A few years ago i posted a thread on here asking for advice after a bullshit police interaction.

MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.

You got breached for a noise ordinance? Smells like bullshit. Something else was going on to make the LEOs have probable cause to breach your door, and being an uncooperative ass didn't help your situation either.
MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.
How did they barge in your door? Did they have a warrant?
No knock breach for being too noisy? Hoo! That's not Constitutional.

Good grief, FOCUS guys
Who let them in? I think somebody let them in.

Yeah. I think there's some missing info. here.
MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.

You got breached for a noise ordinance? Smells like bullshit. Something else was going on to make the LEOs have probable cause to breach your door, and being an uncooperative ass didn't help your situation either.
MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.
How did they barge in your door? Did they have a warrant?
No knock breach for being too noisy? Hoo! That's not Constitutional.

Good grief, FOCUS guys
Who let them in? I think somebody let them in.

Yeah. I think there's some missing info. here.
There isn't except for me getting lots of noise complaints back then. That asshole neighbor is gone now. His wife caught him fucking his secretary and took his house in the Divorce. Not a complaint since.


Take your adhd meds and fucking focus
MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.

You got breached for a noise ordinance? Smells like bullshit. Something else was going on to make the LEOs have probable cause to breach your door, and being an uncooperative ass didn't help your situation either.
MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.
How did they barge in your door? Did they have a warrant?
No knock breach for being too noisy? Hoo! That's not Constitutional.

Good grief, FOCUS guys
Who let them in? I think somebody let them in.

Yeah. I think there's some missing info. here.
There isn't except for me getting lots of noise complaints back then. That asshole neighbor is gone now. His wife caught him fucking his secretary and took his house in the Divorce. Not a complaint since.


Take your adhd meds and fucking focus
How did the law enforcement get into your house? Listen to what I'm asking, and give me a real answer, pls.
Don't tell me they beamed in like Star Trek. Prone not to believing that.
MOST LEFTIES told me I deserved to goto jail and that I was essentially a scumbag criminal.

I didn't fight a cop.
I didn't run from a cop.
I didn't hit a cop.
I didn't pull a weapon on a cop.

I sat in my Lazy Boy as they barged in my door on a noise ordinance without knocking. They proceeded to demand the id of everyone in my house at the time. I REFUSED to supply an ID and remained seated in my chair.
After 4 requests for my ID I was removed from the chair and thrown to the ground and spent the night in the jail.

My white priveledge didn't rescue me from a no knock, no warrant entry. It didn't rescue me from a night in jail.

And YALLS FUCKING POLITICAL pretense of caring for "black lives" is a disgusting two faced joke.

If you doubt me YOU can search for the thread. Perhaps use I NEED ADVICE as keywords. Either way you're a bunch of dishonest fucks and I'm certainly not going to search it for you.

Funny how reforms weren't needed when I was an individual sitting in my own chair in my own fucking home but now you can't wait to rail on abuse of power.

LITERALLY the biggest bunch of frauds I have EVER interacted with.

Here's the thing, if the Police had SHOT you , I'd have been the first one to say they overreacted.
Okay, took a trip down memory lane looking at your original 2012 thread. So many people who don't post here anymore...

The way you described it this was not the first time they had been out to your house for this sort of thing. But they didn't shoot you, they didn't beat you up. They took you into custody. You probably created a lot of your own problem.

That said, if they had shot you or lit your house on fire, you'd have been perfectly right to complain about excessive force being used.
Yes, the democrats are pushing hard for the violent, convicted felon vote...
Yup. I was a violent felon and after completing my prison term & parole I was allowed to begin voting again. My first ever vote was for Perot Contrary to the op I have never voted for a Democrat on a national level.
Let's put an end to this nonsense once & for all
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Let's put an end to this nonsense once & for all
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Troubled child from foster care. Juvenile prison. Adult prison. Trade school in prison. College after prison. Business owner of 25 years. Any other time a liberal would be singing my praises. After all you dumbfucks are all about unjust incarceration and emptying ourprisons. But because YOU...
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You seem obsessed with my personal life, why? Yes I'm a felon, yes I served 3 years in prison, yes i went to college when I got out, yes i started my own business 23 years ago, yes I've traveled thanks to my job, yes you're a tool. Ps. My mistakes and subsequent punishment made me a...

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