The seven worst presidents of the United States? Here is a list of them. Hey wait a minute we are missing one.

LOL. So what Alt-Right Member of the Month newsletter did you get this propaganda from?
Well, you got two of them right anyway. I guess there must be something said for trying.

Bottom of the barrel in ascending order. There is disagreement among historians about ranked order (not alt-right media outlets). But the bottom four are the same.


USNews and World Distort?
We were not in the war you ****, not until soldiers got involved. You know that is a war right?

They were involved you dolt.

Try reading A Bright and Shining Lie by Neil Sheehan, and stop pretending you know ANYTHING about history or the times I lived through.
Not with Joe Biden ruining(was going to say running, but that is a lie) the United States. My sister has bought and built a house in Costa Rico. She may become a resident there and give up her US passport.
I hear Costa Rico is nice, but I'd be too lazy to learn the language at my age.

As far as the president's list goes, based on the category, Democratic presidents who, from a conservative standpoint, faced significant criticisms during or after their tenure, Biden certainly belongs on there.

It would be interesting to see other lists such as Republican presidents who, from a conservative standpoint, faced significant criticisms during or after their tenure. I would think Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Nixon would be on there.
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)©Provided by Prepared Adventurer
Often criticized for his handling of the Iran hostage crisis and the economic malaise of the late 1970s, Carter faced challenges like stagflation and an energy crisis. Detractors argue that his approach to foreign policy and economic issues left the country weaker on the world stage.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)©Photo Credit: Unsplash.
While FDR is often lauded for his New Deal policies, some conservatives believe they prolonged the Great Depression. Additionally, his attempt to pack the Supreme Court and internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II have been sources of criticism.
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)©Photo Credit: Depositphotos.
The escalation of the Vietnam War under Johnson’s leadership remains a significant point of contention. His War on Poverty and Great Society programs, while aiming to reduce poverty and racial injustice, are seen by some as having unintended negative consequences on the economy and family structure.
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)©Photo Credit: Unsplash.

Wilson’s legacy is controversial due to his handling of World War I and his racial views, particularly his support for segregation. Additionally, his push for the League of Nations, which the US never joined, is seen by some as naive internationalism.
James Buchanan (1857-1861)©Photo Credit: Unsplash.
Often found at the bottom of presidential rankings, Buchanan’s indecisiveness and failure to address the growing sectional tensions over slavery are widely seen as leading the nation closer to the Civil War.
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)©Photo Credit: Unsplash.
Taking office after Lincoln’s assassination, Johnson’s lenient policies towards the South during the Reconstruction era and his frequent clashes with Congress, leading to his impeachment, mark his contentious tenure.
Barack Obama (2009-2017)©Photo Credit: Unsplash.
From a conservative viewpoint, Obama’s Affordable Care Act (often called Obamacare) and his handling of foreign policy issues, like the Iran nuclear deal, draw criticism. Additionally, detractors argue that his economic policies led to slower recovery post the 2008 financial crisis.

What do all these presidents have in common? Yep, democrats. If you want to destroy a nation, and watch the world turn into war, just elect a democrat, as we are now seeing with the worst president ever in the United States, even topping his boss, Barry Sorento from Kenya(his college ID said he was a foreign exchange student). What is worse is that with the millions of illegals that have crossed the southern border, we dont know how many of them are here to blow up buildings and murder innocent people. You can thank Joe Biden when that happens..

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They were involved you dolt.

Try reading A Bright and Shining Lie by Neil Sheehan, and stop pretending you know ANYTHING about history or the times I lived through.
The French were the soldiers and in their arrogance, thought that their French Technology would crush the slant eyed uneducated small people with ease. So they asked for "Advice", on how to beat these miscreants when it was realized that the French were pussies when it came to warfare. Still the US had no soldiers over in Vietnam so we werent "Officially" at war. Not until John F. (Wife Cheater) put boots on the ground, did the US enter into the War, while France ran off with their yellow tales, like chicken shits that they always are, leaving US to continue a fight, we could never win.

March 1965

In March 1965, Johnson made the decision—with solid support from the American public—to send U.S. combat forces into battle in Vietnam.

