U.S. Inflation Hits 39-Year High of 7%

Something always gets fucked up really bad when we have a Democrat President.

For instance, when The Worthless Negro was President health care was screwed up real bad, in addition to numerous other failures.

Under President Potatohead we have massive runaway inflation, in addition to other problems.

Trump gave Potatohead a pandemic recovering economy complete with a vaccine and Potatohead fucked it up.
Something always gets fucked up really bad when we have a Democrat President.

For instance, when The Worthless Negro was President health care was screwed up real bad, in addition to numerous other failures.

Under President Potatohead we have massive runaway inflation, in addition to other problems.

Trump gave Potatohead a pandemic recovering economy complete with a vaccine and Potatohead fucked it up.
What did President Obama screw up?
I can agree with that.

Now if we can just get companies to pay what people should be getting paid instead of handing off all the benefits of record profits to their shareholders and upper management, we might be getting somewhere.
That is an issue to be taken up with the type of people who wind up owning a business.
They complain that running a business is a stumbling block of expenses, rules and regulations as an excuse to line their own pockets.
This is bad, it's something young people have never seen.
The Biden economy is killing us!

U.S. Inflation Hits 39-Year High of 7%, Sets Stage for Fed Hike​

Wholesale prices jump nearly 10% in 2021, another sign of growing inflation.

It's worse than that...a LOT worse.

This is a return to double digit inflation.

This sort of inflation hasn't been seen for almost 50years.
So how is Dr. Fauci to blame?
Did I blame Fauci? That said the role of the Federal Government should be to coordinate between the states to ensure best practices are shared and assisting where needed. Im not sure our Federal health system has been doing a very good job of that, Fauci being at the head of one of those agencies and making himself the face does bear him some responsibility. Fauci has been his own worst enemy IMO. He became way too enamored with his celebrity and he's way too political.

The horrors of inflation caused by a pandemic of 7%

How will we ever survive????

People are so bad off their buying shit like crazy!!!!

Go ahead and blow it off buddy, just remember your words when your income doesn't keep up with rising prices.

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