A good reason to encourage monopolies?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Sure, somebody might be motivated enough by the promise of monopoly profits to find a cure for cancer, for example!

Or, they might be motivated enough by monopoly profits to stay far ahead of prospective competitors to discourage their entrance into the market thus advancing our standard of living at the fastest possible rate.
Sure, somebody might be motivated enough by the promise of monopoly profits to find a cure for cancer, for example!

Three words spring immediately to mind:

"Doctor Jonas Salk".
Having developed a successful vaccine for polio, which previously had afflicted up to twenty thousand kids a year, he dismissed the idea of patenting the vaccine. "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"

Left to a monopoly however I'm sure a Monsanto could come up with a genetic fix that would commit suicide every year and you'd have to go back to them, hat in hand, for a renewal shot (the price of which would rise every time of curse), and if you didn't get it the cancer would return with a vengeance.

Yeah what a great plan.
Three words spring immediately to mind:


dear we are not interested it what words spring in a liberal's weak mind but rather if a monopoly profits might encourage or discourage someone from curing cancer.
Left to a monopoly however I'm sure a Monsanto could come up with a genetic fix that would commit suicide .

yes dear and that would encourage competition to end the monopoly. See why we say a liberal will be stupid?
Three words spring immediately to mind:


dear we are not interested it what words spring in a liberal's weak mind but rather if a monopoly profits might encourage or discourage someone from curing cancer.

dear we are not interested in you cutting all the content out of a post and then attacking what empty strawman is left because you can't handle the point.

Do you have the IQ to understand, or should I send Joe Stalin and Tom Jefferson to teach you?

Fortunately those aren't real beer companies.

Einstein expressed it thus:

"Footwash + Footwash = Footwash"

I'm drinking Budweiser "Black Crown".
It's nothing more than muted and musty Budweiser. Over $7/six pack. What the fuck is up with beer prices?

Oh, I know- the ass fucking famer. Grain for ethanol.
Sure, somebody might be motivated enough by the promise of monopoly profits to find a cure for cancer, for example!

Or, they might be motivated enough by monopoly profits to stay far ahead of prospective competitors to discourage their entrance into the market thus advancing our standard of living at the fastest possible rate.

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