A few big questions regarding Obama's visit to NYPD and NYFD; Answers?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Obama took a victory lap in NYC, visiting NYPD and NYFD. He said we aren't posting the pictures because we don't wanna "spike the football". Well, once key point: Spiking a football is a football game celebration. Where BOTH participating teams met up at an agreed site, preplanned, and entered the match. We didn't agree to this fight. We were attacked. Sucker punched. Sportsmanship is only required in "sports" where both sides honorably enter. This isn't that situation. BUT anyway, to my 2 big questions regarding NYPD and NYFD for Obama:

NYFD visti: Did Obama take a tally on racial make-up of the fire division? After all, his first SCOTUS nominee upheld that Connecticut firemen who were white COULD be passed over for promotion because not enough minorities passed the test.

NYPD visit: Is that the same NYPD building Obama's friend Bill Ayers tried to bomb?

NYPD visit: Did any of the police "act stupidly"?

NYPD visit: Are the test standards at that precinct low enough for minorities, since he had Eric Holder demand that to be so?

NYPD visit: Were any of them "clinging to their guns and religion" on the day of 9/11?

NYPD and NYFD: How many were "typical white people"?

Anyway, hopefully left wingers can verify some answers for me.
Oh, and one other:

When Obama said "God Bless America" did Reverend Wright feel disappointed? As if he had failed in his 20 years as Obama's pastor to convince him that "God Damn America" was the appropriate catch phrase? Or was Rev. Wright pissed off that America's chickens may not be coming home to roost anymore since OBL is dead? Must be hard for the Rev to watch his favorite son go on a path so radically different from the teachings of his church.
It's not NYFD, it's FDNY, dingleberry!!! :lol:
A few big questions regarding Obama's visit to NYPD and NYFD; Answers?

This isn’t going to tank like your ‘sly trick played by the left wing media’ thread, is it? Maybe you should quit while you’re behind.
Unfortunately, yes, it tanked.

The best response was from a former Navy officer who knowingly hid evidence of a major on-going violation of military law by a high ranking officer.

So, guess we're not sure if the NYPD precinct was the one his buddy Ayers bombed.
You are getting tiresome. Our President gave the orders, and Bin Laden is dead. A grim satisfaction and some closure for the nation. He has now kept another promise he made.

All of your bellyaching and sour grapes just brands you for the asshole you are.
Obamas visit to Ground zero, FDNY AND NYPD was a great day for all Americans.

A celebration because the good guys won one
I think it's ridiculous - not to mention extremely petty - to refer to his visit as a 'victory tour'. Those people - the ones he went to visit - are some of those most horrifically affected by 9-11. To deny them the opportunity to meet POTUS just for your political point scoring is as silly as those on the left who give ALL the credit to Obama.
I think it's ridiculous - not to mention extremely petty - to refer to his visit as a 'victory tour'. Those people - the ones he went to visit - are some of those most horrifically affected by 9-11. To deny them the opportunity to meet POTUS just for your political point scoring is as silly as those on the left who give ALL the credit to Obama.

I like your Sig pic, btw.
I think it's ridiculous - not to mention extremely petty - to refer to his visit as a 'victory tour'. Those people - the ones he went to visit - are some of those most horrifically affected by 9-11. To deny them the opportunity to meet POTUS just for your political point scoring is as silly as those on the left who give ALL the credit to Obama.

I like your Sig pic, btw.

Thanks. :eusa_angel::cool:

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