A little "test" for Trump: Is he pro-NATO or pro-Putin?

NATO embraced Obama's lead and allowed Russia to occupy Crimea .. correct...It seems that Putin doesn't respect other leaders of the world that embrace cowardice and wimpy responses..

Another Trump ass kisser......Here, review this about your orange moron in chief............LOL

Putin is Literally Moving Georgia's Border - International Policy Digest

Russia quietly moves border hundreds of yards into occupied Georgia ...

What Russia's invasion of Georgia means

Could you please do us a favor and quit clogging up the forum with your bullshit butthurt desperate attempts at self-consolation ?


Nothing about Russia is happening. You dogshit eaters have been crowing for over a year and it hasn't happened, won't happen.....

Now run along and stop demonstrating what a sad excuse for a human you are.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Pro NATO or Pro Putin? You must be kidding. The idiot trump's boss, Vladimir Putin, gives his puppet a new set of knee-pads every time they meet.

It is highly likely the idiot trump has pimped out Ivanka to the Russian leader, regularly.

For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

President Trump has called for a realignment of NATO, knowing it’s outdated. It should be poised to strike against the new biggest threat to the West: Islam. Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO ASAP, as Erdofag has proven to be a radical Islamic shithead.

If anything, we should be teaming up with Russia to isolate and destroy Muslim barbarians.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Pro NATO or Pro Putin? You must be kidding. The idiot trump's boss, Vladimir Putin, gives his puppet a new set of knee-pads every time they meet.

It is highly likely the idiot trump has pimped out Ivanka to the Russian leader, regularly.


Highly likely....what you need right now....some validation that your side of the system isn't headed for the sewer (where it belongs).

You ought to know about knee pads....you and your electronic lovers force us to watch as you give each other electronic handjobs.

You people really are sad and sick.
NATO embraced Obama's lead and allowed Russia to occupy Crimea .. correct...It seems that Putin doesn't respect other leaders of the world that embrace cowardice and wimpy responses..

Another Trump ass kisser......Here, review this about your orange moron in chief............LOL

Putin is Literally Moving Georgia's Border - International Policy Digest

Russia quietly moves border hundreds of yards into occupied Georgia ...

What Russia's invasion of Georgia means

Nope, I respect Trump and he's doing a great job despite the Democrat freeloaders in Congress and the Fake News crap spewing losers...

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he EU's blatant invasion of the Ukraine

WOW.....this idiot has been convinced that, as an example, the Crimea is really in the hands of the E.U.???................LOL

Nope, moron, that Crimea with the majority of people of Russian descent picked Russia over the IMF/BIS controlled E.U...which is their right after the illegal coup d'etat of the Ukraine and the propping up of an E.U friendly puppet that allowed the globalist bankers into the country. You don't know diddly squat......you wallow in ignorance.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Pro NATO or Pro Putin? You must be kidding. The idiot trump's boss, Vladimir Putin, gives his puppet a new set of knee-pads every time they meet.

It is highly likely the idiot trump has pimped out Ivanka to the Russian leader, regularly.


Uranium One......nuff said.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Pro NATO or Pro Putin? You must be kidding. The idiot trump's boss, Vladimir Putin, gives his puppet a new set of knee-pads every time they meet.

It is highly likely the idiot trump has pimped out Ivanka to the Russian leader, regularly.


Uranium One......nuff said.

it sure is. :lol:

For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Pro NATO or Pro Putin? You must be kidding. The idiot trump's boss, Vladimir Putin, gives his puppet a new set of knee-pads every time they meet.

It is highly likely the idiot trump has pimped out Ivanka to the Russian leader, regularly.


Uranium One......nuff said.

it sure is. :lol:


Little del, you are so "small time"....you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper sack with a compass, a box knife and a tutorial video and a sack lunch. I file your lame flames under the category of " Why Does It Even Bother?"

Hope this helps!
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.
Can you sayy
Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
For most of that 70 years, Europe was a steadfast bulwark against anti-democratic institutions. Now the EU is the enemy of democratic institutions. The EU has in the past unilaterally "replaced" the elected heads of state of Italy and Greece. Not even close to what we as American's consider a representative govt. Can you say the Soviet States Of Europe? Go ahead, nowadays you will find yourself in jail. Keep in mind, the govt decides context.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
it's written from the perspective of
a leftist which have proven themselves
anti America anti democracy.
Israel has a saying that fits this:
Palestinians hate Israel more then they love their children, so they make poor choices in animosity that affect their children negatively.
YOUR LEFTIST choice to hate Trump more then you love your country, makes you chose poorly vengeance that affect your country in a negative way, including sabotaging public relations needed in allying against Al Queda and Isis.
INCLUDING ruining our leverage in negotiations, including sabotaging future self sacrifice to service our country. THE career politicians (deep state)want to chase every businessman from future service to maintain their benefits of power like pay to play and lobbyists perks and you are helping them keep the failed status quo.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

So, you want to make NATO great again in order to force Putin give Crimea back to the neo nazis in Kiev?

I don't think that's on the agenda, it would have been if the psycho princess hadn't screwed up the selections though...

But as a famous Kenyan once said... selections have consequences...

If anything, we should be teaming up with Russia to isolate and destroy Muslim barbarians.

The above Trump ass licker and cult member, would rather team up with the THUG-acracy that is Russia, than to stick with other democracies and democratically elected world leaders......

The CULT mentality is in full force among the ignorant segment of our electorate.

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