A great victory for the internet!

So you believe that an ISP should be able to slow peer-to-peer communications to maintain quality of service on their system that isn't large enough to handle what the ISP sells? Of course if you buy additional coverage it is allowable.
And customers should be able to drop that ISP if they don't like the service slowing down, and go to a different one that isn't slowing it down.

In fact, they are already able to. And they always have been.

It's called "freedom".

Freedom for both the ISP and the customer.

Of course, freedom carries with it some responsibility. Such as the responsibility for finding out what else is out there, calling your ISP to complain, and having the gumption to switch to a different one.

Liberal big-govt fanatics have a problem with "responsibility". It undermines their whole agenda, which is to have government "take care of you" by forcing everyone to do what the government wants, whether they like it or not.

That's why so many liberals got kicked out of office last November.

But apparently they didn't take the hint. The ones that are left, are still trying to impose Big Government on the rest of us.

Too bad, so sad.
Freedom to be raped when the cable companies already have lube and a hard on. Republicans answer is "just clinch really hard you have that freedom"
Get back to us on how "free and open" the Internet is in a year, then again in 5. Of course by then today's internet will have gone the way of Route 66 and we'll have a new information superhighway that the government will be trying to get its mitts on.

Thats the same thing you guys said about Death Panels and Obummer taking your guns. When the republican has nothing they tell others that a problem is going to be "in the future" sometime

We already had the death panels demonstrated by the government health care administrators at the Veterans Administration. When and if Obamacare gets fully implemented, we can have the same death panels administered by another government agency to non-veterans.

Oh so the death panels that were coming are actually the VA and no death panels at all. Got cha. So when you say the internet wont be open I'm assuming using your logic that when the internet is still open you'll say not really because you need a subscription to the Wall Street Journal or something

Speaking of taking your guns, it has started.

"As promised, President Obama is using executive actions to impose gun control on the nation, targeting the top-selling rifle in the country, the AR-15 style semi-automatic, with a ban on one of the most-used AR bullets by sportsmen and target shooters.

Oh goodie....Wait, did you forget to include the part about taking guns? This says bullets.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives this month revealed that it is proposing to put the ban on 5.56 mm ammo on a fast track, immediately driving up the price of the bullets and prompting retailers, including the huge outdoors company Cabela’s, to urge sportsmen to urge Congress to stop the president."

I'm sure this is going to happen anyday...or 6 years from now. Death Panels that arent, guns taken that arent guns and open internet that wont be open.

Got it

Death Panels is refusing coverage for specific conditions or age groups.

You can get all of the free bc you want and even have a sex-change, but forget about getting a hip replacement after 75 or whichever they decide.

"or whichever" shows you have no idea. Nice Ad-lib tho. Now I know that anytime anyone has been refused service you qualify that as being a "death panel". lmao

Wrong dumbass, I qualify the dozens of Veterans that were lied too about getting an appointment and died waiting for it. Anyone that is refused service by a government agency and then dies is definitely a victim of a death panel.
Expect pricing for the consumers to increase for provider R&D and roll out.

However, I agree with the decision, so, yes, we are going to pay more for service.

Have you already read all the new rules?

I really would love to find a text pdf of these rules... guess the government doesn't want me to find them now.

eCFR Code of Federal Regulations


What do those links have to do with the current discussion? One was 2010 the other 2011.

Expect pricing for the consumers to increase for provider R&D and roll out.

However, I agree with the decision, so, yes, we are going to pay more for service.

Have you already read all the new rules?

I really would love to find a text pdf of these rules... guess the government doesn't want me to find them now.

eCFR Code of Federal Regulations


What do those links have to do with the current discussion? One was 2010 the other 2011.
Really? Because it says right there: NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING Adopted: May 15, 2014 Released: May 15, 2014 Comment Date: July 15, 2014 Reply Comment Date: September 10, 2014

The first link says: Source: 76 FR 59232, Sept. 23, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

The second was thrown out in favor of the ones passed today without public input, which is illegal I might add, again. I was thinking it was the same one posted by another commiecrat yesterday, sorry about that.
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And customers should be able to drop that ISP if they don't like the service slowing down, and go to a different one that isn't slowing it down.

In fact, they are already able to. And they always have been.

It's called "freedom".

Freedom for both the ISP and the customer.

