A Liberal Reponse To Conservatives

Hilarious.. coming from the crowd that espouses defeatism at every opportunity?
:clap2: good for you for seeing the light. :clap2:

Damn those GOP leaders!!!

Senate GOP Leaders Mitch McConnell "pushed for a troop drawdown from Iraq: In September 2006, the Senate's GOP leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, asked Bush in a private meeting to bring "some troops" home from Iraq in hopes of boosting Republicans ahead of a crucial midterm election. "Your unpopularity is going to cost us control of the Congress," McConnell said, according to Bush. Asked what he could do, the senator told Bush, "Mr. President, bring some troops home from Iraq.""

thanks you former President George W. Bush for this fact. :clap2:


Another "I know you are but what am I" response from Dante.

How is quoting George Bush "I know you are but what am I?"
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

Oh, I agree but too often we need a kick in the .....

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

good link. :clap2:

Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of “American values”. In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice. Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Christie never said "we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River."

What he actually said is that it wouldn't be economically smart to build it right now.

But then I don't expect someone like you to see and realize there is a difference between those two statements.

You know who got us to the moon? Any guesses? Russia did, sputnik did? Kinda weird but we are a complacent, contented people as so much of our history demonstrates. Now if we could only wake up the good people in America and get UHC, poverty solved, war spending reduced, manufacturing, withdrawal of the troops, and solvency, we'd be OK. Which party can do that? Guesses?

Anyone interested in a great narrative history check out Manchester's 'The Glory and the Dream' and on the Idea side, Peter Watson's 'A Terrible Beauty' Published as 'The Modern Mind' in the US.

We got to the moon because people were concerned about the Russians having the ability to mount something like Reagan wanted (remember SDI?)

As far as poverty and the rest, I dare say if you would look at the same history since Johnson's great society until now, we have spent FAR MORE on the war on poverty than we ever spent on the space race.

But the answer from liberals is SPEND SOME MORE! As if there is a never ending supply of money that will never end.


This is the problem with conservatives. All they see is "we spent money", but don't see the results of that money? Like they computers they are using to write: But the answer from liberals is SPEND SOME MORE!

Or the microwave oven they use to heat their coffee.

Or the Internet they use to complain that liberals only want to spend money.

This is why only 6% of scientists are Republican. The lack of critical thinking. The lack of vision. Just Bell Jars and cornfields. That's all they see. Plus the imaginary threat from their "government" wanting to know what kind of toothpaste they use.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Christie never said "we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River."


What a fucking trip... :rofl: Right Wing World is too funny.


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Can anyone say apples and fucking oranges?

Christie knows you can't spend what you don't have.

The liberals complain about people "starving" in America and then flip the script and want the governor of New Jersey to build a bridge to the moon. Ha! Priorities?
We simply cannot afford another federally funded project rife with graft, corruption and waste.

Have all of you forgotten the Big Dig fiasco?
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Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Kennedy? You mean the guy who instituted across the board tax cuts for the economy? That liberal?

Anyway, an inappropriate analogy under a misleading thread title. Yep, that IS a liberal response.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



With all the money in the world, we can do a lot of things. The question is whether not we should do things. It should make sense to spend the money.

Is Chris Christie's objection that we can't build it now because we don't have the money?
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Kennedy? You mean the guy who instituted across the board tax cuts for the economy? That liberal?

Anyway, an inappropriate analogy under a misleading thread title. Yep, that IS a liberal response.


gawd, you're slow...

Kennedy's view on tax cuts are the same as Reagan,

John F. Kennedy on taxes

"It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now ... Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus."

– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, president's news conference

"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government."

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Kennedy's tax cuts had to do with tax loop holes. Kennedy said the wealthy were NOT paying their fair share of taxes. JFK closed the loopholes and lowered the rate teh wealthy paid. Kennedy's tax policies increased tax revenue coming in from the wealthy.

If you're going to start regurgitating Right Wing World Echo Chamber bullshit without understanding context, you will fail every time.

JFK, the demand-side tax cutter. - By David Greenberg - Slate Magazine JFK lowered taxes, but supply-siders wrongly claim he's their patron saint.

Demand side vs supply side.
can anyone say 'fuck off'?
Can anyone say apples and fucking oranges?

Christie knows you can't spend what you don't have.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.


Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said


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Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Kennedy? You mean the guy who instituted across the board tax cuts for the economy? That liberal?

Anyway, an inappropriate analogy under a misleading thread title. Yep, that IS a liberal response.


gawd, you're slow...

Gawd you're stupid. From your own link:
It is, I believe, this faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith, for liberalism is not so much a party creed or a set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of Justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.
Faith in individuals, in man's ability to increase FOR HIMSELF Justice and freedom. Hmm, which party does that sound like?
can anyone say 'fuck off'?
Can anyone say apples and fucking oranges?

Christie knows you can't spend what you don't have.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.


Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



He had good reason to stop it. You are being dishonest in saying that Christie believes "we are incapable of building" it, period. He is only talking about it from a financial perspective, which makes sense. Here: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie agrees to reconsider Hudson River tunnel project | NJ.com

Christie on Thursday said he was canceling the tunnel, known as Access to the Region's Core (ARC), because estimates had the project going anywhere from $2.3 billion to $5.3 million over budget.

