A message to Biden: We need more oil

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We could cut canals across the United States and have them flow every which way so there's always a route to your ultimate destination utilizing a low energy consumption route and providing a reservoir of fresh water everywhere.



Thinking outside the box doesn't seem very appealing to the petroleum addicted.
At his press conference announcing the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden claimed oil companies are sitting "on record profits" and "don’t want to increase supply because Putin’s price hike means higher profits."

You really have to ignore a lot of recent history and economic reality to come to that conclusion.

First, if oil companies controlled oil prices, prices would rarely decline. But they declined during the Trump era as the supply of oil surged and prices at the pump hit lows not seen in years. There are simple reasons why.

Interesting analogy between oil and peanuts!


Luckily our household can't be hurt by what Biden and the Democrats have created. We can sit back and call people out for voting for this dumb bastard!
Why didn't like any other present as very little control over supply and demand. One of the reasons Saudi Arabia is curtailing oil production is because their oil fields are at least 50% depleted. They have nothing else to support their economy, so they're putting the squeeze on the rest of the world and bankrolling all the profits for future use for the country. The reserves that they have, even at current use, will be depleted by 2038. The truth is we should have started developing and creating alternative energy sources 20 or 40 years ago. That's why we're in this dilemma and the only one to blame is Big Oil because they blocked that development every step of the way.
Thinking outside the box doesn't seem very appealing to the petroleum addicted.
Actually all the technologies we need to become energy independent already exist today, unfortunately they haven't been developed. Development and placement will take time.
Why didn't like any other present as very little control over supply and demand. One of the reasons Saudi Arabia is curtailing oil production is because their oil fields are at least 50% depleted. They have nothing else to support their economy, so they're putting the squeeze on the rest of the world and bankrolling all the profits for future use for the country. The reserves that they have, even at current use, will be depleted by 2038. The truth is we should have started developing and creating alternative energy sources 20 or 40 years ago. That's why we're in this dilemma and the only one to blame is Big Oil because they blocked that development every step of the way.
we are in this situation Stann because Biden and company are targeting Domestic Energy, wake the fuck up
we are in this situation Stann because Biden and company are targeting Domestic Energy, wake the fuck up
Actually he expanded it by 34% over trump's. 6, 000 fracking Wells went dry. Sorry had to expand it to keep production up. Energy experts agree it's about supply and demand and not who's president. So I guess you're going to have to f*** yourself. https://biological diversity.org>news New Data: Biden's first year Drilling Stomps Trump's by 34 %. Jan, 22, 2021 Trump made it sound really good, but consumption was at an all-time low for recent years because of the pandemic shutting everything down. It was just another lie. No surprise there at all.
Actually he expanded it by 34% over trump's. 6, 000 fracking Wells went dry. Sorry had to expand it to keep production up. Energy experts agree it's about supply and demand and not who's president. So I guess you're going to have to f*** yourself. https://biological diversity.org>news New Data: Biden's first year Drilling Stomps Trump's by 34 %. Jan, 22, 2021 Trump made it sound really good, but consumption was at an all-time low for recent years because of the pandemic shutting everything down. It was just another lie. No surprise there at all.
https://biological diversity.org>news
Actually he expanded it by 34% over trump's. 6, 000 fracking Wells went dry. Sorry had to expand it to keep production up. Energy experts agree it's about supply and demand and not who's president. So I guess you're going to have to f*** yourself. https://biological diversity.org>news New Data: Biden's first year Drilling Stomps Trump's by 34 %. Jan, 22, 2021 Trump made it sound really good, but consumption was at an all-time low for recent years because of the pandemic shutting everything down. It was just another lie. No surprise there at all.

facts are not on the side of this poster you're responding to

A message to Biden: We need more oil​

A message to everyone: we actually need more creativity, flexibility, originality, imagination.
I have a silly question. If you find your expenses exceed your income, do you rush into your Boss’ office, and demand more money? Or do you do what the rest of the world does, and reduce your expenses?

