Biden To Sell 1 Million Barrels Of Reserve Gasoline

He must counter dirty tricks from Trump-loving Saudis. If that means making deals with Venezuela, or using the Reserves, so be it.
Those Whom The Gods Wish To Destroy, They First Make Stupid

dimocrap scum qualify.

You will not survive without the assistance of goobermint largesse. And we intend to put an end to that.

Learn to eat insects, bitches. Or, better yet, just crawl back under the rock you came from and stay there.

Even though I know you people do not believe facts I will post this anyway.

According to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), when Trump took office in January 2017, the SPR contained 695 million barrels. When he left office four years later, the SPR contained 638 million barrels. So, the level of the SPR actually declined while President Trump was in office. You can see this clearly in the chart below:

After checking it out, I agree it appears that Trump has been wrong about that one. He might have thought it was being done. I don't know. He did release some oil in 2019 after some Houthi drone strikes shut down much of Saudi oil production. He did request replenishing the SPR with $25/barrel oil in 2020 but the Democrats nixed that request. Then Biden wanted to replenish it with oil at more than three times that cost but as of last month changed his mind and decided not to replenish it but continues to draw it down.

I don't know how reliable the anti-Trump MSM is when reporting these things though. If the following article is at all accurate, the numbers they report just don't add up at all. They do acknowledge that the SPR levels had increased somewhat under Trump before that 2019 release after the Saudi attack.

I don't see the sense in people complaining about a president selling oil from a reserve that Congress mandated to shut down and close as part of the appropriations bill.
Sell more, make more.

You may not know this, but there is a production cost for getting oil out of the ground. If the price goes too low then the American companies are losing money as they are getting less than the cost of producing the oil. All our oil companies are already making record profits, I doubt they will throw those away just to make you happy with lower cost of gas.
You may not know this, but there is a production cost for getting oil out of the ground. If the price goes too low then the American companies are losing money as they are getting less than the cost of producing the oil. All our oil companies are already making record profits, I doubt they will throw those away just to make you happy with lower cost of gas.
Open Anwar up, oil companies would trip over themselves trying to get there.
Open Anwar up, oil companies would trip over themselves trying to get there.

"One of the Trump administration’s biggest energy initiatives suffered a stunning setback Wednesday, as a decades-long push to drill for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ended with a lease sale that attracted just three bidders — one of which was the state of Alaska itself."
Biden lives in a world where selling off US assets will save his ass. It's not happening for him so far,
Biden thinks he lives in a world where selling off US assets will save his ass. It's not happening for him so far,

Biden also lives in a world where vote buying by way of student debt transfer to the taxpayers and now using the SPR as a campaign finance source is somehow his to use.
Was it “Trump humper” that hurt your feelings?

Well isn't this a great conversation? It's so amazing, I'm feeling the ignore button coming along so I can enjoy conversations like this every day for the rest of my life, except the days after today.

Fuck off.
Well isn't this a great conversation? It's so amazing, I'm feeling the ignore button coming along so I can enjoy conversations like this every day for the rest of my life, except the days after today.

Fuck off.

…and you were the one whining about personal attacks.

I’ll expect you to honor your commitment to the ignore button,

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