"The fact that the ARC project is not financially viable and is expected to dramatically exceed its current budget remains unchanged," the governor said in a statement today.

Does it make sense to sign up for something where we know beforehand that it will be that substantially over budget?
can anyone say 'fuck off'?
Can anyone say apples and fucking oranges?

Christie knows you can't spend what you don't have.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.


Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Are you for real? You seriously believe that JFK was a LIBERAL? ROFL! What do you base that on because it isn't based on reality! The man would be disowned by the Democrat Party if alive today. JFK opposed everything his own drunken brother stood for and would have disavowed his own drunken, negligent homicide committing-belonged-in-prison brother Ted's repulsive political positions -because he did in life already. Get real. You don't get to rewrite it buddy and pretend that if he had just stayed alive he would have changed his own political positions to mirror his revolting brother's.

The man who believed in limited government that should encourage people to achieve THEIR best instead of teaching them to be dependent on government for their existence, believed in LOW taxes and American exceptionalism, a self-reliant citizenry and utterly DESPISED communism to his dying breath -and you think that guy was a LIBERAL? Oh please. Do you know who Zell Miller is and how TODAY'S Democrats treated him just 10 years ago -and publicly called him a TRAITOR? A lifelong PATRIOT and DEMOCRAT and the disgusting liberals running the Democrat party called him a TRAITOR? They did because Zell Miller held the IDENTICAL political positions of JFK and refused to become a leftwing extremist like those who took over the party. He refused to abandon the political positions of JFK because like JFK, a man he personally knew and admired -they are the political positions he really believed in. And his reward for being a lifelong Democrat in the mold of JFK was for those who took over HIS party to publicly denounce him as a TRAITOR! And you think JFK was a LIBERAL? ROFL! Are you silly enough to believe that Ted held the same political positions as his brother John? LOL Ted often said things in his brother's name as if pretending his brother shared his political beliefs -but that was typical drunk Ted exploiting his dead brother for his own political gain knowing full well his brother DESPISED his political beliefs -because he did when alive. And what the man believed when alive is all that counts -not the fairy tale pretense that JFK would have done a 180 and become a US hating, nanny government loving, encourage dependency on government loving, never-saw-a-tax-he-didn't-vote-to-inflict-on-us, communist admiring asshole like his brother.

It wasn't Zell Miller's political positions that changed and it wasn't JFK's political positions that EVER changed. The Democrat party was overrun with and dominated by the socialist/communist admiring leftwing extremists that have very little in common with the vast majority in this country. Taken over by those who believe in the very things JFK DESPISED. Robert Kennedy was much more liberal than JFK -but still nowhere near that of Ted and the leftwing extremists running the party today.

Don't be silly enough to believe that just because someone has/had a "D" after their name even decades ago it somehow means they would have the same political positions as 21st century liberal when a case can be made that today's liberal believes in teaching children to believe the real role of government is to "take care" of them as their parental replacement (which has only bred temper tantrum throwing POOR quality citizens all over Europe), blames our own country's existence for most of the world's ills and thinks a known failure of a system that has been responsible for the worst incidents of mass murder in the history of man is still preferable to our own -everything JFK rejected in life. As did most Democrats. But apparently today's liberal really is stupid enough to believe JFK would join them in their repulsive far leftwing extremist beliefs if alive today! ROFL
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Kennedy? You mean the guy who instituted across the board tax cuts for the economy? That liberal?

Anyway, an inappropriate analogy under a misleading thread title. Yep, that IS a liberal response.


gawd, you're slow...

Gawd you're stupid. From your own link:
It is, I believe, this faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith, for liberalism is not so much a party creed or a set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of Justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.
Faith in individuals, in man's ability to increase FOR HIMSELF Justice and freedom. Hmm, which party does that sound like?


Oops, you left out a part:

for himself and his fellow men

Republicans believe in "Every man for himself". Quite a different philosophy.
can anyone say 'fuck off'?
Can anyone say apples and fucking oranges?

Christie knows you can't spend what you don't have.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.


Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said




Where I work, the head of Human Resources has one of those cars. She likes it. Only it's grey colored and not red.
Liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy declared that we would go to the moon. Conservative Republican Chris Christie tells us that we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River.

nuf said



Christie never said "we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River."


What a fucking trip... :rofl: Right Wing World is too funny.



So, you stick you the failed claim that Christie said "we are incapable of building a railroad tunnel beneath the Hudson River?"

Please show me exactly where Christie said any such thing. Post the quote, post a link, hell, post some kind of proof that Christie ever said anything even close to that. I'll wait.

It's hilarious to watch cons and poor dupes try and defend admiring Kennedy while standing against everything Kennedy himself stood for. :rofl:

Got it, you can't post proof. Thanks.

And for the record, I didn't say a single word in any post about Kennedy. I really don't care if you admire Kennedy. What I think is hilarious is the fact that you took that one quote out of an otherwise well written opinion piece and used it. Hilarious because that one quote is a flat out lie and pretty much makes that opinion piece useless.

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