A few questions so I will know who I'm dealing with...

P F Tinmore, et al,

For several months now, I have argued that the Palestinian position is totally wrong, and that Israel is Israel; a separate and distinct nation with borders, defending its sovereignty. You have consistently argued that Israel has no borders. That it is a subdivision of the nation of Palestine, and totally contained within Palestine.

Shifting gears, let's see where that takes us.

Are you suggesting that both sides are Palestinians?
Are you suggesting that all of Israel is occupied ?

If there is no State of Israel, then it must be your Palestine.

The Jewish, being permanent residents of Palestine, if not Israelis - must be Palestinian.

If a conflict erupts between the Jewish and the Arabs, it must be a civil war, entirely contained within Palestine; between Palestinians; Palestinian Jews versus Palestinian Arabs.

Then it stands to reason that any territory controlled by the Jewish, is rebel-Palestinian held territory and not occupied territory by a state that does not exist.

Most Respectfully,

You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.
P F Tinmore, et al,

For several months now, I have argued that the Palestinian position is totally wrong, and that Israel is Israel; a separate and distinct nation with borders, defending its sovereignty. You have consistently argued that Israel has no borders. That it is a subdivision of the nation of Palestine, and totally contained within Palestine.

Shifting gears, let's see where that takes us.

Are you suggesting that all of Israel is occupied ?

If there is no State of Israel, then it must be your Palestine.

The Jewish, being permanent residents of Palestine, if not Israelis - must be Palestinian.

If a conflict erupts between the Jewish and the Arabs, it must be a civil war, entirely contained within Palestine; between Palestinians; Palestinian Jews versus Palestinian Arabs.

Then it stands to reason that any territory controlled by the Jewish, is rebel-Palestinian held territory and not occupied territory by a state that does not exist.

Most Respectfully,

You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.

And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?
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P F Tinmore, et al,

For several months now, I have argued that the Palestinian position is totally wrong, and that Israel is Israel; a separate and distinct nation with borders, defending its sovereignty. You have consistently argued that Israel has no borders. That it is a subdivision of the nation of Palestine, and totally contained within Palestine.

Shifting gears, let's see where that takes us.

Are you suggesting that all of Israel is occupied ?

If there is no State of Israel, then it must be your Palestine.

The Jewish, being permanent residents of Palestine, if not Israelis - must be Palestinian.

If a conflict erupts between the Jewish and the Arabs, it must be a civil war, entirely contained within Palestine; between Palestinians; Palestinian Jews versus Palestinian Arabs.

Then it stands to reason that any territory controlled by the Jewish, is rebel-Palestinian held territory and not occupied territory by a state that does not exist.

Most Respectfully,

You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.

You're ignoring the fact that the land called Palestine was not a country/nation/state .

You're also ignoring the fact the the Palestinians rejected the 1947 partition plan which would have given them a state . They are paying for there bad decision
"...You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners."
Nahhhhh... by a combination of Old Jewish Residents and Newcomer Immigrants and Refugees who assumed a Jewish-Palestinian identity the moment that they touched upon Jewish-Palestinian soil - who were unwillingly obliged to engage in civil war with their Muslim-Palestinian fellow 'regionalists' (can't say 'countrymen' because none existed beforehand) - and fueled by the Jewish Agency, which, by the time civil war broke out, was, itself, an old 'resident' of Palestine, and native to the soil. Ahhhhh... the joys of immigration...
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P F Tinmore, et al,

For several months now, I have argued that the Palestinian position is totally wrong, and that Israel is Israel; a separate and distinct nation with borders, defending its sovereignty. You have consistently argued that Israel has no borders. That it is a subdivision of the nation of Palestine, and totally contained within Palestine.

Shifting gears, let's see where that takes us.


If there is no State of Israel, then it must be your Palestine.

The Jewish, being permanent residents of Palestine, if not Israelis - must be Palestinian.

If a conflict erupts between the Jewish and the Arabs, it must be a civil war, entirely contained within Palestine; between Palestinians; Palestinian Jews versus Palestinian Arabs.

Then it stands to reason that any territory controlled by the Jewish, is rebel-Palestinian held territory and not occupied territory by a state that does not exist.

Most Respectfully,

You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.

And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.
You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.

And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.

Created as a what ?
And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.

Created as a what ?
As an Administrative Division of the British Mandate for TransJordan?

That doesn't sound like a 'country' to me...
And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.

Created as a what ?

A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties.

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.

And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.

yes, it was, and you're missing a few countries their professor....Sykes-Picot et al.
No, Israel is not occupied.

Ok, are you suggesting that cities like Tel - Aviv and Haifa are occupied ?


and there in is the issue- Israel is not going away, period fulls top end. Its called REALITY, deal with it instead of churning up the same old angst, the boat has sailed.

when the palis stop buying the BS that their masters peddle and stop and realize they have been used as pawns, then maybe, things will get on a real road to peace.
Can't you think of anything better than dragging in this Benjamin weirdo, Tinnie? Maybe Tinnie can put on a wig and a dress and join these silly Code Pink Ladies on their next nonsensical adventure. Meanwhile, instead of watching Banjamin, I would much rather watch this video.
Disputing Occupation: Israel?s Borders and Settlements in International Law | Israel Video Network

I watched your video. I have seen it before.

