A Dozen GOP Senators Dine With Obama While Rubio And Cruz Stand With Rand...

Maybe they are the worst of the worst, but they are U.S. senators for the next two years at least. What do we gain by condemning them as worst of the worst? Do you think that is likely to change their minds about anything? How likely are you to change your mind when somebody insults you?
Maybe they are the worst of the worst, but they are U.S. senators for the next two years at least. What do we gain by condemning them as worst of the worst? Do you think that is likely to change their minds about anything? How likely are you to change your mind when somebody insults you?

This is just my humble opinion.

The old timers feel like they are more entitled than the younger new comers but it's the young blood that's less corrupt.

The old guys have been playing this game so long they have lost perspective.

We need a new perspective. And not the Obama one.
Things like this that are reported without answering the No. 1 question: WHY did the GOP Senators meet with the President?, drive me crazy. Yes, if it was to undermine their colleague Rand Paul, then it was despicable. If it was scheduled before the filibuster in order to work out the problems with budget, deficits, etc. then it is defensible. Do we know which is the case?
The meeting with Obama was announced on Tuesday after several days of phone conversations. Paul didn't decide to filibuster until the morning of the day he did the filibuster, which was Wednesday. So if anything, Paul chose to filibuster to undermine Obama's already announced meeting. Was that "despicable?"
Maybe they are the worst of the worst, but they are U.S. senators for the next two years at least. What do we gain by condemning them as worst of the worst? Do you think that is likely to change their minds about anything? How likely are you to change your mind when somebody insults you?

We should be aware that John McCain shares more in common with Dianne Feinstein than he does any of us.
Old Guard Republicans have been selling out for years. In my experience, nothing good comes of these secret 'compromise' meetings. The end-result is the Old Guard screwing us.

I know that is your opinion as you keep saying.

But do you honestly think you haven't also been screwed by the Democratic left? That you haven't been screwed by the selective interpretations of stuff the media feeds us every day?

Who do you trust more to adopt the best policy? Those old guard Republicans or Barack Obama? Would you have been less critical if Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz had had a private meeting with the President?

And if you were in a position of leadership, who would you appeal to in order to arrive at a consensus compromise in a difficult issue? People you thought were willing to compromise? Or those who are on record as disapproving of everything you do and unwilling to give an inch?

It's all relative.

Done with the Old Guard compromises. Sorry to be so blunt, but screw em. It's time for them to go. Enough is enough.

That's it isn't it? The changing of the guard with new young firebrands opposing those who are comfortable with their equally old colleagues. Too comfortable. The new crop hasn't known the democrats for 40 years. There is no personal friendship or loyalty. And these young guys are going to stick together. They aren't so old that they will go plodding along to get along.

There are no young democrats. The democrat's best hope will be the nearing 70 Hillary Clinton. There are no rising democrat stars with the exception of perhaps Cory Booker. The democrats are still hanging on to Pelosi and Reid.

If anything obama's appeal to the young has been snatched away. Next to Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio obama looks old, tired and washed up.
Yeah, it was appalling so few of Paul's fellow Republicans showed up for support. They were more comfortable dining with the Dictator than doing what's right. And that says so much about the current Republican Party leadership.
Maybe they are the worst of the worst, but they are U.S. senators for the next two years at least. What do we gain by condemning them as worst of the worst? Do you think that is likely to change their minds about anything? How likely are you to change your mind when somebody insults you?

This is just my humble opinion.

The old timers feel like they are more entitled than the younger new comers but it's the young blood that's less corrupt.

The old guys have been playing this game so long they have lost perspective.

We need a new perspective. And not the Obama one.

I agree. I have been saying that for a long time now. The culture of Washington is such that no matter how visionary or hopeful or intentions of reform a new representative or senator might have, they too soon realize that they have to play the game to some extent or they can accomplish absolutely nothing. And the compromises involved int that change them. Before long the temptation to use their office to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes becomes too strong to resist. And then they become part of the 'old guard' protecting the status quo. Who is to say that Cruz and Rubio and Paul won't all become part of the 'old guard' after a few more years in the cesspool that our government has become?

Again, the answer has to be with us. We can't keep voting in our own guys because we like them while we accuse everybody else's. And we can't just keep shrugging and dismissing those in leadership roles as 'old guard', making insulting comments, giving them the virtual finger, etc. Such does not change hearts and minds.

Again nobody has ever been persuaded by being insulted and called names or by being told he or she is the devil or is going to hell.

We have to get behind groups like the basic Tea Party and make our voices heard. What do we want from our government? If we cannot articulate what we expect and demand from them, they have no reason to believe that we don't accept what they do, or at least are not challenging it. And we have to do that reasonably and intelligently.

Calling them names isn't going to do it. If anything, that will just make them mad enough to blow us off even more.
Yeah, it was appalling so few of Paul's fellow Republicans showed up for support. They were more comfortable dining with the Dictator than doing what's right. And that says so much about the current Republican Party leadership.

The republicans suckered into dinner are the oldest ones in office. Did you notice? The ones most likely to want to go along to get along. The ones who still can be persuaded that the presidebt is like all the other presidents. He has the best interests of Americans at heart. The young ones already gave up on that and aren't so easily manipulated.
Things like this that are reported without answering the No. 1 question: WHY did the GOP Senators meet with the President?, drive me crazy. Yes, if it was to undermine their colleague Rand Paul, then it was despicable. If it was scheduled before the filibuster in order to work out the problems with budget, deficits, etc. then it is defensible. Do we know which is the case?

Toomey was at the dinner but before and after he was at the floor of the Senate supporting Rand.

Personally, I dont blame any of them for going. Free meal is a free meal.
If anything at all, it was a highlight of the fact that old republican party will go along with obama and the younger ones won't.
If anything at all, it was a highlight of the fact that old republican party will go along with obama and the younger ones won't.

I dont think going to dinner with Obama in and of itself is wrong. Im not happy with those that chose to attack the fillibuster though.
Things like this that are reported without answering the No. 1 question: WHY did the GOP Senators meet with the President?, drive me crazy. Yes, if it was to undermine their colleague Rand Paul, then it was despicable. If it was scheduled before the filibuster in order to work out the problems with budget, deficits, etc. then it is defensible. Do we know which is the case?

Toomey was at the dinner but before and after he was at the floor of the Senate supporting Rand.

Personally, I dont blame any of them for going. Free meal is a free meal.

And while I agree with others that some of these Senators are no longer representing us but are entrenched in mostly self serving behavior, in their defense what were they supposed to do? They are invited to dinner with the President. The conditions of the meeting is that the conversation will be private. No media. No press conferences or talking head interviews on MSNBC or Fox News afterwards.

Do you say no and give the President justification for saying that he reached out to the GOP leadership and was rebuffed?

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