A key inflation measure rose to a 39-year high to 6.8 percent last month under Biden, as Republicans pounce on the bad economic news

Dude, Reagan had a republic senate from 1982-6 and largely signed budgets that reflected his tax and spending wishes. Do you know how many times he raised taxes to pay for his military wishes and tax cuts for corporations and wealthy people?

Also, Reagan did hike SS taxes because the program works and it's political suicide to mess with the program. That made him a smart.
Yeah, but he didn't have a gop house. But Nostril just pulling shit of of his ass like usual that there was some agreement to "cut spending." Reagan did curtail spending with dem support in block granting programs, but Reagan oversaw expanions is spending even while raising taxes.

But the progs are goosing demand despite there not being enough supply, and they're doing it by paying people to not work. It's insane.
Well, if you old enough to understand that riddle me this old man. Why do personal computers which cost $2,500 for a basic unit with limited memory in the 1990's only cost $799.00 now with 50X the performance.
Oh that's funny.
And really stupid.... course, that's why it is funny
Yes, you need to learn history.

Can you post the "Reagan never had a republican Congress" again. Ya know, just for shits and giggles before you're proven wrong.
Sure. Reagan never had a Republican Congress.

Prove me wrong.
Sure, the former president and probably his family took the jab, but his sycophant followers haven't and won't.
That is not remotely true. Some haven't taken it but not because they are his followers it is because Fauci has flip flopped how many times?
Nostil, you still lied about ONeill promising to cut spending
Another Dimtard who needs an education in history.

The main substantial and early aisle-crossing legislation, which many point to as a Reagan-O’Neill friendship, was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, which increased taxes. And even then, the main promise from O’Neill — to cut spending — was broken, causing a major thorn in the president’s image and his opinion of the leader. They only did business together twice: TEFRA and a deal on Social Security. Chris Matthews, in his book on the relationship between the two men, prances through Washington falsely claiming they did the 1986 Tax Reform legislation together. Wrong. Reagan did the deal with House Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski. O’Neill was getting ready to retire.

Another Dimtard who needs an education in history.

The main substantial and early aisle-crossing legislation, which many point to as a Reagan-O’Neill friendship, was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, which increased taxes. And even then, the main promise from O’Neill — to cut spending — was broken, causing a major thorn in the president’s image and his opinion of the leader. They only did business together twice: TEFRA and a deal on Social Security. Chris Matthews, in his book on the relationship between the two men, prances through Washington falsely claiming they did the 1986 Tax Reform legislation together. Wrong. Reagan did the deal with House Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski. O’Neill was getting ready to retire.

you're citing an opinion piece, nostril

And the dems DID allow Reagan to block grant social programs despite Ted Kennedy's opposition.
you're citing an opinion piece, nostril

And the dems DID allow Reagan to block grant social programs despite Ted Kennedy's opposition.
I proved you are an ignorant idiot. Spin that however you want if it makes you feel better.
Having lived during that period, you have to be informed that Reagan inherited the inflation rate from Carter... I know cause I voted for Carter (BIG BIG MISTAKE because I thought he was smart) so I LIVED through that time!
Historically here is inflation history from that period: FACTS.
1977-- 1980 Carter
1981-1988 Reagan
1989-1992 Bush
View attachment 574023

Yup. Under Carter no one could afford to buy a home. It was buy it outright, or live with a 12% or higher interest rate.
Inflation rate was 13.5% when Reagan took office, 4.1% when he left, you fucking moron.

The gator only repeats what his masters tell him to.

He can't think for himself.
Biden misunderstands basic economics

WOW........And just yesterday I watched the left float the inflation rate had reduced. Also "experts" expected something like 2.8%.

Think of that man, 100 bucks in January is about $93 today. How many of you rec'd a 6.8% raise this year without promotions & sales?
We've really upped our game with Chinese trade. China's last report showed a 28% increase in exports.

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