should do the trick to stimulate spending once again in America.Do the math, that adds up to just about $700.00 Billon doesn't it?

It won't work. People are going to hoard their money. A very low percentage of consumers spent that last check they gave us, and even LESS may spend whatever the next one is. When unemployment is as high as it is, and dollars are becoming as scarce as they are, most people are going to save their money.

As much an advocate of saving as I am, this check would be waste of money on its own merits.

A tax cut produces more consumption because knowing you're saving money in the long term gives more peace of mind to spend what you have NOW. A one-time check of $600 does nothing for you next year, but a tax cut DOES, because it's instant money back into your pocket for a continued amount of time. The money you save this year will be the same money you save next year.

A check you get this year might never come again, so what's the incentive to spend it?

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