A Jewish Majority vs a Jewish Minority


Jul 20, 2014
A Jewish Majority vs a Jewish Minority

You can post all the shit you want, about how about bad Israel is, and how bad the jews are.

Fox news, the most worthless piece of evil lying scum shit who has done more damage to America than Al Qaeda..
Owned by a White Australian, Rupert Murdoch.

Fannie Mae, and Freddy Mac.. and Quicken Loans the three most corrupt lenders in the world, that are single handedly responsible for the housing bust owned by White Christian Americans, all 3.

There has not been a single Jew in the Oval office of the United States since July 4th 1776.

Now we get down to the differences between a Jewish Minority here, vs the Jewish Majority of a Jewish Nation.

A Jewish Minority in the United States follows American Law, and adopts American culture.

A Jewish Minority in the United States doesn't need a military of its own, and doesn't have a government.

A Jewish Majority in a Jewish state, has a military because it needs one... and it has a government..

Also, a Jewish Majority has Jewish rule... fair ? its fair to me.

And the Jewish state was set up in a place where the people were, and still are supportive of Adolf Hitler.

And this isn't a perfect world, and the Jewish state isn't as rich as America and therefore they have to make more choices between fewer options.

That's the difference.

So when will the bullshit bigotry subside ?

And don't tell me "when they act like I think you see me act"

Because that is subjective, not objective.. and its bigotry to expect somebody else to adopt your culture because YOU think its superior to theirs.

As for the "rich Jews on wall street" bullshit...
here ya go.

National GDP :

USA- $17.528 trillion
EU- $18.451 trillion
UK- $2.828 trillion
Germany- $3.876 trillion
France- $2.886 trillion
Canada- $1.769 trillion
Japan- $4.835 trillion
Australia- $1.436 trillion

Switzerland- $693.532 billion
Argentina- $404.483 billion
South Africa- $371.211 billion
Poland- $513,934 billion

Iran- $405.540 billion

Israel - $305.707 billion

Number of Businesses to Jews in the USA -

18,204,679 Businesses

8,300,000 Jewish Americans (the max number)


The Average income of American Jewish people - $54,000 Which is also the United States GDP Per capita, or average pay for an American.

A Jewish committee person makes only $45,286 per year, this is below average.

Wall Street ethnicities and religions

Founder of Morgan Stanley - Henry Sturgis Morgan UK
Harold Stanley US

Founder of Standard and Poors - Henry Varnum Poor US state of Maine.

Current president of Standard and Poors- Douglas L. Peterson.

Founders of Dow Jones - Charles Dow US Connecticut, Edward Jones, Charles Bergstresser.. Americanized spelling for a german name.

William Lewis - Modern day CEO of Dow Jones

NASDAQ OMX Group - The owner of Nasdaq :)

Donald Edward, Chairman of Nasdaq.

Robert Greifeld, CEO of Nasdaq, born to Italian and Irish parents.

CEO of Bank of America - Brian Moynihan, born to a roman catholic family of Irish descent.

Bill Gates - $85 Billion... English, German, Scots-Irish


Not a single one of these people are Jewish.

There ya go.

Thank you.

Saying that Israel isn't a good place to be isn't Anti Semitism... adolf hitler and the like is Anti Semitism.
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Mate27 said:
Fox news, the most worthless piece of evil lying scum shit who has done more damage to America than Al Qaeda. Owned by a White Australian, Rupert Murdoch.


Ummm, Rupert Murdoch is an Australian Jew, in case you didn't know.

Other than that, a very nice post.
March 11, 1931 —

There are many, many prominent Australian Jews. Let's do a little rundown.
Actress Isla Fisher. That's a good one.
Table tennis player David Zalcberg. Two-time Olympian.
And... ummmm. Hmmmm.
Australian Jews.... Hmmmm. Give us a minute here. Billionaire mogul Rubert Murdoch, maybe?
Well, it depends on who you believe. According to some out there, Rubert's great-great-grandmother, Caroline Jemima Sherson, was Jewish. But considering that research found that the young Jemima was baptized before she was one year old, we highly doubt those first-mentioned sources.
Of course, it's possible that Jemima's parents were Jewish and converted, but this puts us in the 1700s. So even if there is that Jewish link, it's long been dissipated.
So.... Australian Jews. Anyone heard of astronomer Bryan Gaensler? Author Elliot Perlman? Painter Judy Cassab? Many prominent Australian Jews indeed.

Verdict: Not a Jew.
December 1, 2008

Jew or Not Jew: Rupert Murdoch

Oh no, ze Juden have discovered my antisemitism! Qvickly, I must pretend I am ein friend to der Juden or zey von't take me seriously again!

Nice try, OP, but we all know by now that you hate Israel, hate Jews, and hate rationality. You are forever branded as an anti-Semite, and that will pervade all that you do here. You can never recover your credibility.
hey, I don't give a fuck what a repuke far right wing "Israel is the king of the world" tard says about me

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