Of course, freedom carries with it some responsibility. Such as the responsibility for finding out what else is out there, calling your ISP to complain, and having the gumption to switch to a different one.

Liberal big-govt fanatics have a problem with "responsibility". It undermines their whole agenda, which is to have government "take care of you" by forcing everyone to do what the government wants, whether they like it or not.

That's why so many liberals got kicked out of office last November.

But apparently they didn't take the hint. The ones that are left, are still trying to impose Big Government on the rest of us.

Too bad, so sad.

Only if you have somewhere else to go, which you don't.

Additional tiers are scam money makers for ISP's, just like the old long distance charges for telephone companies.

You're a chump promoting big business so you can pull more $ out of your pocket.
"It's more than that...it will restrict access and free speech."

The opposite, you mean.
bwahahahaahahahahahaha! It's funny how brainwashed you are by your corporate overlords.

George Carlin
"The Seven Words You Can No Longer Say On the Internet" Lyrics

I love words. I thank you for hearing my words.
I want to tell you something about words that I think is important.
They're my work, they're my play, they're my passion.
Words are all we have, really. We have thoughts but thoughts are fluid.
then we assign a word to a thought and we're stuck with that word for
that thought, so be careful with words. I like to think that the same
words that hurt can heal, it is a matter of how you pick them.
There are some people that are not into all the words.
There are some that would have you not use certain words.
There are 400,000 words in the English language and there are 7
of them you can't say on Internet now that the FCC is in charge. What a ratio that is.
399,993 to 7. They must really be bad. They'd have to be outrageous
to be seperated from a group that large. All of you over here,you 7,
Bad Words. That's what they told us they were, remember?
"That's a bad word!" No bad words, bad thoughts, bad intentions,
and words. You know the 7, don't you, that you can't say on Obama's Internet?
"Shit, Piss, Fuck, ****, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits"
Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soul,
curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war.
"Shit, Piss, Fuck, ****, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits"
Wow! ...and Tits doesn't even belong on the list. That is such a friendly
sounding word. It sounds like a nickname, right? "Hey, Tits, come here,
man. Hey Tits, meet Toots. Toots, Tits. Tits, Toots." It sounds like a
snack, doesn't it? Yes, I know, it is a snack. I don't mean your sexist
snack. I mean New Nabisco Tits!, and new Cheese Tits, Corn Tits,
Pizza Tits, Sesame Tits, Onion Tits, Tater Tits. "Betcha Can't Eat Just
One." That's true. I usually switch off. But I mean, that word does
not belong on the list. Actually none of the words belong on the list,
but you can understand why some of them are there. I'm not
completely insensetive to people's feelings. I can understand why
some of those words got on the list, like CockSucker and
MotherFucker. Those are heavyweight words. There is a lot going on
there. Besides the literal translation and the emotional feeling.
I mean, they're just busy words. There's a lot of syllables to contend
with. And those Ks, those are agressive sounds. They just jump out at
you like "coCKsuCKer, motherfuCKer. coCKsuCKer, motherfuCKer."
It's like an assualt on you. We mentioned Shit earlier, and 2 of the
other 4-letter Anglo-Saxon words are Piss and ****, which go
together of course. A little accedental humor there. The reason that
Piss and **** are on the list is because a long time ago, there were
certain ladies that said "Those are the 2 I am not going to say. I
don't mind Fuck and Shit but 'P' and 'C' are out.", which led to such
stupid sentences as "Okay you fuckers, I'm going to tinckle now."
And, of course, the word Fuck. I don't really, well that's more
accedental humor, I don't wanna get into that now because I think
it takes to long. But I do mean that. I think the word Fuck is a very
imprortant word. It is the beginning of life, yet it is a word we use to
hurt one another quite often. People much wiser than I am said,
"I'd rather have my son watch a film with 2 people making love
than 2 people trying to kill one another. I, of course, can agree. It is
a great sentence. I wish I knew who said it first. I agree with that but
I like to take it a step further. I'd like to substitute the word Fuck for
the word Kill in all of those movie cliches we grew up with. "Okay,
Sherrif, we're gonna Fuck you now, but we're gonna Fuck you slow."
So maybe next year I'll have a whole fuckin' ramp on the N word.
I hope so. Those are the 7 you can never say on television, under any
circumstanses. You just cannot say them ever ever ever. Not even
clinically. You cannot weave them in on the panel with Doc, and Ed,
and Johnny. I mean, it is just impossible. Forget tHose 7. They're out.
But there are some 2-way words, those double-meaning words.
Remember the ones you giggled at in sixth grade? "...And the cock
CROWED 3 times" "Hey, tha cock CROWED 3 times. ha ha ha ha. Hey, it's in
the bible. ha ha ha ha. There are some 2-way words, like it is okay for
Kirk Youdi to say "Roberto Clametti has 2 balls on him.", but he can't
say "I think he hurt his balls on that play, Tony. Don't you? He's holding
them. He must've hurt them, by God." and the other 2-way word that
goes with that one is Prik. It's okay if it happens to your finger. You
can prik your finger but don't finger your prik. No,no.
And no one is going to stop you from saying those words.

