A Dying Empire - America - A Working Empire - The EU


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
The EU continues to prepare for a future world (and economy) while the wealthiest 1% in the United States continue to bleed this country dry and hoard their billions in overseas tax shelters, all with the vociferous support of poor, white, religious conservatives.

Notably, the EU has reached a crucial milestone as more than 70 % of Europe’s adult population are now fully vaccinated. … Thanks to the EU Digital COVID Certificate it is now possible for you to travel safely again. … The EU leaders have decided to look forward and invest heavily in our future through NextGenerationEU — our historic recovery plan. It is a once in a lifetime chance to emerge stronger from the pandemic, transform our economies and societies, and design a Europe that works for everyone. Together we are investing the unprecedented amount of over 800 billion euro in initiatives that will make Europe healthier, greener, more digital and more just.
Did you get that? The European Union is going to create a new economic system that works for everybody, and it going to invest $930 BILLION into changing the system for the greater good of all.

The gross domestic product for the EU for 2020 was $15.43 trillion. The gross domestic product for America for 2020 was $18.38 trillion. The gross domestic product for China for 2020 was $14.87 trillion. So that would put the USA as substantially richer than the European Union. In addition, while Europe has 448 million people, the States only has 330 million people. China has 1.4 billion people.

And then we have the United States, where Republicans continue to block any forward thinking ideas, instead remaining rooted in a mid-20th century mindset where oil companies are the future, and the white race is under attack.

As a consequence, America is more oligarchy than democracy. Laws have been passed for generations giving mega-corporation the kind of power to suck the blood of consumers dry. Yet, that is not the worst part. The worst part is the horrific ignorance of a large section of the population, resulting in conspiracy theories, belief in gods, and a refusal to heed science. In additon to that, the stress level of Americans has resulted in obesity, 25% life-long mental illness, another 25% episodic mental illness, and psychopathic politicians (and a past president who looks like he’s also going to be the next president).

Forty six million people in the USA have been infected with Covid. That’s 14% of the population. Some 740,000 have died. In the European Union, 19 million people have been infected with covid. That’s 4.24% of the population. Some 295,000 have died. As China is not that forthcoming, I’m not going to detail their figures, but, arguably, they have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.

In other words, the quality of life in America, despite the individual being king, is not a good one.

The EU continues to prepare for a future world (and economy) while the wealthiest 1% in the United States continue to bleed this country dry and hoard their billions in overseas tax shelters, all with the vociferous support of poor, white, religious conservatives.

Did you get that? The European Union is going to create a new economic system that works for everybody, and it going to invest $930 BILLION into changing the system for the greater good of all.

The gross domestic product for the EU for 2020 was $15.43 trillion. The gross domestic product for America for 2020 was $18.38 trillion. The gross domestic product for China for 2020 was $14.87 trillion. So that would put the USA as substantially richer than the European Union. In addition, while Europe has 448 million people, the States only has 330 million people. China has 1.4 billion people.

And then we have the United States, where Republicans continue to block any forward thinking ideas, instead remaining rooted in a mid-20th century mindset where oil companies are the future, and the white race is under attack.

As a consequence, America is more oligarchy than democracy. Laws have been passed for generations giving mega-corporation the kind of power to suck the blood of consumers dry. Yet, that is not the worst part. The worst part is the horrific ignorance of a large section of the population, resulting in conspiracy theories, belief in gods, and a refusal to heed science. In additon to that, the stress level of Americans has resulted in obesity, 25% life-long mental illness, another 25% episodic mental illness, and psychopathic politicians (and a past president who looks like he’s also going to be the next president).

Forty six million people in the USA have been infected with Covid. That’s 14% of the population. Some 740,000 have died. In the European Union, 19 million people have been infected with covid. That’s 4.24% of the population. Some 295,000 have died. As China is not that forthcoming, I’m not going to detail their figures, but, arguably, they have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.

In other words, the quality of life in America, despite the individual being king, is not a good one.

The quality of life has deteriorated in the US?

Gee, why is that? God has been taken out of schools and public life, drugs and human trafficking and illegals pour across the border like never before under Biden and the border queen Kamala, children in schools are being taught about gender fluidity, leading gender confusion and mental illness to increase some 4000%, and the kids that are left are told that they should either feel guilty or oppressed because of the color of their skin

I say its Trumps fault.
In other words, the quality of life in America, despite the individual being king, is not a good one.

You foreigners are always giving us Americans a hard time.

America focuses on the individual. That's why we have Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc.

EU focuses on the group. That's why the EU has free health care.
In other words, the quality of life in America, despite the individual being king, is not a good one.

You foreigners are always giving us Americans a hard time.

America focuses on the individual. That's why we have Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc.

EU focuses on the group. That's why the EU has free health care.
Why could they not keep George Soros?

The EU continues to prepare for a future world (and economy) while the wealthiest 1% in the United States continue to bleed this country dry and hoard their billions in overseas tax shelters, all with the vociferous support of poor, white, religious conservatives.

Did you get that? The European Union is going to create a new economic system that works for everybody, and it going to invest $930 BILLION into changing the system for the greater good of all.

The gross domestic product for the EU for 2020 was $15.43 trillion. The gross domestic product for America for 2020 was $18.38 trillion. The gross domestic product for China for 2020 was $14.87 trillion. So that would put the USA as substantially richer than the European Union. In addition, while Europe has 448 million people, the States only has 330 million people. China has 1.4 billion people.