Point out something Medea Benjamin said that was not true then I will point out something in your video that was not true.
I never waste my time on that crackpot. However, since you once claimed that you were a "good Christian" with your ancestry from Western Europe (and who puts sugar and milk on his grits thinking oatmeal is what you call grits) and since you must be aware of what is happening to the Christian Copts in Egypt, can you show us any articles where this Code Pink Lady has ever criticized what is happening to the Christians in Egypt (and in other Muslim countries) or is she just stuck on Israel. Strange isn't it, how these Code Pink Ladies never seem to criticize other countries in the Middle East. Why is this, Tinnie, when terrible things are happening there to innocent people? Since you apparently admire her because she is against Israel, perhaps as a "good Christian" you can E-mail her and tell her how great it would be if she and her silly group would also concentrate on what is happening to "your fellow Christians" in the Middle East. I don't think any of us would snitch on you to Hamas for doing this.
Can't you think of anything better than dragging in this Benjamin weirdo, Tinnie? Maybe Tinnie can put on a wig and a dress and join these silly Code Pink Ladies on their next nonsensical adventure. Meanwhile, instead of watching Banjamin, I would much rather watch this video.
Disputing Occupation: Israel?s Borders and Settlements in International Law | Israel Video Network

I watched your video. I have seen it before.

Point out something Medea Benjamin said that was not true then I will point out something in your video that was not true.
I never waste my time on that crackpot. However, since you once claimed that you were a "good Christian" with your ancestry from Western Europe (and who puts sugar and milk on his grits thinking oatmeal is what you call grits) and since you must be aware of what is happening to the Christian Copts in Egypt, can you show us any articles where this Code Pink Lady has ever criticized what is happening to the Christians in Egypt (and in other Muslim countries) or is she just stuck on Israel. Strange isn't it, how these Code Pink Ladies never seem to criticize other countries in the Middle East. Why is this, Tinnie, when terrible things are happening there to innocent people? Since you apparently admire her because she is against Israel, perhaps as a "good Christian" you can E-mail her and tell her how great it would be if she and her silly group would also concentrate on what is happening to "your fellow Christians" in the Middle East. I don't think any of us would snitch on you to Hamas for doing this.

Ou ou pick me to answer the question in bold ! Please pick me Hossfly !!
Why does Tinmore required by you to care about anything other than Palestinians? Isn't he Palestinian?
I watched your video. I have seen it before.

Point out something Medea Benjamin said that was not true then I will point out something in your video that was not true.
I never waste my time on that crackpot. However, since you once claimed that you were a "good Christian" with your ancestry from Western Europe (and who puts sugar and milk on his grits thinking oatmeal is what you call grits) and since you must be aware of what is happening to the Christian Copts in Egypt, can you show us any articles where this Code Pink Lady has ever criticized what is happening to the Christians in Egypt (and in other Muslim countries) or is she just stuck on Israel. Strange isn't it, how these Code Pink Ladies never seem to criticize other countries in the Middle East. Why is this, Tinnie, when terrible things are happening there to innocent people? Since you apparently admire her because she is against Israel, perhaps as a "good Christian" you can E-mail her and tell her how great it would be if she and her silly group would also concentrate on what is happening to "your fellow Christians" in the Middle East. I don't think any of us would snitch on you to Hamas for doing this.

Ou ou pick me to answer the question in bold ! Please pick me Hossfly !!
O.K., you're at bat. Drive in a run or two.
I never waste my time on that crackpot. However, since you once claimed that you were a "good Christian" with your ancestry from Western Europe (and who puts sugar and milk on his grits thinking oatmeal is what you call grits) and since you must be aware of what is happening to the Christian Copts in Egypt, can you show us any articles where this Code Pink Lady has ever criticized what is happening to the Christians in Egypt (and in other Muslim countries) or is she just stuck on Israel. Strange isn't it, how these Code Pink Ladies never seem to criticize other countries in the Middle East. Why is this, Tinnie, when terrible things are happening there to innocent people? Since you apparently admire her because she is against Israel, perhaps as a "good Christian" you can E-mail her and tell her how great it would be if she and her silly group would also concentrate on what is happening to "your fellow Christians" in the Middle East. I don't think any of us would snitch on you to Hamas for doing this.

Ou ou pick me to answer the question in bold ! Please pick me Hossfly !!
O.K., you're at bat. Drive in a run or two.

It's because the Jews aren't involved Professor Hoss !!!
Why does Tinmore required by you to care about anything other than Palestinians? Isn't he Palestinian?

uhh what ?
I guess Coyote wasn't around to catch Tinnie saying he was a Christian with Pennsylvania Dutch, English, and either Scottish or Irish heritage. He never said he was a Palestinian, but by now from his posts I think many viewers believe that he is either a Gazan who came to America just like other people do from around the world or if he was born here, his ancestry is Gazan.
I don't think anyone holds it against him since all our ancestors came from someplace else to settle in America. However, it does give us a good idea why he is always claiming that Israel is really set in the country of Palestine. No doubt this is the mind set of many who came from that area.

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