A List Of Grievances:


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
The Results of Progressive and Neo-Con Governing:

95 Grievances:

  1. 43,000,000 babies murdered.
  2. Fluoride in your drinking water.
  3. Chicago
  4. 17,000,000,000,000 debt and climbing.
  5. Trayvon Martin drama
  6. Destabilizing the Middle East.
  7. Detroit
  8. Mock-child sacrifice rituals at the Bohemian Grove
  9. Spying on All Americans.
  10. Camden
  11. Kidnapping Americans (NDAA)
  12. Suspending Jury Trials for Americans (NDAA)
  13. New Orleans
  14. Suspending Habaes Corpus for Americas (NDAA)
  15. Para-militarizing the police
  16. California
  17. Flying drones over US skies
  18. Assassinating Americans (Michael Hastings, Breitbart, Seal Team 6 ---even Breitbart's Coroner!)
  19. Senator Dianne Frankenstein
  20. Declaring Libertarians and Constitutionalists Terrorists.
  21. Labeling the Founding Fathers Extremists
  22. Senator John McLame
  23. Gun Grabbing
  24. SCOTUS usurping the Right to Contract --- under the guise of tax.
  25. Fiat currency.
  26. Rewarding foreign corporations and manufacturing
  27. Closing down United States power plants, forcing us to buy Mexican power.
  28. Senator Lindsey Scam
  29. Arming Al Qaeda
  30. FORCING jobs overseas via tax/regulations
  31. Training Al Qaeda
  32. FEMA camps
  33. Funding Al Qaeda
  34. DHS purchasing 2 billion + rounds of hollow point ammunition
  35. Directing Al Qaeda
  36. O'Babble
  37. GMO poisoning
  38. Gitmo
  39. 9-11 investigation
  40. No-Knock Warrants
  41. Red-Light Cameras with extremely short YELLOW lights
  42. Torture
  43. New Orleans
  44. Electronically rigged voting and Gerrymandering
  45. State rights?
  46. The War on Drugs (The War on Black People)
  47. Senator Dick Turdin
  48. Gun Free School Zones
  49. Bridgeport, Connetcuit
  50. Progressive 1910's Espionage Act circumventing the Treason Clause of the United States Constitution (Article III, Section 3)
  51. Severe lack of armed guards in schools
  52. Detonating a nuke under Eric Cantor's district (Virgina Earthquake shown to be shallow nuclear detonation in ALL early seismographs)
  53. Chemtrails -- yippee!
  54. Benghazi
  55. IRS targeting Tea Party
  56. TSA molestation
  57. DHS doing target practice on portraits of pregnant women and old men.
  58. Spying on AP.
  59. Demonization of whistleblowers
  60. our education standards compared to other nations
  61. Oakland, California
  62. Flint, Michigan
  63. Boston Bombing
  64. FBI shooting Ibragim Todashev in the head 7 times while he was tied up
  65. Libya
  66. Muslim brotherhood
  67. Egypt
  68. 1 in 97 Americans behind bars.
  69. Greece
  70. Cyprus
  71. Governor Andrew Comatose
  72. 33,000,000,000,000 "borrowed" for Social Security
  73. DHS armored vehicles
  74. Passing a Bill so we can "find out what's inside it"
  75. Rising Healthcare Premiums
  76. Employers cutting back to 29 hours of work per employee
  77. Buffalo and Rochester, New York
  78. Repealing Glass-Steagal (caused housing bubble)
  79. Repealing the Smith-Mundt Act (ban on US propaganda)
  80. Iraq pre-2003 vs Iraq-2013
  81. Patriot Act
  82. The 17th Amendment
  83. Suspension of Fifth Amendment Protection to not testify against oneself.
  84. Rampant seizure of private property for local, state and federal use, with little compensation.
  85. Revocation of double Jeopardy protections (dual sovereignty tyranny)
  86. Suspending and intimidating young boys for engaging in any behavior that involves a "fake" or "imagined" gun in school.
  87. Kidnapping people from their cars to force administer DWI tests
  88. Random Checkpoints
  89. Syria
  90. Border Un-Control
  91. Excessive Taxation local, state and federal
  92. Uniform Commercial Code (or any respective variant due to location/jurisdiction)
  93. Government sponsored Reverse Racism
  94. Lack of voting fraud detection
  95. Capping the House of Representatives at 435 (only 1 Rep per 700,000 people)

Can you extend this list?
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Just letting you know 2AD, there are 66 grievances there, not 95.


there are now

If I wanted to probe deeper, by going into alternative-media-only grievances, we'd easily have a list over 10,000

Ahh, there we are. It would be painful enough for me to go over all 95 individually. You know how I roll. There is a plethora of grievances with our government and the so called "mainstream media"

I'll start with number one.

Just kidding.
#2 on your list is "fluoride"? No wonder your convention will never get off the ground.
#2 on your list is "fluoride"? No wonder your convention will never get off the ground.

The ones in red are the important ones, I randomly sorted the list with a Python script, so there would be no particular order to it.

However, you're a Libtard, so you probably didn't observe the highlighted items in red.

Not to mention, fluoride causes brain damage during children development, and some damage for adults. You probably drank a lot of it, and still do, just as Obama wanted you to.
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Its a pretty good list.

What I found ESPECIALLY HEARTENING about this list is that 2nd Amendment noted that both "progressives " and "neocons" are responsible.

When my leaning left chums and my leaning right chums finally realize that their major differences are NOT philosophical (they both love this nation) but rather merely rhetorical (but they call the enemy by different names) this nation might find the balls to heal itself.
Fluoride has been added to public water in the US since the 50s. How old are you?

He is in favor of tooth decay

Even Harvard has revealed is many studies that Fluoride permanently retards brain growth in children.

Who is the Government to spike our water with Fluoride?

I have drank fluoridated water since the 60s and am still a USMB poster. What is your excuse for your paranoia?

Shoots your theory to hell
Its a pretty good list.

What I found ESPECIALLY HEARTENING about this list is that 2nd Amendment noted that both "progressives " and "neocons" are responsible.

When my leaning left chums and my leaning right chums finally realize that their major differences are NOT philosophical (they both love this nation) but rather merely rhetorical (but they call the enemy by different names) this nation might find the balls to heal itself.


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