And then we have the United States, where Republicans continue to block any forward thinking ideas, instead remaining rooted in a mid-20th century mindset where oil companies are the future, and the white race is under attack.

As a consequence, America is more oligarchy than democracy. Laws have been passed for generations giving mega-corporation the kind of power to suck the blood of consumers dry. Yet, that is not the worst part. The worst part is the horrific ignorance of a large section of the population, resulting in conspiracy theories, belief in gods, and a refusal to heed science. In additon to that, the stress level of Americans has resulted in obesity, 25% life-long mental illness, another 25% episodic mental illness, and psychopathic politicians (and a past president who looks like he’s also going to be the next president).

Forty six million people in the USA have been infected with Covid. That’s 14% of the population. Some 740,000 have died. In the European Union, 19 million people have been infected with covid. That’s 4.24% of the population. Some 295,000 have died. As China is not that forthcoming, I’m not going to detail their figures, but, arguably, they have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.

In other words, the quality of life in America, despite the individual being king, is not a good one.


Europe has aggressive trade policy. But other than that, they are going down in flames just like US. Their unfunded mandates are just as unfunded. Their immigrant problem is even worse than ours.

The WEST as a whole is dying. Not just America.
If only we could have been holy and moral enough to keep the Holy Roman Empire around.

How much more holy and how much more moral we could have been.

Woe is we.
The EU continues to prepare for a future world (and economy) while the wealthiest 1% in the United States continue to bleed this country dry and hoard their billions in overseas tax shelters, all with the vociferous support of poor, white, religious conservatives.
They're watching us carefully, and they've decided that they can no longer trust us to be a part of the future. We may go back into isolation after 2024, and they don't want to fall behind with us.

So, they're moving on. Can't blame them.
They're watching us carefully, and they've decided that they can no longer trust us to be a part of the future. We may go back into isolation after 2024, and they don't want to fall behind with us.

So, they're moving on. Can't blame them.

The soviet union is gone. THey don't need US anymore and they seem to despise US, so lets break up.

Good fences make good neighbors.
They're watching us carefully, and they've decided that they can no longer trust us to be a part of the future. We may go back into isolation after 2024, and they don't want to fall behind with us.

So, they're moving on. Can't blame them.
They are selling out their people and American leaders are trying to do the same and have useful idiots like you supporting them.
In other words, the quality of life in America, despite the individual being king, is not a good one.

Or, if you prefer, Mississippi’s properly PPP adjusted GDP per capita is $40,400 or so: well above the UK’s $36,200.

Per capita income (PCI) or total income measures the average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country, etc.) in a specified year. It is calculated by dividing the area's total income by its total population.

Most in Mississippi have far less than most in England, and many of those are one accident away from bankruptcy. Not so in England.
Or, if you prefer, Mississippi’s properly PPP adjusted GDP per capita is $40,400 or so: well above the UK’s $36,200.

Per capita income (PCI) or total income measures the average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country, etc.) in a specified year. It is calculated by dividing the area's total income by its total population.

Most in Mississippi have far less than most in England, and many of those are one accident away from bankruptcy. Not so in England.

How do you justify that claim?
you get that? The European Union is going to create a new economic system that works for everybody, and it going to invest $930 BILLION into changing the system for the greater good of all
The US is going to invest more than a trillion dollar on various projects. And maybe even more on social sphere if another bill gets passed.

What is the point of this thread? That the EU is in a far better shape than the US? No, it is not and won't be.
Most in Mississippi have far less than most in England,
And you know this how? I feel like you have the impression that all of England is like London. Outside of London, the English are fairly poor compared to Americans.

Have you been to Europe? I have a multitude of times and have spent significant time there. Their standard of living is not as good as ours on average. You guys seem to view them as having these cozy lifestyles because of their big social welfare states, but that's really not the case. For starters, they have less disposable income than we do because they pay out their asses in taxes to afford those welfare states and they would have to fork out even more if we didn't have our military bases all over their continent propping up their defense. Middle class people in many of those countries pay half or more of their income in taxes. They have smaller living quarters in general than we do, drive smaller cars, the price of gas is astronomical. It's common for many families to have only one car, as opposed to us in the U.S. where each parent has one and possibly the kid.

There are some things over there I like better than here, but I guarantee you that those of you always complaining about how much better they are than we are would have to be dragged kicking and screaming into a European lifestyle.
And you know this how? I feel like you have the impression that all of England is like London. Outside of London, the English are fairly poor compared to Americans.

Have you been to Europe? I have a multitude of times and have spent significant time there. Their standard of living is not as good as ours on average. You guys seem to view them as having these cozy lifestyles because of their big social welfare states, but that's really not the case. For starters, they have less disposable income than we do because they pay out their asses in taxes to afford those welfare states and they would have to fork out even more if we didn't have our military bases all over their continent propping up their defense. Middle class people in many of those countries pay half or more of their income in taxes. They have smaller living quarters in general than we do, drive smaller cars, the price of gas is astronomical. It's common for many families to have only one car, as opposed to us in the U.S. where each parent has one and possibly the kid.

There are some things over there I like better than here, but I guarantee you that those of you always complaining about how much better they are than we are would have to be dragged kicking and screaming into a European lifestyle.

Most of the US expats in EU hate it and want to move back to states.
The US is going to invest more than a trillion dollar on various projects. And maybe even more on social sphere if another bill gets passed.

What is the point of this thread? That the EU is in a far better shape than the US? No, it is not and won't be.

EU is a communist concentration camp led by insane psychopathic satanist liars

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