A little school nostalgia for you..........


The one job I never got to do!

Beyond working in the library, the other job I got the most was cleaning erasers and raising/lowering the flag. Crossing monitor a few times. Remember that sash you got to wear as crossing monitor?


In elementary school we cleaned the erasers on the brick construction.
The spot was dedicated for just that and always had a thick layer of chalk.
And of course the eraser wars,we'd throw em at each other with the hope that the chalky side would hit your intended target.

Yeah, when I was checking out physical books, I'd have 10 or 20 books out at a time.

I need to check out the library in my new home, a small farming town. I hope they have reciprocal lending agreements with other libraries in the county.


The library down the street from me has DVDS of tons of movies and TV shows.
Every once in a while, I will go get the series DVD set of a tv show I like or some movies I want on hand, and I burn them onto an external hard drive I have.
That way I have my favorites to watch any time I want. And never had to pay a penny.
The library down the street from me has DVDS of tons of movies and TV shows.
Every once in a while, I will go get the series DVD set of a tv show I like or some movies I want on hand, and I burn them onto an external hard drive I have.
That way I have my favorites to watch any time I want. And never had to pay a penny.

I remember checking out movies on VHS. You often had to fight off the homeless guys who would sit in the carrels watching the movies so they could be inside on cold days!

I can't even imagine what Seattle's library is like nowadays, since the leftist bleeding hearts always allow the homeless to get away with a lot of shit in the building.

Using the restrooms at the library got pretty scary.


I remember checking out movies on VHS. You often had to fight off the homeless guys who would sit in the carrels watching the movies so they could be inside on cold days!

I can't even imagine what Seattle's library is like nowadays, since the leftist bleeding hearts always allow the homeless to get away with a lot of shit in the building.

Using the restrooms at the library got pretty scary.


Seattle? Isn't that one of the more recent cesspools of lunacy on the West coast??

I'm shocked any public buildings still stand or are in business.

Doesn't the city have homeless shelters and YMCA's for them to go to?
Seattle? Isn't that one of the more recent cesspools of lunacy on the West coast??

I'm shocked any public buildings still stand or are in business.

Doesn't the city have homeless shelters and YMCA's for them to go to?

Seattle has a HUGE drug population who refuse to use the shelters because the shelters have to be drug free.

When I worked in a transitional women's shelter there, there were plenty of women who could have had safe, pleasant digs with all the food, clothing and services they needed, for as long as two years, if they could just follow a few rules, but they could not leave the drugs and alcohol behind.

I just shook my head.

The OP video forgot the following.

Typing class.
Dodgeball in PE.
Boxing and Wrestling in PE.
Teacher Lounges filled with smoke.
Slide Rules.

BTW, manual wall mounted pencil sharpeners still exist. Yes they do.
Some things we don't have in schools anymore.........or that have changed since our days.

The only things I can think of that the video didn't have included were learning to tell time on a clock with hands (if it isn't digital, they can't tell time nowadays), having to write reports by hand (not typing on a pc), and teachers not only teaching subject matter, but also teaching lifeskills in the process (manners, etiquette, social skills, how to speak correctly, etc.....), which was stopped back in the 80's.

I had all these things in school and taught through the time when they went obsolete. Honestly, most of them sucked. Chalkboards are messy and terrible for asthma and allergies. Those little desks are awful. Looking up the title of a book on an online card catalog is awesome. So are whiteboards and projectors.

Third graders in our district still learn cursive, just not as extensively as we did. And those metal lunchboxes are pretty nostalgic, but the ones kids have now do a much better job of keeping food cold and fresh.
I started school in 1959 and graduated in 71. We didn't call them ditto machines, they were called mimeograph machines, and the pencil sharpeners didn't come apart on us unless we took it apart.

Plus we carried guns in our cars in high school and we didn't have any faggots either. Just normal kids. The female teachers didn't have big tits either for some stupid reason!



Loved the class but the teacher, who used the word "accurate" a lot, pronounced it "ack-rit". Just about drove me crazy. In a class where accuracy is important.

I didn't like any of my teachers. They were intimidating.
I didn't like any of my teachers. They were intimidating.

AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I'm sorry!

I adored my sixth grade teacher. He made all of his students aware of their incredible potential in life. After sixth grade, yeah.............. not so much. Seventh grade art teacher was pretty cool.

My husband, who also taught sixth grade, encouraged his students in the same way. When he passed away, some of his students who were by then parents and grandparents were there for us and it helped so much to see the love he put into teaching, so many decades later, shining through his "kids".

I only hope that there are still some dedicated teachers who care as much for the kids they teach.

Shooting range for gym class(gun safety edition),metal lathes, welders, torches and a mill in "industrial arts" and
a smoking block....
I used to check out 10 to 20 nooks at a time, mine or one hubby or the kid's cards.
Now it's all online of course, but also lots of it has been changed.
I basically lived in the library….I always had books checked out, best place in the school and we had a good public library too.
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