A Generation of CEOs Who Don't Know How to Raise Wages

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
A Generation of CEOs Who Don't Know How to Raise Wages | Truthout

According to standard economics, when businesses can't fill job openings, they are supposed to offer higher wages. If these businesses offered higher wages, then they could lure away workers from their competitors. They may also be able to attract workers from other states, or even other countries. Certainly there are workers somewhere in the world who have the skills that are needed to work at Caterpillar or at software firms run by Mr. Emanuel's friends. If these CEOs raised wages high enough, then these workers would be willing to work for their companies.

However, for some reason, they have not chosen to raise wages to the market clearing level, and, therefore, can't get the workers they want. Apparently, these CEOs do not know how to raise wages.
Then find or create a job that gives you the wage you think you deserve.
Then find or create a job that gives you the wage you think you deserve.

The point of the OP went right above you head, if employers cannot find people to fill their opening they need to do something better to fill those openings, not pretend they're doing people a favor by offering them a low paying job.
A Generation of CEOs Who Don't Know How to Raise Wages | Truthout

According to standard economics, when businesses can't fill job openings, they are supposed to offer higher wages. If these businesses offered higher wages, then they could lure away workers from their competitors. They may also be able to attract workers from other states, or even other countries. Certainly there are workers somewhere in the world who have the skills that are needed to work at Caterpillar or at software firms run by Mr. Emanuel's friends. If these CEOs raised wages high enough, then these workers would be willing to work for their companies.

However, for some reason, they have not chosen to raise wages to the market clearing level, and, therefore, can't get the workers they want. Apparently, these CEOs do not know how to raise wages.

If you're suggesting that the 9.1 percent unemployment rate is because businesses will not raise their wages, then you are full of shit!

The reason we have high unemployemnt because they are no jobs, and the jobs that are out there, companies are not finding the level of talent their businesses require.

Employers Ready to Hire Can

Bill Begal says he has spent almost $2,000 since March on help-wanted ads in newspapers, websites, and state employment services up and down the East Coast to find sales and administrative staff for his Rockville, Maryland-based disaster-cleanup company.

“I want people to come out and work for me,” said Begal, 42, whose teams responded to hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, which struck New Orleans and Florida in 2005. “Where are they? I just don’t see it.”
Then find or create a job that gives you the wage you think you deserve.

The point of the OP went right above you head

I've seen conservatives argue that way quite often. Present an observation about how things are done, or what is happening in the economy and maybe an idea of what to do about it, and in response they invert the whole thing and treat it as a problem that YOU, PERSONALLY are having.

Like this. Did you say that YOU couldn't find a job that pays well? Did you say that YOU were underpaid in your job? No, not at all. Clearly, you weren't talking about YOURSELF at all.

But it's as if, for these people, it really is all about them, and so they assume that whenever you say anything it must be all about you, too. That's revealing about their own selfishness and self-centeredness more than anything else.
A Generation of CEOs Who Don't Know How to Raise Wages | Truthout

According to standard economics, when businesses can't fill job openings, they are supposed to offer higher wages. If these businesses offered higher wages, then they could lure away workers from their competitors. They may also be able to attract workers from other states, or even other countries. Certainly there are workers somewhere in the world who have the skills that are needed to work at Caterpillar or at software firms run by Mr. Emanuel's friends. If these CEOs raised wages high enough, then these workers would be willing to work for their companies.

However, for some reason, they have not chosen to raise wages to the market clearing level, and, therefore, can't get the workers they want. Apparently, these CEOs do not know how to raise wages.

This is as planned. One of the lovely things these guys are doing is firing people in those positions, then making them ultra specific so they can hire out of other countries.

They have no regs telling them that this is something they can't do. What the goal is, is to get wages as low as possible and eliminate benefits.
A Generation of CEOs Who Don't Know How to Raise Wages | Truthout

According to standard economics, when businesses can't fill job openings, they are supposed to offer higher wages. If these businesses offered higher wages, then they could lure away workers from their competitors. They may also be able to attract workers from other states, or even other countries. Certainly there are workers somewhere in the world who have the skills that are needed to work at Caterpillar or at software firms run by Mr. Emanuel's friends. If these CEOs raised wages high enough, then these workers would be willing to work for their companies.

