A Likelihood.Mass Outrage After First CNN Debate That Included Biden.No Questions About"U-No-What"?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:omg: :aargh: :cul2: Now keep in mind, Trump was asked about what he was heard via hot mike. So why can't they ask Biden any questions regarding what millions have seen on videos/you-tube?
What is CNN going to ask Joe? what sit-coms he watched as a child? what he had for breakfast? Or are they gonna ask Joe about his well known habits that include his hands and nose and very young females?
Maybe Bernie will become a hero and bring this up as he is standing next to Biden !!!
Yes, we can expect a major outrage with at least 70 Million Americans furious that not one moderator asked Joe Biden about his "Kinky/Wandering Fingers" Habit.
:hyper: :iagree: :huh1:
Senator Biden, don't you find it rather odd and freaky to sniff a womans hair within 15 seconds of the initial meet and greet?
:omg: :aargh: :cul2: Now keep in mind, Trump was asked about what he was heard via hot mike. So why can't they ask Biden any questions regarding what millions have seen on videos/you-tube?
What is CNN going to ask Joe? what sit-coms he watched as a child? what he had for breakfast? Or are they gonna ask Joe about his well known habits that include his hands and nose and very young females?
Maybe Bernie will become a hero and bring this up as he is standing next to Biden !!!
Yes, we can expect a major outrage with at least 70 Million Americans furious that not one moderator asked Joe Biden about his "Kinky/Wandering Fingers" Habit.
:hyper: :iagree: :huh1:

Are you kidding? YOU KNOW that neither CNN nor Fox will ask Joe anything about his groping or Liz about her indianhood. That would be like admitting the Left are as bad or worse than the right! All the grabbing questions, as well as big hands, unstable, danger to society, lying, coverup, etc., questions, they are all for Trump because a different metric exists for conservative candidates---- the Left ALWAYS have some excuse to justify it.

For the Left, one must walk lightly in asking them questions because they are after all adolescent snowflakes liable to go of in an instant.
:omg: :aargh: :cul2: Now keep in mind, Trump was asked about what he was heard via hot mike. So why can't they ask Biden any questions regarding what millions have seen on videos/you-tube?
What is CNN going to ask Joe? what sit-coms he watched as a child? what he had for breakfast? Or are they gonna ask Joe about his well known habits that include his hands and nose and very young females?
Maybe Bernie will become a hero and bring this up as he is standing next to Biden !!!
Yes, we can expect a major outrage with at least 70 Million Americans furious that not one moderator asked Joe Biden about his "Kinky/Wandering Fingers" Habit.
:hyper: :iagree: :huh1:
No questions about the fact that Biden is owned by Russian, The Ukraine and China?
:omg: :aargh: :cul2: Now keep in mind, Trump was asked about what he was heard via hot mike. So why can't they ask Biden any questions regarding what millions have seen on videos/you-tube?
What is CNN going to ask Joe? what sit-coms he watched as a child? what he had for breakfast? Or are they gonna ask Joe about his well known habits that include his hands and nose and very young females?
Maybe Bernie will become a hero and bring this up as he is standing next to Biden !!!
Yes, we can expect a major outrage with at least 70 Million Americans furious that not one moderator asked Joe Biden about his "Kinky/Wandering Fingers" Habit.
:hyper: :iagree: :huh1:

Are you kidding? YOU KNOW that neither CNN nor Fox will ask Joe anything about his groping or Liz about her indianhood. That would be like admitting the Left are as bad or worse than the right! All the grabbing questions, as well as big hands, unstable, danger to society, lying, coverup, etc., questions, they are all for Trump because a different metric exists for conservative candidates---- the Left ALWAYS have some excuse to justify it.

For the Left, one must walk lightly in asking them questions because they are after all adolescent snowflakes liable to go of in an instant.
can you imagine if a moderator asked Joe something like this?,,,,senator Biden, how old are you? 76? 77?,,,so, what age will you finally stop having all of these urges?
Joe's the most electable, because he's an old white male like Trump and Reagan.

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