Vietnam War: Causes, Facts …
In March 1965, President Johnson ordered U.S. Marine battalions to defend the American airbase at Da Nang, Vietnam. It marked the first time combat troops were inserted into the war. The escalation continued throughout 1965, and by...

Why Did the US Enter the Vie
I hear Costa Rico is nice, but I'd be too lazy to learn the language at my age.

As far as the president's list goes, based on the category, Democratic presidents who, from a conservative standpoint, faced significant criticisms during or after their tenure, Biden certainly belongs on there.

It would be interesting to see other lists such as Republican presidents who, from a conservative standpoint, faced significant criticisms during or after their tenure. I would think Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Nixon would be on there.
George Bush's 41 and 43 also, Hubert Humphry for sure.
OP has BDS. Biden administration is one of the most consequential bipartisan legislative agendas ever passed.
The French were the soldiers and in their arrogance, thought that their French Technology would crush the slant eyed uneducated small people with ease. So they asked for "Advice", on how to beat these miscreants when it was realized that the French were pussies when it came to warfare. Still the US had no soldiers over in Vietnam so we werent "Officially" at war. Not until John F. (Wife Cheater) put boots on the ground, did the US enter into the War, while France ran off with their yellow tales, like chicken shits that they always are, leaving US to continue a fight, we could never win.

March 1965

In March 1965, Johnson made the decision—with solid support from the American public—to send U.S. combat forces into battle in Vietnam.

Vietnam War: Causes, Facts …
In March 1965, President Johnson ordered U.S. Marine battalions to defend the American airbase at Da Nang, Vietnam. It marked the first time combat troops were inserted into the war. The escalation continued throughout 1965, and by...

Why Did the US Enter the Vie Once again, you've been caught flat footed and you're flailing. Once again, you've been caught flat footed and you're flailing.
Also, it was Woodrow Wilson who ran as a president that would not get the US involved in WWI. After he was reelected, he got the US involved in WWI. Or are you going to tell me it was Abraham Lincoln who started that war?

FDR had to wait till Japan, which FDR knew was going to hit, so he also, could send 10s of thousands of young men to their deaths to stop the spread of a Far Right Socialist who had intentions of conquering the world. Or was the US already in the War, when FDR sent advisors and equipment to Britstain, long before the attack on Pearl?

Did you forget all this shit, that the Marxists/Demofascists did in getting the US into war?
Also, it was Woodrow Wilson who ran as a president that would not get the US involved in WWI. After he was reelected, he got the US involved in WWI. Or are you going to tell me it was Abraham Lincoln who started that war?

FDR had to wait till Japan, which FDR knew was going to hit, so he also, could send 10s of thousands of young men to their deaths to stop the spread of a Far Right Socialist who had intentions of conquering the world. Or was the US already in the War, when FDR sent advisors and equipment to Britstain, long before the attack on Pearl?

Did you forget all this shit, that the Marxists/Demofascists did in getting the US into war?

It was the GERMANS who started that war.

My God but you’re ignorant.
Those that go by the gospel of Jeff Fang's 7 worse presidents may want to emigrate to these countries he lists as better than the United States:
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Switzerland
  • Denmark
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Germany
  • Sweden
America Isn’t All That Great
While I’d rank Canada and Germany way down the list I’d say he’s pretty accurate.
The U.S. can no longer be ranked on it’s past/history….the Great Experiment has failed big-time, we are a severely divided diverse and multicultural shithole with no identity and too many differences among us.
Homogenous caucasian nations are going to run away from the U.S., it won’t be long before legit people here stop moving to TX and FL and start moving to Denmark.

Unkotare did you piss yourself while reading this?
Every day, i pray that some illegal alien T- bones your car thus removing a stupid moron from the world.
everything you know is garbage propaganda, hateful and Anti American, hater dupe. Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS KNOWS Trump and W have no real competition....
It started in the Balkans between the Austria-Hungarians and the Serbs, nitwit.
There is a difference between getting the declarations of war organized and actually starting a huge invasion through the low countries and France.....
There is a difference between getting the declarations of war organized and actually starting a huge invasion through the low countries and France.....
Regardless, the war started between those two parties.

Those piling on are peripheral to the original clash.

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