A few questions so I will know who I'm dealing with...

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.

Created as a what ?

A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties.

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then why didn't the Arabs agree to this map and decide to attack the Jews. Why from all the British and French mandate divisions and countries that were formed, did the Arabs disagree and have a problem with the only one that had to do with JEWS? Hmmmmmm? Lemme see...The conflict has never really been about land or occupation, it's always been about Islamic hatred and intolerance if the other.

You are ignoring the fact that Israel was created inside Palestine by foreigners.

And "Palestine" was created on Judean land by foreigners (they were called the Romans), dumbass. What does that have to do with a bunch of modern day Arabs?

Actually Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. It was populated by Muslims, Christians, and Jews without distinction.

Actually, you just failed history.
Can't you think of anything better than dragging in this Benjamin weirdo, Tinnie? Maybe Tinnie can put on a wig and a dress and join these silly Code Pink Ladies on their next nonsensical adventure. Meanwhile, instead of watching Banjamin, I would much rather watch this video.
Disputing Occupation: Israel?s Borders and Settlements in International Law | Israel Video Network

I watched your video. I have seen it before.

Point out something Medea Benjamin said that was not true then I will point out something in your video that was not true.
I never waste my time on that crackpot. However, since you once claimed that you were a "good Christian" with your ancestry from Western Europe (and who puts sugar and milk on his grits thinking oatmeal is what you call grits) and since you must be aware of what is happening to the Christian Copts in Egypt, can you show us any articles where this Code Pink Lady has ever criticized what is happening to the Christians in Egypt (and in other Muslim countries) or is she just stuck on Israel. Strange isn't it, how these Code Pink Ladies never seem to criticize other countries in the Middle East. Why is this, Tinnie, when terrible things are happening there to innocent people? Since you apparently admire her because she is against Israel, perhaps as a "good Christian" you can E-mail her and tell her how great it would be if she and her silly group would also concentrate on what is happening to "your fellow Christians" in the Middle East. I don't think any of us would snitch on you to Hamas for doing this.

Gee, all that was addressed in the video that you refuse to watch.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VelkdSKOWgI]The Arabic Hour interviews an anti-war activist, Medea Benjamin - YouTube[/ame]
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Why does Tinmore required by you to care about anything other than Palestinians? Isn't he Palestinian?

??????? It APPEARS as though Coyote is suggesting it might ever be acceptable for a poster to only care about 'their' group or 'side'? That can't be what she meant!
And did the Palestinian Jews and the Palestinian Christians agree to all of this?

Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews were all opposed to a Jewish state.

Irrelevant, even if true

Not irrelevant. The native people are the people with the right to self determination and the right to create their own state. Denying those rights is a violation of international law.

Foreigners do not have such rights.
That's still irrelevant. You keep living in the past, thinking that it will change something. So maybe we should just look at the present facts:
Israel is here, Palestine isn't and everyone who has tried to destroy us have failed miserably
That's still irrelevant. You keep living in the past, thinking that it will change something. So maybe we should just look at the present facts:
Israel is here, Palestine isn't and everyone who has tried to destroy us have failed miserably

Israel is the military superpower in the region.

But the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground. These are the cards that the Palestinians have been playing lately with good success.
P F Tinmore,

Where does it say that?

Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews were all opposed to a Jewish state.

Irrelevant, even if true

Not irrelevant. The native people are the people with the right to self determination and the right to create their own state. Denying those rights is a violation of international law.

Foreigners do not have such rights.

The Jewish immigration was invited and encouraged by the Senior Arab leadership, and later, by the Allied Powers.

They have as much the right to self-determination as anyone else. The Charter says: "self-determination of peoples." The word "foreigners" is not used once in the entire Charter.

The Jewish had the right and they exercised it. The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it; turning hostile.

For the last 65+years, the Hostile Arab/Palestinian has attempted to deny the Jewish right to self-determination through the use of force (as demonstrated through several wars, a couple armed insurrections, and the Hamas Charter).

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore,

Where does it say that?

Irrelevant, even if true

Not irrelevant. The native people are the people with the right to self determination and the right to create their own state. Denying those rights is a violation of international law.

Foreigners do not have such rights.

The Jewish immigration was invited and encouraged by the Senior Arab leadership, and later, by the Allied Powers.

They have as much the right to self-determination as anyone else. The Charter says: "self-determination of peoples." The word "foreigners" is not used once in the entire Charter.

The Jewish had the right and they exercised it. The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it; turning hostile.

For the last 65+years, the Hostile Arab/Palestinian has attempted to deny the Jewish right to self-determination through the use of force (as demonstrated through several wars, a couple armed insurrections, and the Hamas Charter).

Most Respectfully,

The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it;...

The Palestinians declared statehood in 1948. What rejection are you talking about?
P F Tinmore,

Where does it say that?

Not irrelevant. The native people are the people with the right to self determination and the right to create their own state. Denying those rights is a violation of international law.

Foreigners do not have such rights.

The Jewish immigration was invited and encouraged by the Senior Arab leadership, and later, by the Allied Powers.

