A Montage of Idiocy: Joe Biden Slurs, Mumbles, Loses His Train of Thought, Wanders from Podium, and Screams During MD Rally (VIDEO)

My uncle died after suffering dementia. He was strapped to his bed because he got too violent to leave loose when nurses went in to give him food or change his bedding, etc. He blubbered. I went to see him, although I don't know why since he and I were not close. But I went, I guess because I felt pity that this man was now a vegetable. A mean vegetable. When I walked into the room, knowing he was safely strapped to his bed, he looked at me and for a brief few seconds, he knew who I was. He said "Well! Its been a long time, niece". It was drool, it was slobbered and mumbled, but he said it. Then he drifted off again due to the meds he was on I guess.

Joe will get there eventually.
That eventuality is not far off. Those who are held together by medications have a break. When that happens, it will be over very quickly.
Heals Up is running as far and as fast as she can from Biden.. I think she wants to replace him, but the DNC is actively trying like hell to replace her.
Maybe she doesn't like strings.
Speaker is next in line. Pelosi. Oh heaven forbid.
They gotta keep Joe going until 2024..or find someway to control Harris until then. Regardless....String Master will continue to rule this country.
I hate to say it, but the best thing that could happen to him is another brain aneurism. It won't end well for him, but it would be better than the constant public humiliations.
Except for the fact that we would then be left with President Kamala Harris who delivers some of the world's best word salads. I don't think she even has dementia or Alzheimer's to blame.
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Biden is headed back to Delaware for the weekend tomorrow.

I guess he depleted the meds they pumped in him for the Rally this evening. Now he's headed to get a three day recharge.

One of these days he'll either go completely loony in front of us or collapse. The drugs they're using must be way more than the recommended doses and they are literally abusing him and the nation.

Shame on Jill and the family. How much more money do they need?
Talking about dementia... Is your orange loser still whining about "stolen elections"??? :auiqs.jpg:
I go to purchase products, and they keep going up. Watching someone slaughter your children and family I would not care. This is what you have done.
Best part of this was Brandons posted schedule for THIS WEEK. It's in a sub-link in the Opost article.

Had 3 COMMITTED ITEMS for the ENTIRE WEEK. Two of them were returning FROM Delaware on Wednesday and leaving for Delaware on Friday. The other one was this "rally".

He is a workaholic.
I go to purchase products, and they keep going up. Watching someone slaughter your children and family I would not care. This is what you have done.
What the fuck does that have to do with what I posted? Are you on drugs? :itsok:
One of these days he'll either go completely loony in front of us or collapse. The drugs they're using must be way more than the recommended doses and they are literally abusing him and the nation.

Shame on Jill and the family. How much more money do they need?
When Biden does collapse it will be undeniable. And it will most likely be while he is under stress to perform. This is not going to end well for him, and it will be very public when it happens.
When Biden does collapse it will be undeniable. And it will most likely be while he is under stress to perform. This is not going to end well for him, and it will be very public when it happens.
It's all part of the plan. The plan to make a black female the most powerful person in the free world.

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