A Goose roasted alive - from Magia Naturalis:


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A Goose roasted alive. A little before our times, a Goose was wont to be brought to the table of the King of Arragon, that was roasted alive, as I have heard by old men of credit. And when I went to try it, my company were so hasty, that we ate him up before he was quite roasted. He was alive, and the upper part of him, on the outside, was excellent well roasted. The rule to do it is thus. Take a Duck, or a Goose, or some such lusty creature, but he Goose is best for this purpose. Pull all the Feathers from his body, leaving his head and his neck. Then make a fire round about him, not too narrow, lest the smoke choke him, or the fire should roast him too soon. Not too wide, lest he escape unroasted. Inside set everywhere little pots full of water, and put Salt and Meum to them. Let the Goose be smeared all over with Suet, and well Larded, that he may be the better meat, and roast the better. Put the fire about, but make not too much haste. When he begins to roast, he will walk about, and cannot get forth, for the fire stops him. When he is weary, he quenches his thirst by drinking the water, by cooling his heart, and the rest of his internal parts. The force of the Medicament loosens and cleans his belly, so that he grows empty. And when he his very hot, it roasts his inner parts. Continually moisten his head and heart with a Sponge. But when you see him run mad up and down, and to stumble (his heart then wants moisture), wherefore you take him away, and set him on the table to your guests, who will cry as you pull off his parts. And you shall eat him up before he is dead.

Porta, Giambattista della. Magia Naturalis. <http://members.tscnet.com/pages/omard1/jportac14.html> (June 9, 2001)

WARNING: To recreate this recipe would involve the cruel treatment of a living animal; please do not consider such an act.
Incredible Foods, Solteties, and Entremets

I was looking at recipes and found this It's gross; here, you try it.

That's just insane
Actually, its not much different from modern day treatment of livestock.

Love Emily Litella.
Loved Gilda Radner.
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The American indian tribes roasted their victims alive. They would strip the victim naked and tie him or her to a tree leaving a short length so the victim could move about but not very far. Then in a circle, the indians would build a fire. Not close enough to catch the victim on fire. Keep it hot an roast the person alive. It would usually take two or more days to kill someone like that.
I'd eat my elbow before I'd do that shit to a living critter.
I'd eat my elbow before I'd do that shit to a living critter.

I agree with you ^^^

only a psychopath would do such a thing.

You'd be surprised. There are some seemingly normal people that practice some utterly fucked up shit all to have a meal.
But I go overboard the opposite way. I even think the practice of say... boiling lobsters alive is barbaric and repulsive. I'd not indulge.
The American indian tribes roasted their victims alive. They would strip the victim naked and tie him or her to a tree leaving a short length so the victim could move about but not very far. Then in a circle, the indians would build a fire. Not close enough to catch the victim on fire. Keep it hot an roast the person alive. It would usually take two or more days to kill someone like that.
Be more specific...not all indians did that. And lest you forget, Americans were just as barbaric when the likes of Cotton Mather walked this land and sat in judgement of women accused of witchcraft...some of whom were burned alive while others were hanged.

In more recent times, Americans firebombed Japenese and German cities creating rings of fire that made escape by anyone within almost impossible. Men, women and children
perished in horrible ways just because
some crews in an American bomber thought it was fun. But the worst was yet to come for Japan. Some people are still suffering from the fallout of
Big boy and Little Boy. If those who
were vaporized could speak they might be thankful that they were spared the fate of many survivors who were exposed to radioactive fallout.

Now I 'll just sit back and watch the konservatives scream that I hate America for telling the truth
The subject at hand is unpleasant practices when it comes to preparing food.
Not mean Indians or witches or WWll.
The subject at hand is unpleasant practices when it comes to preparing food.
Not mean Indians or witches or WWll.

Anyone with concerns about the "prep" of their food might want to consider that if puppies and kittens were treated the way we treat the billions of so-called "food animals" we kill every day, we would likely rise up as one and demand it be stopped.

It's not an easy subject to think about but they have the mental, physical and emotions potential as the animals we protect.

Most don't want to go vegetarian but there are a couple things we can do -

One is to just cut back on the amount of flesh we consume.
Another is to buy from local farmers rather than mega-producers.

Buying local is a healthier alternative than antibiotic and growth hormone in factory-produced.

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