A Marionette’s Funeral


Sep 23, 2010
How come the parasite class never made February 3rd a national holiday:

Sunday, February 3, is the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, which makes it the one hundredth birthday of the income tax. It has grown rather ill-tempered in its dotage.

100 years of the income tax
By: John Hayward
2/3/2013 01:16 AM

100 years of the income tax - Conservative News

Hell, the Socialist priesthood never even celebrated the centennial of the law that gave them political power, and made them rich to boot. I guess they knew that the rest of us wouldn’t sing Happy Birthday; so they ignored the whole thing.

Frankly, the wealth-creators should declare February 3rd a day of mourning. Of course it would be inappropriate for mourners to sing Happy Birthday, but they could play the Funeral March for a Marionette. Move the cursor to 1:46 to start the music:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKi01rPexBI&feature=player_embedded]Funeral March for a Marionette - YouTube[/ame]​

If you watched the video you saw an assortment of freaks bury the marionette; i.e. THE COUNTRY. That is definitely a perfect analogy. What better way to describe a once-free people being buried by puppeteers with so much power they no longer have to manipulate marionettes.

marionette (noun)

A jointed puppet manipulated from above by strings or wires attached to its limbs.

On the other hand the puppeteer is very generous to his favorite freaks. If ever there was a law designed for creative bookkeeping it is this:

$430 million for Hollywood through “special expensing rules” to encourage TV and film production in the United States. Producers can expense up to $15 million of costs for their projects.

Jan 1, 2013 8:52 pm
by Devin Dwyer
Steven Portnoy

?Fiscal Cliff? Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

Thanks to an assortment of laws the education industry gets the most money from the income tax. One might even accuse the ED (Department of Education) of being the puppeteer. However, Hollywood does as much harm as does the ED —— only in a different way. Basically, the education industry can make a case for educating children albeit a false case. In addition to unconstitutional authority, teachers pervert their mandate with brainwashing and indoctrinating children into the Socialist religion, but that’s a topic for another thread.

The ED has its phoney justification, but there is no justification for subsidizing the entertainment industry in any way. Calling it art is their primary justification when it is a business from top to bottom and should be treated as such.

NOTE: Art runs a close second to “the children” when it comes to parasites hustling tax dollars. Even if you believe motion pictures are an art form the government has no business forcing taxpayers to subsidize an "art" a majority of Americans want no part of.

Bottom line: If movie producers fail to sell their product they should eat the loss, not lay it off on taxpayers before or after the fact.

I won’t ask how much money movie makers pay in taxes when they produce a blockbuster. I have a hunch creative bookkeeping determines the tax liability for successes and flops.
How come the parasite class never made February 3rd a national holiday:

Sunday, February 3, is the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, which makes it the one hundredth birthday of the income tax. It has grown rather ill-tempered in its dotage.

100 years of the income tax
By: John Hayward
2/3/2013 01:16 AM

100 years of the income tax - Conservative News

Hell, the Socialist priesthood never even celebrated the centennial of the law that gave them political power, and made them rich to boot. I guess they knew that the rest of us wouldn’t sing Happy Birthday; so they ignored the whole thing.

Frankly, the wealth-creators should declare February 3rd a day of mourning. Of course it would be inappropriate for mourners to sing Happy Birthday, but they could play the Funeral March for a Marionette. Move the cursor to 1:46 to start the music:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKi01rPexBI&feature=player_embedded]Funeral March for a Marionette - YouTube[/ame]​

If you watched the video you saw an assortment of freaks bury the marionette; i.e. THE COUNTRY. That is definitely a perfect analogy. What better way to describe a once-free people being buried by puppeteers with so much power they no longer have to manipulate marionettes.

marionette (noun)

A jointed puppet manipulated from above by strings or wires attached to its limbs.

On the other hand the puppeteer is very generous to his favorite freaks. If ever there was a law designed for creative bookkeeping it is this:

$430 million for Hollywood through “special expensing rules” to encourage TV and film production in the United States. Producers can expense up to $15 million of costs for their projects.

Jan 1, 2013 8:52 pm
by Devin Dwyer
Steven Portnoy

?Fiscal Cliff? Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

Thanks to an assortment of laws the education industry gets the most money from the income tax. One might even accuse the ED (Department of Education) of being the puppeteer. However, Hollywood does as much harm as does the ED —— only in a different way. Basically, the education industry can make a case for educating children albeit a false case. In addition to unconstitutional authority, teachers pervert their mandate with brainwashing and indoctrinating children into the Socialist religion, but that’s a topic for another thread.

The ED has its phoney justification, but there is no justification for subsidizing the entertainment industry in any way. Calling it art is their primary justification when it is a business from top to bottom and should be treated as such.