I only ask, because for some reason, Gasoline and such are apparently the only things that operate on the idea of what you think you should be paying. Everything else, operates under supply and demand.

When the new Mustangs came out, the Ford Dealers happily charged additional money, over the price of the sticker, called premium pricing. People paid this. The same was true of the Dodge Challenger and Charger. People paid above the sticker price for the joy of getting one of the first cars.

Yet, when it comes time to fuel up those cars, all of a sudden it’s outrageous.

So if you don’t like paying for your big V-8 monster engine, get a car with a smaller more efficient engine.

I laughed at a guy at work last week. He was complaining about how much it cost to fuel is Ford F-350 truck. He has a 7.3 Liter gasoline engine. He doesn’t use this truck for work. He doesn’t really tow anything. He just drives around in the monster. He could have bought a Toyota truck, and done pretty much everything he would do with his monster, for a hell of a lot less money.

Now, why is it my problem when his choices are bad? Why is it my problem when his choice to get the biggest engine he could shove under the hood are costing him an arm and a leg every time he fills it up? Why is it my problem when his tool around town truck is a bad decision? Why is it my problem when you make the same idiotic choices?

Your choice, your problem. If you don’t like the problem, don’t demand the whole word adjust to your idiotic choice, adjust to the world. It’s called evolution. You resist it of course, but that is your problem. Not ours.

facts are not on the side of this poster you're responding to
China is now the number one importer of oil in the world. India is also gaining and might replace us as the number two importer. Oil took hundreds of millions of years to develop and mankind is slated to use it all up in less than 200 years. In these couple decades of oil the price of the commodity alone will end its use. We should have been developing alternatives 50 years ago to avoid the present situation. No matter how you look at it, this world is headed into uncharted waters and all the changes that are about to occur will dwarf all the changes that have occurred in the history of mankind.
That stupid, suckyass reply fails at every level. It's not true, accurate, helpful, and so damn not funny.
You still don't get it. There are only a few decades of oil left on the planet at the rate we're using it. The demand for oil around the world is increasing ; world production of oil has been on the decrease 2019. Saudi Arabia has pumped 90 trillion barrels of oil out of the ground in the last 30 years, even by the inflated Saudi figures, their oil wells are now 50% depleted ; in actuality, they're probably 75% depleted. We can't make more oil, it took hundreds of millions of years to develop and we're going to use it all up in less than 200 years. Only a couple decades left now. Too bad big oil had us thinking there would be more time. There isn't.
There are only a few decades of oil left on the planet The demand for oil around the world is increasing ; Saudi Arabia has pumped 90 trillion barrels of oil out of the ground

See the source image
At his press conference announcing the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden claimed oil companies are sitting "on record profits" and "don’t want to increase supply because Putin’s price hike means higher profits."

You really have to ignore a lot of recent history and economic reality to come to that conclusion.

First, if oil companies controlled oil prices, prices would rarely decline. But they declined during the Trump era as the supply of oil surged and prices at the pump hit lows not seen in years. There are simple reasons why.

Interesting analogy between oil and peanuts!


Luckily our household can't be hurt by what Biden and the Democrats have created. We can sit back and call people out for voting for this dumb bastard!
Really, if trump had won, the world would be in cinders now. He said he would bomb Moscow. With two crazy leaders in the two most weaponized nations in the world there would have been absolutely no hope of avoiding nuclear war.
Really, if trump had won, the world would be in cinders now. He said he would bomb Moscow. With two crazy leaders in the two most weaponized nations in the world there would have been absolutely no hope of avoiding nuclear war.
when you post stupid shit like the above it just confirms everyone's opinion of you
when you post stupid shit like the above it just confirms everyone's opinion of you
Prudence actions are those of a madman. When trump wasn't office, his staff strongly considered committing him. They worked with him daily they knew who he was. You don't commit saying people.

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