They have as much the right to self-determination as anyone else. The Charter says: "self-determination of peoples." The word "foreigners" is not used once in the entire Charter.

The Jewish had the right and they exercised it. The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it; turning hostile.

For the last 65+years, the Hostile Arab/Palestinian has attempted to deny the Jewish right to self-determination through the use of force (as demonstrated through several wars, a couple armed insurrections, and the Hamas Charter).

Most Respectfully,

The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it;...

The Palestinians declared statehood in 1948. What rejection are you talking about?

Palestine became a state in 1948 ? Is that what you're saying ?
This is directed primarily to the anti-Israel/pro-"Palestinian" posters...

1. Do you believe that there should be a Jewish State of Israel?

Don't care
2. The Old City of Jerusalem should be under (a) Israeli control; (b) Jordanian control; (c) Palestinian control; or (d) International control?

None of my business.

3. Do you believe that a viable "2 state solution" can include a "Palestinian right of return" to Israel?

Don't know.

4. Rocket fire from Gaza into Israel constitutes (a) terrorist activity, or (b) legitimate resistence.


5. Do you believe that the majority of those who consider themselves "Palestinians" support a "two-state solution" resulting in a peaceful coexistence with a Jewish State of Israel?

No idea.
P F Tinmore,

Where does it say that?


The Jewish immigration was invited and encouraged by the Senior Arab leadership, and later, by the Allied Powers.

They have as much the right to self-determination as anyone else. The Charter says: "self-determination of peoples." The word "foreigners" is not used once in the entire Charter.

The Jewish had the right and they exercised it. The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it; turning hostile.

For the last 65+years, the Hostile Arab/Palestinian has attempted to deny the Jewish right to self-determination through the use of force (as demonstrated through several wars, a couple armed insurrections, and the Hamas Charter).

Most Respectfully,

The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it;...

The Palestinians declared statehood in 1948. What rejection are you talking about?

Palestine became a state in 1948 ? Is that what you're saying ?

I believe that was a declaration of independence after the British left Palestine.
P F Tinmore,

Where does it say that?

Irrelevant, even if true

Not irrelevant. The native people are the people with the right to self determination and the right to create their own state. Denying those rights is a violation of international law.

Foreigners do not have such rights.

The Jewish immigration was invited and encouraged by the Senior Arab leadership, and later, by the Allied Powers.

They have as much the right to self-determination as anyone else. The Charter says: "self-determination of peoples." The word "foreigners" is not used once in the entire Charter.

The Jewish had the right and they exercised it. The Arab/Palestinian had the right and rejected it; turning hostile.

For the last 65+years, the Hostile Arab/Palestinian has attempted to deny the Jewish right to self-determination through the use of force (as demonstrated through several wars, a couple armed insurrections, and the Hamas Charter).

Most Respectfully,
Tinmore is thinking of his beloved Nazi Mufti and his henchmen.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage.
Ok, but they didn't become a recognized state in 1948 even if they did declare independence (which I doubt since they rejected the 1947 partition plan)

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If they declared independence in 1948, then why do it again in 1988 ?

Read the first sentence of that link
There was no "Arab Palestinians" back then. All the attacks against the newly formed state of Israel were to destroy it, and divide the spoils between themselves. It was never over creating this mythical Palestine. If so, Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years from 48 to 67, why didn't anybody speak of a Palestine back then. Because the Arabs themselves know this whole thing is a hoax.

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it".

- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Syrian Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 -

"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not".

- Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian, 1946 -

"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria".

- Representant of Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 -

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".

- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council -

"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people".

- Syrian dictator Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yassir Arafat -
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PFT thinks the Jews are "foreigners" in Israel. And yet, countless pieces of archaeological evidence demonstrate that a Jewish nation existed there long before the word "Palestine" existed.

So, what exactly does PFT not believe in?

Temporal ordering?
Linear logic?

Or, perhaps, he's just decided that time began at some arbitrary point in history, and everything that happened before that date is irrelevant.

Or, perhaps, he was dropped on his head several times as a child.

Whatever the explanation, I think the best response to him is a line from a song we all know:

"What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away."
Ok, but they didn't become a recognized state in 1948 even if they did declare independence (which I doubt since they rejected the 1947 partition plan)

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If they declared independence in 1948, then why do it again in 1988 ?

Read the first sentence of that link

The partition plan (resolution 181) is irrelevant. The Palestinians had the right to reject the plan and they did. The Security Council could not implement it without Palestinian approval.

Although the Palestine People were not a party to the armistice agreements,
this does not prejudice their right to sovereignty. It is exactly this right
that grants the armistice agreements their full effect and significance of
merely establishing démarcation borders. If the Palestinian fact had been
non-existent, it would have been perfectly correct to consider the démarcation
borders as « de jure » boundaries. After ail, Israël, Jordan, and Egypt
would only have occupied a « terra nullius ».

http://rbdi.bruylant.be/public/mode...79.2 - pp. 500 à 538 - Frank van de Craen.pdf

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