You get to say them on the Internet because of net neutrality.
And customers should be able to drop that ISP if they don't like the service slowing down, and go to a different one that isn't slowing it down.

In fact, they are already able to. And they always have been.

It's called "freedom".

Freedom for both the ISP and the customer.

Of course, freedom carries with it some responsibility. Such as the responsibility for finding out what else is out there, calling your ISP to complain, and having the gumption to switch to a different one.

Liberal big-govt fanatics have a problem with "responsibility". It undermines their whole agenda, which is to have government "take care of you" by forcing everyone to do what the government wants, whether they like it or not.

That's why so many liberals got kicked out of office last November.

But apparently they didn't take the hint. The ones that are left, are still trying to impose Big Government on the rest of us.

Too bad, so sad.

Only if you have somewhere else to go, which you don't.

Additional tiers are scam money makers for ISP's, just like the old long distance charges for telephone companies.

You're a chump promoting big business so you can pull more $ out of your pocket.

Government and big business are one in the same these days, in case you didn't notice...all FCC regulation is going to do is become a barrier to entry, just like everything else the government regulates. Gotta make it hard for the upstarts to come in and compete with your corporate cronies.
And no one is going to stop you from saying those words.

You get to say them on the Internet because of net neutrality.

Incorrect. You get to say them on the internet because the FCC doesn't have the same control that it does over radio or TV...till now. You are too naive to reproduce if you think FCC regulation equates to freedom.
The OP is either a moron, or is happy with the huge increases in fees&taxes he will see on his cellphone and internet bills.

Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive...

For me they are mutually exclusive, I don't do internet or other types of data on my phone. I'm sure I'll be taxed anyway, that's when I find a really good lawyer.

You are incredibly gullible if you think you are immune from the increased fees that Big Government Cronyism will mandate.
The OP is either a moron, or is happy with the huge increases in fees&taxes he will see on his cellphone and internet bills.

Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive...

For me they are mutually exclusive, I don't do internet or other types of data on my phone. I'm sure I'll be taxed anyway, that's when I find a really good lawyer.

You are incredibly gullible if you think you are immune from the increased fees that Big Government Cronyism will mandate.

Just the opposite, they already tax the crap out of me for many things I don't, nor will I ever, use.
The OP is either a moron, or is happy with the huge increases in fees&taxes he will see on his cellphone and internet bills.

Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive...

For me they are mutually exclusive, I don't do internet or other types of data on my phone. I'm sure I'll be taxed anyway, that's when I find a really good lawyer.

You are incredibly gullible if you think you are immune from the increased fees that Big Government Cronyism will mandate.

Just the opposite, they already tax the crap out of me for many things I don't, nor will I ever, use.

Well, hun. Get ready for more.
All I know is what effects me, and I think that true for everyone. How the internet is today works great for me it can only go down hill. I don't see where this is a big deal for gamers either, I can see where bandwidth for everyone will slow. Will it slow for everyone, I doubt anyone will notice. As they probably would couldn't tell the difference now.

The sad part is that the left has taken this stand, even though their are those on left against the power grab, is that the only reason that those on the left are in love with it because once again they can throw it into the right side's face.

Really pathetic the power grab of the left, really sad how they get their jollys.
Government and big business are one in the same these days, in case you didn't notice...all FCC regulation is going to do is become a barrier to entry, just like everything else the government regulates. Gotta make it hard for the upstarts to come in and compete with your corporate cronies.

Republicans and big business are on in the same. New regulations will prevent ISP's from charging you more for the same service.

If Republicans are for something, it will screw YOU.

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