A few questions so I will know who I'm dealing with...

Israel is a member, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Keep hanging on to that.

I'm not the one clinging on to a fantasy, you are Tinnie, as Kondor just pointed out.

Notice how there's no Palestine blah blah blah blah

Occupations always come to an end and the support for Palestine has increased dramatically over the last decade or two.
If there's any post that deserves a blah blah blah blah blah response, it's this one
"...Occupations always come to an end..."
Unless the indigenous population is displaced in favor of a new one.

"...and the support for Palestine has increased dramatically over the last decade or two."

1. Good luck quantifying that one, but, even if it's true.

2. Fat lot of good it's done your kindred.

3. By the time you get enough global weight on your side to actually effect change, the last scrap of Palestinian-controlled land will have been annexed a good 50 years or more in the past already.

If know you don't want to hear it, Tinny, but it's over.

Palestine is like a chicken with its head freshly off... still flapping about the barnyard, but already dead.
"...Occupations always come to an end..."
Unless the indigenous population is displaced in favor of a new one.

"...and the support for Palestine has increased dramatically over the last decade or two."

1. Good luck quantifying that one, but, even if it's true.

2. Fat lot of good it's done your kindred.

3. By the time you get enough global weight on your side to actually effect change, the last scrap of Palestinian-controlled land will have been annexed a good 50 years or more in the past already.

If know you don't want to hear it, Tinny, but it's over.

Palestine is like a chicken with its head freshly off... still flapping about the barnyard, but already dead.

It is illegal to annex land that you occupy. That is why Israel has none.
Indeed, and Israel owns none of that. Eventually that will come back and bite them on the ass.

Israel is a member of the U.N, yet they down own the land called Israel ?
United Nations Member States

Theres Israel

But then we go over to P

United Nations Member States

Oh look, no Palestine

Oh Tinnie hahahahae :lol:

Israel is a member, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Keep hanging on to that.
Arabs / Muslims will destroy Israel. Keep masturbating to that, Mr Hamas spokesperson.
"...Occupations always come to an end..."
Unless the indigenous population is displaced in favor of a new one.

"...and the support for Palestine has increased dramatically over the last decade or two."

1. Good luck quantifying that one, but, even if it's true.

2. Fat lot of good it's done your kindred.

3. By the time you get enough global weight on your side to actually effect change, the last scrap of Palestinian-controlled land will have been annexed a good 50 years or more in the past already.

If know you don't want to hear it, Tinny, but it's over.

Palestine is like a chicken with its head freshly off... still flapping about the barnyard, but already dead.

It is illegal to annex land that you occupy. That is why Israel has none.
But there would have to be a country, nation, and people called Palestinians at that time, for the Israelis to "occupy".

And there NEVA EVA was.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, if this is true, then it comes with consequences.

If the Palestinians claim that all of Israel is inside Palestine, that Israel is an illegitimate state with no recognizable borders?
Yep, true.

By extension, the dispute between the Israeli and Palestinian then becomes an internal domestic, Palestinian matter.

As an internal domestic matter, totally within Palestine, then no International Law applies; no humanitarian law and no criminal law. Israel is in violation of nothing. It becomes a case of the Israelis attempting to realize their right of self-determination.

In effect, it becomes a civil war, for independence, between Israelites (approx 8 million) and the Palestinians (approx 4 million).

Is that what you are telling me?

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, if this is true, then it comes with consequences.

If the Palestinians claim that all of Israel is inside Palestine, that Israel is an illegitimate state with no recognizable borders?
Yep, true.

By extension, the dispute between the Israeli and Palestinian then becomes an internal domestic, Palestinian matter.

As an internal domestic matter, totally within Palestine, then no International Law applies; no humanitarian law and no criminal law. Israel is in violation of nothing. It becomes a case of the Israelis attempting to realize their right of self-determination.

In effect, it becomes a civil war, for independence, between Israelites (approx 8 million) and the Palestinians (approx 4 million).

Is that what you are telling me?

Most Respectfully,
Yes. Except, Israel already won this civil war first in 1948 and then in 1967.

Some people arrive at parties a little too late, that's all.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, if this is true, then it comes with consequences.

If the Palestinians claim that all of Israel is inside Palestine, that Israel is an illegitimate state with no recognizable borders?
Yep, true.

By extension, the dispute between the Israeli and Palestinian then becomes an internal domestic, Palestinian matter.

As an internal domestic matter, totally within Palestine, then no International Law applies; no humanitarian law and no criminal law. Israel is in violation of nothing. It becomes a case of the Israelis attempting to realize their right of self-determination.

In effect, it becomes a civil war, for independence, between Israelites (approx 8 million) and the Palestinians (approx 4 million).

Is that what you are telling me?

Most Respectfully,

"The Old will die and the young will forget." How old is that quote?
Sixty-five years old, if I've got it right. That's a mere blip on the scope, Tinny, the way that Jewish folk measure time. Day-before-yesterday kind of stuff. They're workin' on it, and, within a generation or two after they've completed their consolidation efforts and your kindred have been scattered into surrounding countries and reestablished and living happy lives, the old boy's prediction will have come true. The game-clock continues to run down.

Cracks in Israel's wall.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VelkdSKOWgI]The Arabic Hour interviews an anti-war activist, Medea Benjamin - YouTube[/ame]
Tinmore, I commend you for your persistence in expressing your bullshit mindset over the "Israel has no civilians, borders or land" comments, but the time has come to give up. You're making a fool out of yourself and even your pro Palestinian buddies have not once come to your aid to back up your idiotic claims , because even they know they're stupid.
Tinmore, I commend you for your persistence in expressing your bullshit mindset over the "Israel has no civilians, borders or land" comments, but the time has come to give up. You're making a fool out of yourself and even your pro Palestinian buddies have not once come to your aid to back up your idiotic claims , because even they know they're stupid.

