A message to Biden: We need more oil

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We could cut canals across the United States and have them flow every which way so there's always a route to your ultimate destination utilizing a low energy consumption route and providing a reservoir of fresh water everywhere.



Wouldn't work.

Rowing downhill wouldn't be too bad, but rowing uphill, with a load of groceries, would kill me.
Wouldn't work.

Rowing downhill wouldn't be too bad, but rowing uphill, with a load of groceries, would kill me.


It'll provide jobs. If the boat can't make it upstream by rowing or sail, it can always be pulled.

What do you think we need all those low wage illegal foreign nationals for?


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At his press conference announcing the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden claimed oil companies are sitting "on record profits" and "don’t want to increase supply because Putin’s price hike means higher profits."

You really have to ignore a lot of recent history and economic reality to come to that conclusion.

First, if oil companies controlled oil prices, prices would rarely decline. But they declined during the Trump era as the supply of oil surged and prices at the pump hit lows not seen in years. There are simple reasons why.

Interesting analogy between oil and peanuts!


Luckily our household can't be hurt by what Biden and the Democrats have created. We can sit back and call people out for voting for this dumb bastard!
Well, US oil production doubled during the Obama years because the ppb was high enough for companies to invest in rigs, exploration and drilling.
For about 15 minutes during the COVID shutdown
We did export 3-5 million bpd. Look how much KSA, Iraq, Russia and Venezuela export.
we would be higher by now if not for the nutball democrats

When the national average mpg is such a pitifully poor 25, it is difficult to take this handwringing seriously.
we would be higher by now if not for the nutball democrats

Did you read your link? Do you think most oil men are Democrats? Have you ever seen an oilfield or a drilling rig or a pipeline?
why is Biden begging opec and Venezuela for more oil .....
They have always been our swing producer. But they can't instantly increase capacity anymore. Are Trump's sanctions against Venezuela still in effect?
Message to Ordinary Guy: It's not 1950 anymore, go buy an electric car and get over it. Better luck in 2024.
spend 60,000+ for car that can only go 200 miles then wait in line for hours just to spend three more hours charging? fuck you.
The trucks they brag about with a decent range are with a 150 lb. driver and no payload or trailer. fuck you

There are approx. 600,000 people in my region. there are 14 electric charger's available to the public., No I will consider electric when it costs no more than a gasser and when I can go as far as a gasser and can recharge as fast as I can gas up a gasser. Until then, it will be over my dead body, and yes i will vote against any stupid fool who wants to continue to destroy our energy sector because a bunch of fools think its okay to send us back to the fucking stone age.

I'm not against renewable energy, but will fight against destroying what we have until we have systems in place that can handle the load and be as dependable. And until you jerks figure out how to replace those incredibly good blue collar jobs that will be lost, I will never endorse renewables.. If those losing jobs take up arms, I will not stand in their way.
Desire is not need. Wasting resources and then complaining that they are scarce is absurd. Insisting on excess when penury threatens is unrealistic.
At his press conference announcing the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden claimed oil companies are sitting "on record profits" and "don’t want to increase supply because Putin’s price hike means higher profits."

You really have to ignore a lot of recent history and economic reality to come to that conclusion.

First, if oil companies controlled oil prices, prices would rarely decline. But they declined during the Trump era as the supply of oil surged and prices at the pump hit lows not seen in years. There are simple reasons why.

Interesting analogy between oil and peanuts!


Luckily our household can't be hurt by what Biden and the Democrats have created. We can sit back and call people out for voting for this dumb bastard!
The cost to buy drilling equipment is sky high. Companies small and not with great revenue have folded

No one will buy today what will be a fraction of the cost in a few months or so

And refining capacity?

And how long do dumb folks believe it takes a new drilling operation to bring product to market

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