However, for some reason, they have not chosen to raise wages to the market clearing level, and, therefore, can't get the workers they want. Apparently, these CEOs do not know how to raise wages.

If you're suggesting that the 9.1 percent unemployment rate is because businesses will not raise their wages, then you are full of shit!

The reason we have high unemployemnt because they are no jobs, and the jobs that are out there, companies are not finding the level of talent their businesses require.

Employers Ready to Hire Can

Bill Begal says he has spent almost $2,000 since March on help-wanted ads in newspapers, websites, and state employment services up and down the East Coast to find sales and administrative staff for his Rockville, Maryland-based disaster-cleanup company.

“I want people to come out and work for me,” said Begal, 42, whose teams responded to hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, which struck New Orleans and Florida in 2005. “Where are they? I just don’t see it.”

The OP went over your head, raising wages for positions they can't fill creates competition so that they could hire people from other companies, thus filling their positions, its the employers that are complaining that they can't hire people, jackass.
A Generation of CEOs Who Don't Know How to Raise Wages | Truthout

According to standard economics, when businesses can't fill job openings, they are supposed to offer higher wages. If these businesses offered higher wages, then they could lure away workers from their competitors. They may also be able to attract workers from other states, or even other countries. Certainly there are workers somewhere in the world who have the skills that are needed to work at Caterpillar or at software firms run by Mr. Emanuel's friends. If these CEOs raised wages high enough, then these workers would be willing to work for their companies.

However, for some reason, they have not chosen to raise wages to the market clearing level, and, therefore, can't get the workers they want. Apparently, these CEOs do not know how to raise wages.

This is as planned. One of the lovely things these guys are doing is firing people in those positions, then making them ultra specific so they can hire out of other countries.

They have no regs telling them that this is something they can't do. What the goal is, is to get wages as low as possible and eliminate benefits.

They also refuse to raise wages because they think it will be less money for them to pocket.

This is as planned. One of the lovely things these guys are doing is firing people in those positions, then making them ultra specific so they can hire out of other countries.

They have no regs telling them that this is something they can't do. What the goal is, is to get wages as low as possible and eliminate benefits.

They also refuse to raise wages because they think it will be less money for them to pocket.

They want to keep the wages as low as they can because like you said its more money in their pocket.
...They also refuse to raise wages because they think it will be less money for them to pocket.
The idea that management is stupid to complain about not finding workers at the same time they don't want to raise wages. Supply and demand, that's how it works.

Here's another idea, that job hunters are stupid to complain about not finding employment at the same time they don't want to accept lower wages.
Somewhere along the line, labor (aka human beings) became just another commodity to be bought for the lowest possible price.

I suspect that was somewher around the time when the Personnel Department became Human Resources.
Somewhere along the line, labor (aka human beings) became just another commodity to be bought for the lowest possible price...
Please explain that better, is it that someone who thinks he's only paying to have work done is in reality purchasing a human being?

You might want to stop and think a bit and then try rewording the comment.
Somewhere along the line, labor (aka human beings) became just another commodity to be bought for the lowest possible price...
Please explain that better, is it that someone who thinks he's only paying to have work done is in reality purchasing a human being?

You might want to stop and think a bit and then try rewording the comment.

Show me a business that pays its employees more than it has to.
...Show me a business that pays its employees more than it has to.
--or an employee that accepted lower pay than he could demand?

Steve Jobs had Apple pay him an annual salary of one dollar. Everyone was happy with that and both Jobs and Apple did well. Hoover served four years for free saying it was a privilege. I paid my kids allowances that were way over market for the work they did, and that's often how family businesses are run.

The idea of supply and demand explains a lot about what people do even though it doesn't explain everything always. There are people who talk big about how employees should always pay a so-called 'living wage', and these same morons will turn right around and spend their own money on goods and services when and wherever it suits 'em.

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