Show me where Israel ever legally acquired any land.

Cue song and dance
"The Old will die and the young will forget." How old is that quote?
Sixty-five years old, if I've got it right. That's a mere blip on the scope, Tinny, the way that Jewish folk measure time. Day-before-yesterday kind of stuff. They're workin' on it, and, within a generation or two after they've completed their consolidation efforts and your kindred have been scattered into surrounding countries and reestablished and living happy lives, the old boy's prediction will have come true. The game-clock continues to run down.

Cracks in Israel's wall.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VelkdSKOWgI]The Arabic Hour interviews an anti-war activist, Medea Benjamin - YouTube[/ame]
Can't you think of anything better than dragging in this Benjamin weirdo, Tinnie? Maybe Tinnie can put on a wig and a dress and join these silly Code Pink Ladies on their next nonsensical adventure. Meanwhile, instead of watching Banjamin, I would much rather watch this video.
Disputing Occupation: Israel?s Borders and Settlements in International Law | Israel Video Network
This is directed primarily to the anti-Israel/pro-"Palestinian" posters...

1. Do you believe that there should be a Jewish State of Israel?


2. The Old City of Jerusalem should be under (a) Israeli control; (b) Jordanian control; (c) Palestinian control; or (d) International control?

whomever owns it, Israel does right ow, its theres.

3. Do you believe that a viable "2 state solution" can include a "Palestinian right of return" to Israel?


right of return? iffy, maybe compensation as coyote said could be made, but it appears thats off the table as I think the average palis would accept it, but their masters wouldn't let them.

4. Rocket fire from Gaza into Israel constitutes (a) terrorist activity, or (b) legitimate resistence.


5. Do you believe that the majority of those who consider themselves "Palestinians" support a "two-state solution" resulting in a peaceful coexistence with a Jewish State of Israel?

yes I do, the average Joe Palestinian wants peace and to live their lives like anyone else, but, we don't get to hear from them, all moderating influences, those advocating sincere and meaningful negotiation are deemed collaborators and sent packing, usually terminally.....theres a large peace advocacy and collaboration-compensation movement in Israel, wheres the Palestinian peace advocacy movement?
"...Cracks in Israel's wall..."
Don't pin your hopes on Israeli fifth-columnists and surrender-monkeys, Tinny... such cracks in the wall are nothing more than microscopic flecks of chipped plaster that are easily spackled-over and which signify nothing, in light of the tremendous thickness of that stone wall.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, if this is true, then it comes with consequences.

If the Palestinians claim that all of Israel is inside Palestine, that Israel is an illegitimate state with no recognizable borders?
Yep, true.

By extension, the dispute between the Israeli and Palestinian then becomes an internal domestic, Palestinian matter.

As an internal domestic matter, totally within Palestine, then no International Law applies; no humanitarian law and no criminal law. Israel is in violation of nothing. It becomes a case of the Israelis attempting to realize their right of self-determination.

In effect, it becomes a civil war, for independence, between Israelites (approx 8 million) and the Palestinians (approx 4 million).

Is that what you are telling me?

Most Respectfully,

A decades-long Civil War between Jewish-Israeli-Palestinians and Muslim-Arab-Palestinians?

Absolutely brilliant.:clap2:

And modern-day Israel 'seceeded' from Palestine and legally defined its borders by force of arms (reaffirmed in large part by armistice and peace treaties between the Israelis and those outside nations that aided the Palestinians in the opening round of that civil war and which were ultimately obliged to cede land or to concede boundaries adjoining their own national land-mass).

In much the same way that the United States 'seceeded' from the British Empire.

Unless, of course, the Brits want to challenge the 'legality' of our borders, and we're obliged by International Law to give everything back, 'cause our borders aren't 'legal'.

Rep headed your way.
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, if this is true, then it comes with consequences.

Yep, true.

By extension, the dispute between the Israeli and Palestinian then becomes an internal domestic, Palestinian matter.

As an internal domestic matter, totally within Palestine, then no International Law applies; no humanitarian law and no criminal law. Israel is in violation of nothing. It becomes a case of the Israelis attempting to realize their right of self-determination.

In effect, it becomes a civil war, for independence, between Israelites (approx 8 million) and the Palestinians (approx 4 million).

Is that what you are telling me?

Most Respectfully,

A decades-long Civil War between Jewish-Israeli-Palestinians and Muslim-Arab-Palestinians?

Absolutely brilliant.:clap2:

And modern-day Israel 'seceeded' from Palestine and legally defined its borders by force of arms (reaffirmed in large part by armistice and peace treaties between the Israelis and those outside nations that aided the Palestinians in the opening round of that civil war and which were ultimately obliged to cede land or to concede boundaries adjoining their own national land-mass).

In much the same way that the United States 'seceeded' from the British Empire.

Unless, of course, the Brits want to challenge the 'legality' of our borders, and we're obliged by International Law to give everything back, 'cause our borders aren't 'legal'.

Rep headed your way.

Very well said Kondor :clap2:

I would also like to add that anyone with the least bit of knowledge knows that it is quite an oxy-moron to question or de- legitimize the existence of Israel or her border,land and civilians when it is so called 'Palestine' that is arguably the most disputed contradictory piece of land in terms of her existence (before and now) as a country/nation/state.

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