NOTE: Art runs a close second to “the children” when it comes to parasites hustling tax dollars. Even if you believe motion pictures are an art form the government has no business forcing taxpayers to subsidize an "art" a majority of Americans want no part of.

Bottom line: If movie producers fail to sell their product they should eat the loss, not lay it off on taxpayers before or after the fact.

I won’t ask how much money movie makers pay in taxes when they produce a blockbuster. I have a hunch creative bookkeeping determines the tax liability for successes and flops.

Very well written. I used to know a writer named flanders1111 on internet about 10 years ago. Are you same person? I'm using different s/n for this forum.. - J

Very well written.

To Jeremiah: You’re a WOMAN of nice judgement.


I used to know a writer named flanders1111 on internet about 10 years ago. Are you same person? I'm using different s/n for this forum.. - J

To Jeremiah: For the third time. Probably, although I think “poster” is more accurate than writer.

I would know for sure if you can name the board from ten years ago. I’ve posted messages on 8 or 9 boards since the year 2000. A few went offline. I simply moved on from a few others.
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Very well written.

To Jeremiah: You’re a man of nice judgement.


I used to know a writer named flanders1111 on internet about 10 years ago. Are you same person? I'm using different s/n for this forum.. - J

To Jeremiah: For the third time. Probably, although I think “poster” is more accurate than writer.

I would know for sure if you can name the board from ten years ago. I’ve posted messages on 8 or 9 boards since the year 2000. A few went offline. I simply moved on from a few others.

3rd time? Yikes! I'm glad I'm reading this now then! Okay let me see I was on Politics of Israel board, an NRA board that was about owning guns, a discussion board that covered politics / middle east / various subjects. I cannot remember the name of the board however. Let me see, I was doing alot of different blogging and used s/n tjmswife I believe, may have been another s/n however. I think that particular board was alot of discussion about threats to the US government, would it be Islam, communism, etc. that kind of discussion.. - J.

Very well written.

To Jeremiah: You’re a WOMAN of nice judgement.


I used to know a writer named flanders1111 on internet about 10 years ago. Are you same person? I'm using different s/n for this forum.. - J

To Jeremiah: For the third time. Probably, although I think “poster” is more accurate than writer.

I would know for sure if you can name the board from ten years ago. I’ve posted messages on 8 or 9 boards since the year 2000. A few went offline. I simply moved on from a few others.

3rd time? Yikes! I'm glad I'm reading this now then! Okay let me see I was on Politics of Israel board, an NRA board that was about owning guns, a discussion board that covered politics / middle east / various subjects. I cannot remember the name of the board however. Let me see, I was doing alot of different blogging and used s/n tjmswife I believe, may have been another s/n however. I think that particular board was alot of discussion about threats to the US government, would it be Islam, communism, etc. that kind of discussion.. - J.

To Jeremiah/tjmswife/Mongoose in USA: Good lord! What a pleasant surprise! I remember you fondly from a politics board. We were pals back in 2003. How the heck have you been? What have you been doing these past ten years? You sound like everything is on an even keel.

As for me, I’m hanging in there. Still fighting the good fight.

Incidentally, I’ll send you some stuff in a private message that you might get a kick out of.
There’s a ton of stuff —— with proof —— that says the XVI Amendment was never ratified.

If true, it means that for 100 years Americans have been enslaved by an illegal tax code. How did the parasites get away with it?

J.D. Longstreet put this in a column:

National Obituaries: Death and Funeral Notices
XXXXX Dead at 221 YRS​

The world and especially the people of America have lost a most courageous and loyal friend, one who has been there for the downtrodden, the hopeless and those who have always struggled for fairness. Through prodigious pain and agonizing suffering which quietly and without notice began to cripple her around 1974, she prevailed relentlessly. But a continuous onslaught of plagues in the ‘80s and ‘90s has proved to be just too much for her to bear.

The Constitution of the United States --Dead at 221 years of age. The cause of her untimely demise were constant and relentless attacks on her far and wide. In the beginning and through most of her history, friends with courage, pride and dignity protected her. Tragically, in her latter years, insolence, haughtiness and vainglory tore and ripped at her heart and even her soul. In the final period before her death, devious men went their course towards the Constitution’s complete destruction with its own sworn protectors, the U.S. Criminal Justice System. Their cold acts were the most intrinsic of all her traitors.

The U.S. Constitution has now been laid to rest. This fact will never erase the distressing sadness that she was killed in cold blood by many of her own.

The Constitution? What’s That?
J.D. Longstreet Monday, February 4, 2013

The Constitution?* What?s That?

Before the filthy sneaks in today’s federal government put one of their own on Mount Rushmore this should be carved below the images of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson:





Died February 3, 1913

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